Local Suburban Newspapers Ghosting Their Own Communities

Communities are Out; Communes are In.

When you live on a main road in a town or city, anything and everything can and does happen and you know about it first-hand. But don’t count on getting further information about it from your local newspaper.

In this age of social media, the community news is more likely to be online – and that’s okay. Only there’s still no local news anymore.

On Sunday night, we residents of SG were awakened at 3 a.m. We heard a truck backing up into a glass wall. The sound didn’t come from our property but rather the shopping complex around the corner. Best guess was that it was thieves attempting to rob the ATM at the bank on the corner. But there were no sirens or flashing lights from police cars.

Will the local biweekly report on it? Probably not. There’s no sign of damage at the bank. It’s all nice and tidy as though nothing happened. Perhaps it was some other business.. But that ATM would have been the most lucrative theft; it’s highly visible and ATM thefts are common.

In the City, that is.

Then last night, at the same time of the early hours, there was an ear-piercing metallic squeal, like something out of a Star Trek episode. What the he** was THAT?! Again, no sirens. No sounds of anyone responding to whatever it was.

Will that local newspaper report on it? Not bloody likely.

But they saw fit to run an article about the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office Bias Crime Legal and Investigative Team giving a talk to middle school students last month. Never mind about Fire Safety Month, which is what used to take place in October.

With the growing illegal alien population sprouting up here, this is law enforcement’s concern: that someone might say something offensive to them, like “go back where you came from.” Our formerly sleepy little town has a huge red-light district when it comes to drug crimes.

Certainly, no one should try to take them on. The drug dealers – the cartels – are incredibly dangerous and vicious. Years ago, the cartel, with its headquarters in Paterson, our county seat, gunned down Sheriff’s Department officers in Wayne near the Paterson border.

The Suburban Trends, part of NorthJersey.com, reported on November 5, 2023:

PCPO Bias Crimes team conducts presentation at Lakeside Middle School

Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes announced that the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office Bias Crime Legal and Investigative Team is continuing its community outreach and conducted an educational presentation on Oct. 17 at Lakeside Middle School in Pompton Lakes on the topics of bias and bullying. The goal of the presentations was to educate students about bias by providing real-life practical examples to empower students to make better decisions.

The presentations, led by Senior Assistant Prosecutor Billy Can, Assistant Prosecutor Haley Leibowitz and Assistant Prosecutor Robert Serrano, were geared toward 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The students were taught the difference between a bias incident and a bias crime with an interactive discussion about the ramifications of targeting a person of a protected class, based in part, upon their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and/or disability. Also taking part in the presentations were Pompton Lakes Police Department Detective Sergeant Jospeh Ruffo, Seargeant Dan Cottrell, Patrolman Joseph Capobianco and School Resource Officer Pete Forte.

The Bias Legal Team explained that actions by a student directed at a classmate from a protected class would not only be investigated by the school but would also be reported to the PCPO Bias Unit and could subject a student to criminal consequences. The Bias Legal Team focused on the impact of social media on students, explaining that even though certain questionable statements/comments are conveyed on a virtual platform and heard by a large audience does not preclude them from being considered bias, nor should a student believe that repeating those words or actions would insulate them from possible repercussions.

Students were encouraged to report any incidences of suspected Bias to a school official or another trusted adult and reminded that negative actions taken today against another could have lasting effects that may impact college plans and beyond. Students were further advised that reports of suspected bias or bullying can also be reported anonymously to a teacher and then reviewed, with possible involvement of the PCPO.

For information about having PCPO conduct a bias presentation at a school, write to Executive First Assistant James P. Berado at jberado@passaiccountynj.org.

Gee, thanks for the heads up, ST. Never mind about the drugs that are devastating this community. Never mind the outrage of building a 10-storey “affordable housing” monstrosity in the center of town. Never mind the pollution coming from the quarry across the highway that’s ruining our cars and doing who-knows-what to our health. Our streets are also unsafe at night. Not that we suburbanites go around walking the streets at 3 in the morning. We’re doing the right thing. Going to bed at a normal hour and getting up for work or school in the morning.

Except when we’re awakened in the middle of the night by God only knows what the criminals are doing out there. Robberies up on Rt. 23 occur on a regular basis at the big box stores. Now a new bulletin has gone out from the state police warning about break-ins in order to steal the car fobs that run our cars (thank you NJSP). But unless you have a police band radio, you’ll never know about these activities.

Ilegals and homosexuals are being bullied! We’ve got to do something!

You know what happened when I was bullied years ago in Bloomingdale? Absolutely nothing, until Mom burst open the classroom door, caught the bully in the act and threatened the student with expulsion and the teacher with firing.

Since the newspaper hired a Chicago editor some ten or fifteen years ago, we hear about all the news in the blighted cities to our east. But nothing about what’s happening in our hometowns. It’s like we don’t exist – and that’s exactly the Marxist’s intention. That was Obama’s intention.

Northjersey.com is run by Gannet Company, Inc. Gannett is wholly owned by the Japanese multinational company SoftBank Group. None of Gannett’s board of directors has any journalism experience.

In April 2022, a committee of Gannett editors made the formal recommendation that newspapers in the chain should significantly pare back the opinion material that newspapers traditionally publish on their editorial pages, including editorials, op-ed columns, syndicated columns and editorial cartoons. According to the company-wide memo, “Readers don’t want us to tell them what to think. They don’t believe we have the expertise to tell anyone what to think on most issues. They perceive us as having a biased agenda.” The memo additionally claimed that editorial content is the least-read content in the papers while being the most likely reason someone gives for cancelling a subscription.

Well, they got that right. But that doesn’t stop the editors from publishing Diversity, Inclusion & Equity (DIE) garbage like the article about threatening middle school students with criminal charges if they engage in any bullying or even criticism of someone in a “protected class” or articles about blighted cities that our own residents hesitate to visit because of the high crime rates.

Alex DeTocqueville wrote in his book, “Democracy in America” (1835):

“In the United States, there is almost no small town that does not have a newspaper. On conceives without difficulty that amongnso many combatants neither discipline nor unity of action can be established; hence, we see each one raising its banner.”

Tocqueville had no great respect for American journalists; he considered them vulgar, uneducated, and poorly paid. But the newspapers had a great role in bringing together isolated individuals who held similar ideas and in this forum they could come together and connect. In the 19th Century, local newspapers were the glue that held democracy together.

By the early 20th Century, Marxist unions had captured the major city journals. Using the labor movement, they drove Conservative city newspapers out of business. But after World War II, people began moving away from the crime-filled cities. By the end of the Sixties, the Bronx of my parents’ childhood was all but gone. Once a pleasant, friendly community of immigrants from Scandinavia, where the housewives would come out to the street and sweep the street until they met in the middle, it was now overrun with migrants from the South. The Bronx looked like a bombed-out city from World War II.

In effect, it was all but bombed. My great-grandmother’s house was as gray as the ruined landscape around, surrounded by a barbed-wire fence. Shootings were frequent and fatal.

A community newspaper should be reporting the news of the community (or area of communities). That’s what the ST did in the Fifties and Sixties. The paper reported on the local town and school board meetings of about eight communities along the Route 23 corridor from Wayne to West Milford. It also reported on the community events of the day: the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the Knights of Columbus, veterans groups, business leaders of the day.

But along came Gannett, which fired all the editors, reporters and photographers from a number of community newspapers across Northern New Jersey. That’s when the newspaper called me to do some photography. Most photographers would on report in their own communities. I was more broad-mined and (for more money) would go further afield.

I worked for a while for a newspaper in Clifton. I didn’t really know the community that well and the editor was very unhappy with me. I finally told him that he needed to hire some kid from the local high school. His face brightened and I went home with a better knowledge of his community than he realized.

The residents were extremely unhappy with what was happening to “their” Clifton. They still associated themselves with their old neighborhood names before the city was “unified” – names from the 19th and early 20th Century when the town was known for its silk warehouses and factories.

This editor wanted me to write good, happy news about Clifton. I tried to explain to him that his – and their – Clifton was disappearing under a wave of Hispanic and Muslim immigrants, the latter of whom were buying up closed schools and starting their own madrassas. I had friends who lived in Clifton. Once their kids were out of school, they moved away because of the crime flowing in from nearby Paterson and Passaic. You knew immediately when you had crossed the line from Clifton to Passaic because it was a big ka-thunk that rattled the carriage of your car if you took it too fast.

Today, in our own area, businesses that went bankrupt because of the COVID shutdowns are now being replaced by pot-houses, vape shops, and state-funded pot dispensaries. They’re popping all over Northern New Jersey from Lodi to West Milford, along with ugly, high-density housing. The Battle of Federal Hill is just about over. In place of a beautiful, forested hillside there’s a hideous gaping hole that will soon be filled with more high-density housing, courtesy of the Obama Administration.

The people who move in there won’t give a jot about Bloomingdale. Or Pompton Lakes. Or Butler. Or West Milford. Or Riverdale. Or Wanaque and Ringwood. Nor will they care about Lincoln Park. Or Wayne, Pompton Plains or Pequannock.

They’re no longer suburbs. They’re merely “transit hubs” where people fall out their doors in the morning, board their trains (or buses) into the city, and return home at night and shut their doors on their communities, if any community is left, protected by their technological security.

Published in: on November 7, 2023 at 6:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

Bird Brains Eliminate Bird Names Containing Human Names

Great honks! A Bird by Any Name Other Than a Human One.

The bird-watching world is in a Woke flap. The American Ornithological Society (formed 1886) announced that it will eliminate the names of any researchers attached to the names of the birds they discovered in the name of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (D.I.E.).

The birds, of course, couldn’t give a hoot what we call them. Allen’s Hummingbird. Anna’s Hummingbird. Rivoll’s Hummingbird. Even Audubon’s Oriole are all about to be renamed in the interests of D.I.E.

However, the Buff-Bellied Hummingbird is safe, as is the Tundra Swan.

The fate of the branta canadensis is as yet unknown. That depends how well the AOS has researched its bird name list. There is an urban legend that a that a taxidermist named Jack Canada first identified and classified the Canada goose. The more official version is that James Audobon, the noted naturalist, gave the Canada goose its name in 1836. The first recorded use of the name, ‘Canada goose’ appeared in 1772 in Carl Linnaeus’ work,”Systema Naturae.”

These honking nuisances are ubiquitous all over the Northeast United States and are noted for their black face, bill and long neck, and the mess they leave behind.

Before the Speech Police rename the Canada goose in great indignation, they should know that the name Canada comes from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning “village” or “settlement”. In 1535, indigenous inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct French explorer Jacques Cartier to the village of Stadacona. By 1545, some European books and maps had begun referring to this region as Canada.

This renaming has nothing to do with protecting the rights of birds. This is all about destroying the Western ideal of achievement and success. Great bird researchers like naturalist James Audubon didn’t simply go for a walk in the woods one day, see a strange new bird, and decide to give the bird their name. They took years to study the birds, observe their habits and habitats, how they raised their young, what they fed upon and what fed upon them. They studied where the birds nested and what their migratory habits were.

According to Audubon’s biography on Wikipedia:

John James Audubon (born Jean-Jacques Rabin, April 26, 1785 – January 27, 1851) was a French-American, self-trained artist, naturalist and ornithologist. His combined interests in art and ornithology turned into a plan to make a complete pictorial record of all the bird species of North America. He was notable for his extensive studies documenting all types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations, which depicted the birds in their natural habitats. His major work, a color-plate book titled The Birds of America (1827–1839), is considered one of the finest ornithological works ever completed. Audubon is also known for identifying 25 new species. He is the eponym of the National Audubon Society and his name adorns a large number of towns, neighborhoods, and streets across the United States Dozens of scientific names first published by Audubon are still in use by the scientific community.

But…Audubon was born in Les Cayes in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) on his father’s sugarcane plantation.


Worse still, young James was the illegitimate son of a plantation owner and his mistress, a French chambermaid. Increasing slave uprisings caused the senior Audubon to sell his plantation and eventually move back to France..

Audubon enjoyed roaming in the woods, often returning with natural curiosities, including birds’ eggs and nests, of which he made crude drawings. His father planned to make a seaman of his son. At twelve, Audubon went to military school and became a cabin boy. He quickly found out that he was susceptible to seasickness and not fond of mathematics or navigation. After failing the officer’s qualification test, Audubon ended his incipient naval career. He returned to exploring fields again, focusing on birds.

In 1803, his father obtained a false passport so that Jean-Jacques could go to the United States to avoid conscription in the Napoleonic Wars. 18-year-old Jean-Jacques boarded ship, changing his name to the anglicized form John James Audubon. Jean Audubon and Claude Rozier arranged a business partnership for their sons John James Audubon and Jean-Ferdinand Rozier to pursue lead mining in Pennsylvania. The Audubon-Rozier partnership was based on Claude Rozier’s buying half of Jean Audubon’s share of his plantation in Haiti, and lending money to the partnership as secured by half interest in lead mining at Audubon’s Pennsylvania property of Mill Grove, Pa.

Audubon caught yellow fever upon arrival in New York City. ship’s captain placed him in a boarding house run by Quaker women, who nursed Audubon to recovery and taught him English. He traveled with the family’s Quaker lawyer to the Audubon family farm in Mill Grove. The 284-acre homestead is located on  a few miles from Valley Force.

Audubon lived with the tenants in the two-story stone house, in an area that he considered a paradise. “Hunting, fishing, drawing, and music occupied my every moment; cares I knew not, and cared naught about them.” Studying his surroundings, Audubon quickly learned the ornithologist’s rule, which he wrote down as, “The nature of the place—whether high or low, moist or dry, whether sloping north or south, or bearing tall trees or low shrubs—generally gives hint as to its inhabitants.”

Audubon set about to study American birds, determined to illustrate his findings in a more realistic manner than most artists did then. He began drawing and painting birds, and recording their behavior. After an accidental fall into a creek, Audubon contracted a severe fever. He was nursed and recovered at Flatland Ford, with his fiancee, Lucy Bakewell, at his side.

Risking conscription in France, Audubon returned in 1805 to see his father and ask permission to marry. He also needed to discuss family business plans. While there, he met the naturalist and physician Charles-Marie D’Orbigny, who improved Audubon’s taxidermy skills and taught him scientific methods of research.

Audubon resumed his bird studies and created his own nature museum, perhaps inspired by the great museum of natural history created by charles Wilson Peale in Philadelphia. Peale’s bird exhibits were considered scientifically advanced. Audubon’s room was brimming with birds’ eggs, stuffed raccoons and opossums, fish, snakes, and other creatures. He had become proficient at specimen preparation and taxidermy.

Deeming the mining industry too risky, with his father’s permission he sold the farm, along with the house and mine, retaining just enough of the investment for financial security. Instead, he moved to Kentucky, where he married Lucy, and then began a merchant trade business with his partner, Jean-Ferdinand Rozier.

Now comes the big uh-oh: Audubon owned slaves while living in Kentucky and only sold them when he needed money.

Will this unfortunate fact erase all of Audubon’s many contributions to natural science and ornithology?

We’ve already seen how the radical Marxists have erased George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt. They’ve tried to erase Thomas Jefferson, only there’s that pesky copy of his draft of The Declaration of Independence and the very long paragraph where he denounces slavery. They’ve torn down statues of Robert E. Lee. True historians are upset about even that blotting out of history.

So, you can bet your birdseed that it’s James Audubon’s name they’re after in the field of ornithology. We’re pretty certain his oriole and shearwater (a type of seagull) will be racially cleansed so that their feathers are no longer tarred by this great American’s name.

Are they also planning to rename the Blackbird?

Published in: on November 3, 2023 at 5:43 pm  Leave a Comment  

Biden Announces U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia

No, there’s nothing to fear (or cheer) here…move along

We’re used to seeing Marxist-led mobs closing down highways and bridges in great numbers and even burning cities to the ground. In the Sixties, anti-war protesters burned the American flag to protest the Viet Nam War, handing the Communists a victory thousands of miles away from the war in Southeast Asia, the same students on college campuses protested World War I (and II). Thanks to Obama’s and Biden’s reckless opening of our Southern border, agitators have flocked here by the millions.

The Pro-Palestinians have shouted such slogans as “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” (sounds like they borrowed a bit from our 19th Century Civil War) and “Not in Our Name” (Jews for Palestine taking over the U.S. Capitol) and “Gas the Jews” (a popular chant on our college campuses.

But Biden is going to fix all this “hatred” with a national study to counter – “Islamophobia.”

MSN.com reports:

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday the first-ever strategy to counter Islamophobia in the United States, as concerns over anti-Muslim and anti-Arab sentiments rise amid Israel’s war with Hamas.

“President Biden ran for office to restore the soul of our nation,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. “He is unequivocal: there is no place for hate in America against anyone. Period.”

Jean-Pierre said the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia is a joint effort led by the Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council, and will include working with community leaders, advocates, members of Congress, and more to develop the strategy.

“For too long, Muslims in America, and those perceived to be Muslim, such as Arabs and Sikhs, have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents,” Jean-Pierre said, pointing to the recent killing of Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6-year-old Palestinian American Muslim boy, and the attack of his mother, Hanaan Shahin, in their home outside of Chicago.

There has been a rise of Islamophobia and antisemitism following Israel’s war with Hamas. Hamas led a surprise attack against Israel on Oct. 7 that led to the death of 1,400 Israelis. The war has led to a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, where the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry has reported more than 8,000 deaths.

According to Reuters:

Nov 1 (Reuters) – The White House said Wednesday it will develop a national strategy to battle Islamophobia as President Joe Biden faces skepticism from many Muslim Americans for his staunch support of Israel’s military assault on Hamas in Gaza in response to the militant group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

The launch of the anti-Islamophobia effort has been expected for months. The administration in May released a national strategy to combat antisemitism that also made a reference to countering hatred against Muslims, but the effort gained momentum in the wake of the on-going deadly clash between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The strategy, a joint effort led by the Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council, will seek to develop a plan with stakeholders to protect Muslims, and those perceived to be Muslim because of their race, national origin, and ancestry, from discrimination, hate, bigotry, and violence, the White House said.

“Today’s announcement is the latest step… to establish an interagency group to increase and better coordinate U.S. government efforts to counter Islamophobia, antisemitism, and related forms of bias and discrimination within the United States,” White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

In May of 2023, Biden announced a similar “strategy” involving anti-Semitism.

An “ism”, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “is a distinctive doctrine, cause of theory.”

A “phobia” “is an irrational, persistent fear or dread.”

One is a political doctrine; the other is a psychological sign of mental illness. So, if you ‘hate” the Jews, well it’s just a matter of opinion, basically. If you “hate” the Muslims, there’s something wrong with you; you have a mental illness.

Palestinians have gathered in the hundreds of thousands on the streets of every major city in the world. In Sydney, Australia, the protesters were crying, “Gas the Jews!” Palestinians have been tearing down pictures of Israelis who were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th. Jewish students were forced to barricade themselves inside a library at the Cooper Union (an art school) in New York City.

At Harvard University, a lone Jewish student was stalked and harassed by a crowd of Palestinian students. At Stanford, a professor ordered Jewish students to stand in corner. In Berlin, a synagogue was fire-bombed. On May 30, 2020, synagogue in Los Angeles was vandalized with graffiti of “Free Palestine,” Last year (2022), four congregants at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas were taken hostage.

Don’t remember seeing THAT on the news.

And heck, we can go all the way back to the Sixties when British actress Vanessa Redrgrave was photographed on a tank brandishing the Palestinian flag.

And what have the Jewish students done? Well, some of them joined in the take-over of the U.S. Capitol, protesting Israel’s threat to wipe out Hamas. They have an overwhelming tendency to vote Democrat, just as their parents and grandparents have done, voting into office people who support the people who hate them the most – the Muslims.

To their credit, they have staged counter-demonstrations, waving the Israeli flag. But there’s not much to fear from Jewish people, other than their unfortunate politics here in America.

The Muslims on the other hand…New York City is home to some 800,000 Muslims, or 9 percent of the population. There are 100,000 more living on Long Island and another 300,000 live across the river in New Jersey. South Paterson is home to the largest Muslim community in the United States (excepting New York City, of course). The Islamic Center of Passaic County is among the largest Islamic communities in New Jersey, as well as the United States.

No one should have to explain the problem to New York City, which experienced the horrifying terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Mohammed Atta spent his time, while in the Metro New York area, between Wayne and Paterson (which are neighboring cities).

By contrast, 1.6 million Jews live in New York City, with 300,000 living on Long Island. But Long Island is fourth in line behind the City, Los Angeles, and southern Florida. In New Jersey, there are another 545,000 Jewish people.

There’s no telling what the real Muslim population truly is, given all the illegal aliens crossing our border everyday. South America is home to millions of Palestinians. The estimate, by some head-counters, is as high as 4 million Muslims in Latin America, with 1.5 million in Brazil alone. Others put the population in tens of thousands, not millions.

The former enemies of the Jews – Neo-Nazis and Blacks – have given way to Judaeophobia by radical Muslims. During World War II, Iran was an ally of the Nazis. During the “clearing” of the Warsaw Ghetto, the Nazis allowed the Muslim soldiers to wipe out this innocent population.

Still, it’s all very confusing. A media and entertainment complex run by Marxists and Jews (and Marxist Jews) take umbrage at anti-Semitism – unless the anti-Semitic sentiments are being expressed by Muslims.

The genuine Marxists, who are atheists, don’t care about a religious war between the Jews and the Muslims, except where it can benefit them financially or further their cause of destroying the world with the goal of dominating it through Communism.

The disease is running rampant through our college and university campuses with useful idiots chanting protest slogans in ignorance of history, mindlessly repeating chants they learned by rote and driving their cars on a cultural and social suicide mission, encouraged by the most cringeworthy, corrupt president ever to steal an election, whose sole mission is surrender our free nation to Communism.

And the heck with the Jews who voted him into office.

Published in: on November 2, 2023 at 6:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

N.J. Off-Shore Wind Developer is Gone with the Wind

Danish Wind Turbine Maker Orsted Chops the N.J. Off-Shore Project

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is beside himself. The long-sought dream of developing off-shore wind farms has just sunk into the Atlantic. The Danish company Orsted has pulled out of the deal, claiming that the publicly-subsidized plan won’t work. Even with tax-payer funds, there just aren’t enough tax-payer dollars to make the project profitable for them.

Residents of the Conservative Jersey Shore communities are thrilled.Save New Jersey.com reported today:

“Following decisions of its Board of Directors, Ørsted will cease development of the Ocean Wind 1 and 2 projects and has taken final investment decision on the Revolution Wind project,” the company said late Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023.

“The decisions are part of an ongoing review of Ørsted’s US offshore wind portfolio.”

Reuters reported this week that wind development giant Orsted was one of a few companies “likely write down more of their U.S. offshore wind investments this week.” Meanwhile, The New Jersey Globe said late Tuesday that “some Murphy administration officials [were] concerned that Ørsted might have misrepresented their financial position.”

Did they really? Or did Team Murphy go along with a fiction that happened to suit its radical agenda and political goals?

The Democrat-led New Jersey legislature passed a one billion dollar package to aid Orsted’s Ocean Wind I project over the summer despite a growing mountain of evidence that the scheme couldn’t be salvaged without ever-increasing levels of public subsidy. Orsted had previously blamed everything from regulatory hurdles to supply chain challenges for the failures of its dubious technology.

“This is a consequence of additional supplier delays further impacting the project schedule and leading to an additional significant project delay,” the company explained. “In addition, Ørsted has updated its view on certain assumptions, including tax credit monetization and the timing and likelihood of final construction permits. Finally, increases to long-dated US interest rates have further deteriorated the business case.”

Causation aside, New Jersey taxpayers are likely to lose hundreds of millions of dollars (at least) because the Danish company has decided to pull up stakes and abandon its plan to place dozens of wind turbines off the coast of the Jersey Shore, a plan bitterly opposed by Republicans and some environmentalists.

Public opposition to the projects had grown over time especially following a spate of marine mammal deaths likely related to wind turbine construction exploration.

“I am thrilled to see that Orsted has decided to pack up its offshore wind scam and leave South Jersey’s beautiful coasts alone,” posted Congressman Jeff Van Drew, adding that the news represented a “tremendous win for South Jersey residents, our fisherman, and the historic coastline of the Jersey shore.”

The news is also as a massive blow to Governor Murphy and legislative Democrats included LD4’s Paul Moriarty who went along with the aforementioned billion dollar bailout. According to Save Jersey sources, legislators were actively bracing for possible confirmation earlier Halloween evening.

The blockbuster announcement came before a Wednesday interim financial briefing teased by the company.

This fraudulent, tax-payer money-making scheme was first launched at least ten years by then Gov. Chris Christie. These expensive mechanical monsters are a threat to avian and marine wildlife, an environmental waste hazard, and a nuisance to those who live near them, as well as a fire threat. Fighting wind turbine fires is difficult enough on land. Out at sea, it’s impossible.

Additionally, their rate on investment is dreadful. The optimum speed of the blades is about 25 m.p.h., reducing their efficient generation of power. Apparently, that’s what Orsted’s bean counters found. Even with generous state bail-outs, funded by New Jersey taxpayers, the company found the expensive turbines just couldn’t generate enough profit to make it worth Orsted’s investment.

If the Climate Changers believe global temperatures are warming up, how could they possibly think wind turbines could be a substitute for fossil fuels? Winds come up when there’s a meeting between warm and cold air.

Residents in Southern New Jersey, on the Shore, have long protested this pyramid scheme. The very planet the Climate Change profess to want save is being destroyed by their own greedy machinations. But N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy promised the vultures they would continue to be fed:

“Today’s decision by Orsted to abandon its commitments to New Jersey is outrageous and calls into question the company’s credibility and competence. As recently as several weeks ago, the company made public statements regarding the viability and progress of the Ocean Wind 1 project. In recognition of the challenges inherent in large and complex projects, my Administration in partnership with legislative leadership insisted upon important protections that ensure New Jersey will receive $300 million to support the offshore wind sector should Orsted’s New Jersey projects fail to proceed. I have directed my Administration to review all legal rights and remedies and to take all necessary steps to ensure that Orsted fully and immediately honors its obligations.

“Ultimately, as we have seen in other states recently, offshore wind projects awarded prior to 2020 have been impacted by a combination of interest rate escalation, supply chain cost increases, and inflation. And while today is a setback, the future of offshore wind in New Jersey remains strong. In recent weeks we’ve seen a historically high number of bids into New Jersey’s ongoing third offshore wind solicitation, and the Board of Public Utilities will shortly announce two additional solicitations related to our first-in-the-nation State Agreement Approach to build an offshore wind transmission infrastructure.

“I remain committed to ensuring that New Jersey becomes a global leader in offshore wind – which is critical to our economic, environmental, and clean energy future.”

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:2-4

Paul went on to say that the prophet Joel saw a different future from the prophet Phil of New Jersey:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

“And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. “And I shall show wonders in Heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke. The sun hall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

The Climate Alarmists do not care about the planet, as witnessed by their misguided advocacy of wind turbines, which have killed thousands of birds and, at sea, marine life, or their destruction of millions of acres of habitat with their high-density housing. Nor have yet realized the dangers that solar panels pose to the earth. We already know they don’t work in colder climates and don’t produce nearly enough power to justify their expense. What will be the effect of robbing the soil of sunshine?

In the end, they only care about the money they can make as elites in a communist community.

All power belongs to God alone. Humans are a messy species. However, if God doesn’t like it, He’ll take care of it in His own good time. He doesn’t like anyone messing with his creatures. Still, we would guess that God is far more appalled by the mess we’re making of our souls and those of our children and grandchildren through the government schools.

Published in: on November 1, 2023 at 6:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Halloween Movies for Fraidy Cats

Scary films that don’t go over the edge

If little girls’ heads revolving around on their shoulders and vomiting aren’t your thing or you prefer the Broadway “Phantom of the Opera” (1986) starring Michael Crawford and subsequent film (2004) with Gerard Butler to the horror classic “Phantom of the Opera” (1924) with Lon Chaney; if you the real Amityville (Long Island) murder to the film of the true story; if you’re more of a “Ghost Buster[s[” (1984) than Usher – “The Fall of the House of Usher” 1960, starring Vincent Price, here are some suggestions:

  1. “The Wizard of Oz” (1939). Probably the best non-horror Halloween film ever, the movie is actually set in springtime Kansas. Dorothy Gale (Judy Garland) and her little scotch terrier Toto are swept away by a tornado to the Land of Oz. Although its filled with funny, whimsical characters (i.e., the Scarecrow, the Munchkins), Dorothy’s encounter with the Wicked Witch (Margaret Hamilton) is not for the small-fry. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” became Judy Garland’s s signature song.
  2. “E.T.: The Extraterrestrial”(1982). A squashy palientologist is accidentally left behind by his spaceship right around Halloween here on Earth. He’s befriended by a 9 year-old boy who takes him in. Incredibly touching. Some very funny moments. Beautiful, sentimental ending. John Williams scores yet another hit with his music.
  3. “The Sixth Sense” (1999). Bruce Willis stars as a psychiatrist treating a child (Haley Joel Osment) claims he “sees dead people.” No ghoulish fiends or blood lust. Just real suspense.
  4. “The Mummy” (1999). Not to be confused with the 1932 “The Mummy,” starring Boris Karloff or the 1959 “The Mummy” starring Peter Cushing and Christopher, this is a scary romp with a lot of good fun thanksto Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, and John Hannah, and at times even The Mummy himself (Arnold Vosloo).
  5. “The Dead Poets Society” (1989). Technically, “Dead Poets” is not a horror movie, starring Robin Williams, it is still a disquieting movie with Robert Sean Leonard a young man at an elite boarding school in 1959 who is inspired by his teacher, Prof. Keating (Williams), to follow his dreams, resulting in tragic consequences.
  6. “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” (1947). A woman writer (Gene Tierney) rents a seaside cottage haunted by its former owner, a sea captain (Rex Harrison) and takes inspiration from the adventures he relates to write a best-selling book. Also starring a very young Natalie Wood. Nothing scary. Some very funny moments and a great performance by Harrison.
  7. “The Perfect Storm.” (2000). Based on the true story of “The Andrea Gail” lost at sea during a meteorological collision between a Category 2 hurricane and two other weather systems. George Clooney stars as the captain of the Andrea Gale along with Mark Wahlberg as a young fisherman who feels financially pressured into going back out into the North Atlantic during the well-known stormy period of October. In real life, the combined storm was also known as “The Halloween Storm.” Liberties are taken with the real-life characters. The cast is great. But the storm is the diva of this film.
  8. “The Lord of the Rings” (2001, 2002, 2003). The final installment of the series won the Best Picture of the Year for 2003. Frodo and friends start out in late September on their journey to destroy the Ring of Power and wind their way through a Halloween-like fest of beings good and evil. The trilogy’s author, J.R.R. Tolkien based his story on the story of Christ and the horrors of World War I.
  9. “Harry Potter.” (2001-2011). Based on J.K. Rowling’s seven-book fantasy literature series for children (first published in 1997), Harry Potter is the boy who got children got to read again. Christian parents were not happy with the novels or the films, which contain numerous pagan themes. Parents saw “evil magic”; children saw “make-believe.” The book publishers and Warner Brothers certainly saw magic in the profits from the books, movies, and by-products. Like Frodo from LOTR, Harry is an orphan who finds himself on an adventure, caught between the powers of good and evil. The story starts out “charming” with Harry (Danielle Radcliffe), a mistreated, orphaned British schoolboy find a second home at Hogwarts School of Magic. The cast is outstanding. The score is outstanding. The film editing is spectacular. The special effects are “magical.” The direction and editing are, as required, funny, scary, somber, and moving. The Hogwarts headmaster, Prof. Dumbledore, changed faces after the death of Richard Harris. He was replaced by Michael Gambon (who died just this year) just in time, as it seems, for a change in the film’s tone. Gambon is more serious and mysterious as the headmaster. As for Radcliffe, one can see his acting skills develop throughout the series, from a bit of fumbling in the tone of his lines to near the end of the last film when he realizes what his fate entails. The series suffered from some age issues when Rowling took some time off from writing her books, putting the characters at least a year or two behind the actors’ real ages. The later films are fairly representative of our present times. The scene on London’s Millennium Bridge was based on the real-life opening of the bridge, which broke apart between the foot traffic and high winds.
  10. “The Phantom of the Opera.” (2004). A chorus girl, Christine (Emmy Rossum), is tutored by a mysterious mentor. When the dreaded Phantom of the [Paris] Opera sacks the opera’s lyric soprano (Minnie Driver), at his insistence, Christine replaces her. Based on the novel by Gaston Leroux, the musical first appeared on Broadway in 1986, starring Michael Crawford. The British-born Crawford was a Shakespearean-trained actor who also played the role of Cornelius Hackl in the film adaptation of “Hello, Dolly!” (1969). Hard to believe he was the same actor, it simply shows Crawford adaptability. Butler is perfectly good in the role of the Phantom in this film. But it is Crawford’s haunting rendition of “Music of the Night” is the one people will always remember. Recently, a video remake was made of the scene, with all the candles and horror. On stage (having seen), it just the Phantom playing the piano and Christine sitting on the floor listening. They had it right the first time, in the Broadway musical. It really is all about the music, at least in the song. The rest is just window-dressing.
  11. “Rebecca” (1940). A naive young woman whose name is never revealed (Joan Fontaine) marries a mysterious wealthy widower (Laurence Olivier) with a dark secret and a very dark housekeeper. Dame Judith Anderson gets special credit for her portrayal of the creepy Mrs. Danvers. From the novel by Daphne DuMarier.
  12. “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” (1965). Originally a short television movie for kids, Charlie Brown negotiates the perils of school bullying and Halloween, while best friend Linus preaches the gospel of The Great Pumpkin, and Snoopy pursues the Red Baron.
  13. “The Muppets Haunted Mansion” (2021) Gonzo is challenged to spend one night in a haunted mansion. If The Muppets scare you, you’ve got a problem. Although Jim Henson’s Kermit the Frog on The Ed Sullivan Show was pretty bizarre.

Honorable Mention (we just didn’t want to spoil the No. 13 thing): “Ghostbusters” (1984). Three parapsychologists (Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis) forced out of their university funding set up shop as a unique ghost removal service in New York City.

There are also some excellent Halloween novels that are well worth reading:

  • “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley. A horror story. Frankenstein is the doctor and inventor, not The Monster. Although a corpse being brought back to life is horrifying, it’s really a sad tale.
  • “Dracula” by Bram Stoker (1897). The traditional story of the Transylvanian count who haunts London and terrifies young maidens.
  • “The Tell-Tale Heart,” by Edgar Allen Poe. Probably the scariest of Poe’s stories. Best told by a fireside on a dark and stormy night.

All the thrills without the gore.

Published in: on October 31, 2023 at 3:47 pm  Leave a Comment  

COVID-23: The Ghost of Government Regulation Past

COVID is Resurrected Just in Time for Halloween and the 2024 Presidential Election

How stupid does the Administrative State think we are? COVID has been unmasked for the fraudulent, money-making, economy-stifling, health scaring propaganda device it is. Masks turned out to be useless. The vaccines have been proven to cause myocarditis in young men and who knows what it does to older people, since after the age of 65, death can be attributed to many causes without involving COVID, or the intubation hospitals require – and depend upon for profits- to “defeat it.”

U.S. Right to Know, a innovative investment strategy firm, has used FOIA power to unmask the massive deception by Big Pharma, Big Universities, such as the University of North Carolina which led the scientific community in gain-of-function research, and U.S.-funded research firms such as EcoHealth Alliance by Peter Draszak, friend of Hunter Biden, whose firm Rose Seneca Technology Partners was backed by Metabiota, which had alliances with EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Right to Know has uncovered hundreds, if not thousands, of documents and e-mails revealing the collusion behind COVID. Scientists exchange e-mails on how to control the narrative and suppress dissenting scientific opinions (the same thing happened with the Climate Change Hockey Stick).

David E. Martin, PhD., received his master’s degree from Ball State University and his doctorate from the University of Virginia. His first invention was a laser-integrated system to target and treat inoperable tumors. His mathematics helped unravel the way the human body processes hormones and led to the detection and treatment of many diseases.

On May 3, 2023, Martin addressed the European Union Parliament COVID Summit in Brussels, Belgium. He began by stating:

It is a particularly interesting location for me to be sitting today, given that over a decade ago I sat in this very chair right here in the European Union Parliament. And at that time I warned the world of what was coming, during that conversation that was hosted at the time by the Green and EFA and a number of the other parties of the European Unions, of various representations. We were having a conversation on whether Europe should adopt the United States policy of allowing for the patents on biologically derived materials. And at the time I urged this body and I urged people around the world that the weaponization of nature against humanity had dire consequences. Tragically, I sit here today, with that unfortunate line that I don’t like to say, which is “I told you so.”

He was dismissed from Bloomberg News and CNBC during COVID for refusing to support the official narrative. Evidence suggested that COVID was not a naturally-occurring infection and that its origins, as such went all the way back to 1965.

Ironically, the world that I came from that used to be very popular, my CNBC and Bloomberg presentations, which were televised on mainstream media around the world, was an audience that I lost. I can confidently say Covid diminished my fame, but I can also confidently say that I’d rather stand among the people with whom I’m standing today than any of the folks that were part of that previous world. So, this is a much better place to be. My role today is to set the stage for this conversation in an historical context, because this did not come in the last three years. This did not come in the last five or six years.

This actually is an ongoing question that probably began here in Europe in the early stages of the mid-1900s, but certainly by 1913, 1914, this conversation started right here in Central Europe. The pandemic that we alleged to have happened in the last few years also did not happen overnight. In fact, the very specific pandemic using coronavirus began in a very different time. Most of you don’t know that Coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was isolated in 1965. Coronavirus was identified in 1965 as one of the first infectious, replica table viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences of human condition. It was isolated once upon a time associated with the common cold. But what’s particularly interesting about its isolation in 1965 was that it was immediately identified as a pathogen that could be used and modified for a whole host of reasons. And you heard me correctly, that was 1965.

We believe him because we had already investigated into the original coronavirus. A doctor researching the Spanish Flu of 1918 had recently (in 1965) found strands of the virus. The next year, the scientific community began tinkering wish it.

But in 1966, the very first COV Coronavirus model was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in human manipulation, and you heard the date, 1966. I hope you’re getting the point of what I’m saying. This is not an overnight thing. vThis is actually something that’s been long in the making. A year before I was born, we had the first Trans-Atlantic coronavirus data sharing experiment between the United States and the United Kingdom.

And in 1967, the year I was born, we did the first human trials on inoculating people with modified coronavirus. Isn’t that amazing? Fifty-six years ago, the ‘overnight success’ of a pathogen that’s been 56 years in engineering, and I want that to chill with all of you.

Where were we when we actually allowed this violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties? Where were we as a human civilization, when we thought it was an acceptable thing to do, to take a pathogen for the United States and infect the world with it? Where was that conversation and what should have been that conversation in 1967? That conversation wasn’t had.

Ironically, the common cold was turned into a chimera in the 1970s; and in 1975, 1976 and 1977, we started figuring out how to modify coronavirus by putting it into different animals. Pigs and dogs. And not surprisingly, by the time we got to 1990, we found out that coronavirus as an infectious agent was an industrial problem for two primary industries, the industries of dogs and pigs. Dog breeders and pig farmers found that Coronavirus created gastrointestinal problems, and that became the basis for Pfizer’s first spike protein vaccine. Patent filed. Are you ready for this? Filed in 1990. Did you hear what I just said? Yes, 1990. Operation Warp Speed? I’m sorry; where’s the warp and the speed? Pfizer…1990. The very first spike protein vaccine for Coronavirus. Isn’t that fascinating? Isn’t it fascinating that we were told that, well, “The spike protein is a new thing; we just found out that that’s the problem”. No. As a matter of fact, we didn’t just find out. It was not just now. Now the problem, we found that out in 1990 and filed the first patents on vaccines in 1990 for the spike protein of Coronavirus.

In partnership, it turns out, with the U.S. Government.

And who would’ve thought Pfizer? Clearly the innocent organization that does nothing but promote human health. Clearly, Pfizer, the organization that has not bought the votes in this chamber, in every chamber of every government around the world! Not that Pfizer. Certainly they wouldn’t have had anything to do with this? But oh yes, they did. And in 1990 they found out that there was a problem with vaccines – they didn’t work. You know why they didn’t work? It turns out that Coronavirus is a very malleable model. It transforms and changes and mutates over time. As a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for Coronavirus from 1990 until 2018, every single publication concluded that Coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse because it modifies and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective.

Which is why, technically speaking, the COVID vaccines were “vaccines.” They had to call it “MRNA Therapy,” which was not authorized by the FDA but only given an emergency authorization because it hadn’t been tested.

And since 1990 to 2018, that is the published science. ladies and gentlemen. That’s “following the science”. “Following the science is their own indictment of their own programs that said, it doesn’t work. And there are thousands of publications to that effect, not a few hundred. And not paid for by pharmaceutical companies. These publications are independent scientific research that show unequivocally including efforts of the chimera modifications made by Ralph Bair in the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. All of them show vaccines do not work on coronavirus. That’s the science, and that science has never been disputed.

The Science” led to a Chinese bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China. A lab anyone in 2020 could have found by looking for the suspected “wet market” on a map of Wuhan and moving over just a few clicks to the right: “The Wuhan Institute of Virology”?!

But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important because in 2002, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, an ‘infectious replication defective clone of coronavirus’. Listen to those words… Infectious replication defective. What does that phrase actually mean? For those of you not familiar with language, let me unpack it for you. Infectious replication defective means a weapon. It means something meant to target an individual but not have collateral damage to other individuals. That’s what infectious replication defective means. And that patent was filed in 2002 on work funded by NIAD’s Anthony Fauci from 1999 to 2002, and that work patented at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill mysteriously preceded SARS 1.0 by a year. “Dave, are you suggesting that SARS 1.0 wasn’t from a wet market in Wuhan? Are you suggesting it might have come from a laboratory in the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill?” No, I’m not suggesting it. I’m telling you that’s the facts: we engineered SARS. SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold. It’s called influenza-like illness. It’s called gastroenteritis. That’s the naturally occurring coronavirus. SARS is the research developed by humans weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings, and they patented it in 2002. And in 2003, giant surprise, the CDC (a government agency) filed the patent on Coronavirus isolated from humans in violation once again of biological and chemical weapons treaties and laws that we have in the United States, and I’m very, very precise on this.

Glenn Beck spoke about the collusion between the government and Big Pharma in his first documentary on the coronavirus, detailing the connections on his famous blackboards. Other alternative media investigators were also disclosing non-narrative information. Martin continued;

…it turns out that the RT PCR, which was the test that we allegedly were going to use to identify the risks associated with coronavirus, was actually identified as a bioterrorism threat by me in the European Union-sponsored events in 2002 and 2003, 20 years ago that happened here in Brussels and across Europe. In 2005, this particular pathogen was specifically labeled as a bioterrorism and bioweapon platform technology, described as such. That’s not my terminology that I’m applying to it. It was actually described as a bioweapons platform technology in 2005. And from 2005 onwards, it was actually a bio warfare enabling agent, its official classification from 2005 forward.

I don’t know if that sounds like public health to you. Does it? Biological warfare enabling technology that feels like not public health, that feels like not medicine, that feels like a weapon, designed to take out humanity. That’s what it feels like, and it feels like that because that’s exactly what it is. We have been lured into believing that EcoHealth Alliance and DARPA and all of these organizations are what we should be pointing to. But we’ve been specifically requested to ignore the facts that over $10 billion have been funneled through black operations, through the check of Anthony Fauci and a side-by-side ledger where NIAD has a balance sheet, and next to it is a biodefense balance sheet. Equivalent, dollar-for-dollar matching that no one in the media talks about, and it’s been going on since 2005. Our gain of function moratorium. The moratorium that was supposed to freeze any efforts to do gain of function research.

Conveniently, in the fall of 2014, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill received a letter from NIAD saying that while the gain of function moratorium on coronavirus in vivo should be suspended, because their grants had already been funded, they received an exemption. Did you hear what I just said? A biological weapons lab facility at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill received an exemption from the gain of function moratorium, so that by 2016 we could publish the journal article that said SARS Coronavirus is poised for human emergence in 2016. And what, you might ask, was the coronavirus poised for human emergence? It was WIV ONE. Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus One. Poised for human emergence in 2016 at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, such that by the time we get to 2017 and 2018, the following phrase entered into common parlance among the community: “There is going to be an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen”. The operative word, obviously, in that phrase: the word “release”. Does that sound like leak? Does that sound like a bat and a pangolin went into a bar in the Wuhan market and hung out and had sex, and, lo and behold, we got SARS Cov-2? No; accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen was the terminology used. And four times in April of 2019, seven months before the allegation of patient number one, four patent applications of Moderna were modified to include the term m accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen as the justification for making a vaccine for a thing that did not exist. If you have not done so, please make sure that you make reference in every investigation to the premeditation nature of this, because it was in September of 2019 that the world was informed that we were going to have an accident or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen so that by September, 2020 there would be a worldwide acceptance of a universal vaccine template. That’s their words right in front of you on the screen. The intent was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template.

Martin had the document up on a screen for the audience to see, in the government’s own words.

The intent was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template, and the intent was to use coronavirus to get there. Let’s read this, because we have to read this into the record everywhere I go

Again, he showed the documentation in Peter Daszhak’s own words on Feb. 12, 2016”

Until an infectious disease crisis is very real present and at the emergency threshold that is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis.” He said, “we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

A Biden ally recommending mandated vaccines – for profit. Another narrative the Media has suppressed. Government editors stood behind the editors at Google, Twitter and other social media sites and ordered them to ban anti-narrative content.

Let me conclude by making five very brief recommendations.

Nature was hijacked. This whole story started in 1965 when we decided to hijack a natural model and decide to start manipulating it.

Science was hijacked when the only questions that could be asked were questions authorized under the patent protection of the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and their equivalent organizations around the world.

We didn’t have independent science; we had hijacked science, and unfortunately there was no moral oversight in violation of all of the codes that we stand for. There was no independent, financially disinterested independent review board ever empaneled around coronavirus. Not once, not once, not since 1965. We do not have a single independent IRB ever empaneled, around Coronavirus. So, morality was suspended for medical countermeasures, and ultimately humanity was lost because we decided to allow it to happen.

Our job today is to say: “No more gain of function research, period. No more weaponization of nature, period”. And most importantly, “No more corporate patronage of science for their own self-interest unless they assume 100% product liability [that was the agreement with the U.S. Government which Glenn Beck uncovered: that the pharmaceutical companies would not be held responsible for any negative results of the gain-of-function research or the development of the MRNA Therapy] for every injury and every death that they maintain”.

Thank you very much.

The Media did their best to smear this scientist. The social media giants demonetized commercial websites that posted counter-narratives. Individuals were sent to “Facebook Jail.” Readers were advised to consult “Fact Checkers” for the “truth”.

Citizens were appropriately terrified, especially when loved ones, particularly the elderly began dying numbers. Families were not allowed to visit the patients and had no idea why they really died. Little did they know that it was the intubation that was killing their loved ones. In order to perform the profitable intubation, the patient had to have a low blood oxygen level. In order to get that low number, the patient had to be sedated. Sedation is always dangerous. For elderly patients, it can be fatal, lowering their blood pressure and heart-beat to unsustainable levels.

A great number of people died in the Metro New York-New Jersey area who probably didn’t have to.

Then there were the highly unpopular masks, which Fauci later admitted didn’t work. Even yours truly fell for it. It stood reason that if it was an air-borne pathogen (which it was), then it made sense to wear a mask. But only in crowded situations, like a supermarket or a concert. And only for a brief period of time. Over time, someone wearing a mask could die of hypercapnia or carbon dioxide poisoning – breathing in what your body has been breathing out. It can lead to respiratory failure.

Finally, there was the vaccine – or rather MRNA therapy. Untested and unvalidated, the march of time showed a strong possibility that young people, especially young men, inoculated in this way were subject to myocarditis – inflammation of the heart, leading to heart failure and sudden cardiac arrest.

A medical examiner from the United Kingdom appeared on the Louder with Crowder program with Steve Crowder. In examining young men who had been vaccinated and then died of sudden heart failure, the ME found that he and his assistants could not replace the body’s blood with embalming fluid because something was preventing circulation. When they examined the bodies they found some “substance” they likened to octopus tissue clogging the arteries. He said there was no blood left in the bodies. He had some health issues and one point and went to the emergency room. The health care workers declared that he had COVID. He insisted that he had tested himself and did not have it. They wanted to intubate him but he refused. Then they told him they would not release him. Only when his attorney arrived, was he finally allowed to go home.

Many people who had been “vaccinated” still got COVID. Their cases were sufficient to require an emergency room visit. Elderly patients, particularly men, died, even though they had been vaxxed.

TCTmd.com reported on April 16, 2021:

Yet another paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine is documenting the apparent mechanism behind the risk of thrombosis after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, the vaccine jointly developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

The new study, by researchers in United Kingdom, highlights 22 patients who presented with acute thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, mostly cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, as well as a single patient with isolated thrombocytopenia and a hemorrhagic phenotype after vaccination. The vast majority of these patients—21 of the 23—tested positive for antibodies to platelet factor 4 (PF4), and this PF4-dependent syndrome was unrelated to the use of heparin.

We have identified a novel mechanism and pathophysiological basis that prompts careful consideration of treatment,” according to Marie Scully, MD (University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, England), and colleagues. “Avoidance of platelet transfusions is critical, because such treatment would provide a substrate for further antibody-mediated platelet activation and coagulopathy.”

Additionally, the researchers suggest staying away from heparin for anticoagulation.

Although evidence does not yet suggest that the use of heparin will exacerbate this condition, pending further data, we would recommend considering anticoagulation with the use of a nonheparin anticoagulant agent, such as argatroban, danaparoid, fondaparinux, or direct oral anticoagulants,” Scully et al advise. Intravenous immune globulin has been used successfully in the treatment of patients with spontaneous autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), which is the closest comparison to this vaccine-induced syndrome, they add.

This pathogenic PF4-dependent syndrome, which has been dubbed vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), has been seen in other reports of patients who received the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine. Last week, the NEJM published a paper in which researchers demonstrated a pathophysiological link between the shot and clotting abnormalities, one that has led several countries worldwide to pause or revise their plans for using the vaccine. At the moment, the vaccine is not approved in the United States.

This was not some QAnon “conspiracy theory;” it was a report on a New England Journal of Medicine article, the NEJM being one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world.

But it was not a narrative with which the American Medical Association (AMA), a progressive organization begun in 1847 was on board. The AMA was formed at about the same time Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto” was published, and was concerned with the methodology of vital records registration. A year later, a committee was formed to keep doctors they considered “quacks” out of their official club. Doctors who recommended herbs and vitamins for treatment. Chiropractors. Midwives. The organization also lobbied for the licensing of doctors and for education on the “doctorate” level. In 1941, the AMA collaborated with the Association of American Medical Colleges for the certification of medical schools.

In 1975, the AMA adopted a policy stating that “discrimination based on sexual orientation is improper and unacceptable by any part of the federation of medicine.” It adopted a resolution to repeal all state sodomy laws.

About a month ago, the CDC began a new public health campaign urging people to get the “new” vaccines, since they had discovered that the virus had mutated. Just like the annual flu, they claim. Companies are getting nervous. They paint anti-vaxxers as “bullies.” A company that was considering hiring me asked if I’d had the vaccine. They meant the new booster. I simply told them I’d been vaxxed.

Companies fear lawsuits from employees if a COVID-positive employee comes in contact with “healthy” employees, even if they have been vaccinated but get sick. They also fear government mandates if they don’t insist on employee compliance with CDC rules.

You must be vaxxed. You must be masked. You must wear your Compliance Mask or Obedience Mask.

Shutting down businesses and schools turned into an economic and psychological disaster for our country. Students needed the discipline and social interaction that only school could supply. Parents wanted and needed to go back to work. They couldn’t work from home and babysit their children.

One positive result of the shutdown was that parents discovered how thoroughly their children were being indoctrinated by their Marxist teachers. Children were instructed not to allow their parents to supervise the televised classroom sessions. That was a huge red flag to parents. Mom and Dad watched anyway. Today, parents organizations are on the march, much to the distress of the teachers’ unions.

COVID us once, shame on us. COVID us twice, shame on you.

Take your needles and stick them where the sun don’t shine (by the way, sunshine, it turns out, is the best preventative against this “illness.”)

Published in: on October 26, 2023 at 4:49 pm  Leave a Comment  

Regulating Third Person Pronouns

You talkin’ ’bout MEIE?!

Talking about someone behind their back isn’t very nice, in the sense of gossip. Talking about someone in the third person in front of their back is just plain rude. But now, that third party wants to regulate how you refer to them behind their back and in front of their back.

This issue almost seems to come under the rubric of the philosophy if a tree falls in the forest, do you hear it?and it’s one more nail in the coffin of freedom of speech.

Sen, Marco Rubio (Fla.-R) wrote in a commentary in The Washington Stand on October 23, 2023, about a new regulation from our administrative state:

At the beginning of this month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)  proposed new guidance that would require virtually every employee in the United States to embrace his or her colleagues’ self-described sexuality, gender identity, and “reproductive rights.” Under this rule, anyone who does not conform to left-wing orthodoxy, as well as any employer who protects him or her, could be the target of a federal investigation and lawsuit.

Rubio cited the case of an Indiana music teacher who was ordered to resign in 2017 when he refused to use “preferred” pronouns as the school had dictated. Rubio writes, “John refused, because his Christian faith commanded him to “speak the truth in love.” He offered to compromise with the school by only using students’ last names, but that wasn’t good enough for” his Woke high school.

Rubio writes that the original authors of the 1964 Civil Rights Act would have been appalled that a Muslim couldn’t object to a boy using a girls’ bathroom, that Asian Indians would have to allow men masquerading as women to worship in the women’s section of their temples, or that Christians would not be permitted to oppose abortion or claim that there are only two sexes.

We don’t think so. We think the authors knew exactly what they were doing. They knew who their Democrat voters were and what they wanted. If theses Civil Rights champions had any objection at all, perhaps they believed the legislation could be thrown out via the courts and that the courts could sort it all out.

The courts, however, made an even bigger hash of things that the legislatures (state and federal) did.

Reform, he writes, “is now up to conservatives, whose adherents still stand for reason and authentic tolerance, rather than fanaticism and bigotry….”

This will require activism. Like the leaders of the civil rights movement before them, conservatives must build a consensus that demanding wokeness in the workplace is deeply wrong and profoundly un-American. This is the necessary groundwork for any lasting change.

A lot of litigation will also be required. The U.S. Supreme Court made the new EEOC guidance possible when it insanely ruled in Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) that biological sex and “sexual orientation and gender identity” are all of a piece. Conservatives must continue to bring cases to expose the real-world consequences of that false logic.

Finally, overturning the new EEOC guidance will require oversight and legislation. Congress should hold the executive branch to account when it distorts existing laws. And just as Congress passed the CRA to prohibit unjust discrimination in the 1960s, Congress can and should pass new bills to prohibit discrimination in the 2020s.

In 1964, the words “sex” and “gender” were indistinguishable. Sex change operations were not unknown in those days. Sex change operations go all the way back to Germany’s Weimar Republic. Radicals were already busy, in the 1970s, changing and controlling the language by renaming occupations – “fireman” became “firefighter.” Eh, well, that wasn’t really so unreasonable. “Stewardess” became “Flight Attendant.” Any occupation that had the word “man” in it was put out of work. Even the word “woman” was outraging Feminists. They tried “Womyn” but it didn’t work. Phonetically, the word still came out sounding like “woman.”

Black people had to be referred to as “African-Americans” even if they’d never gotten nearer to Africa than the Bronx Zoo. People from Asia could no longer be referred to as “Orientals” (from the Latin, meaning “the East” as opposed to “Occidentals” or “Occident” meaning the West). Even music teachers started instructing their students to use the word “accidentals” to refer to key notations in their music instead of “occidentals” which actually referred to Western style of music with different scales than “oriental” music.

There seems to be no end to the ridiculous lengths to which the Marxists will go to twist and torture the English language. Unfortunately, they’re the editors at most publishing houses and magazines.

The English language has always had a problem with the third person singular. The awkward “He/she/it” was the standard – and still is. If you knew the identity of the person in question, the matter was simple enough. If you didn’t know the identity, it was a problem, if they were an “organic” (to use Star Trek phraseology).

Now, the third person wants to tell you how to talk about him/her/it (the objective case). What’s more, because they believe in a universe of genders, they’re not satisfied with the traditional pronouns. They’ve begun inventing their own.

And the proposed EEOC regulation will require you to learn all those pronouns and inquire which one ‘they’” want you to use in discussing “them.” If the regulation is approved, if you don’t comply, you could be fired, expelled (if you’re in school), and possibly sued if you use the wrong pronoun in public, for committing a “microaggression.”

The problem throughout history with over-sentencing on a crime is that if you’re sentenced to 30 years for calling someone “he” or criticizing your government, pretty soon people are going to stop caring about the law altogether and committing the worst crimes possible short of murder, since the punishment is all the same.

Normal people, however, are most afraid of losing their jobs. People have already been fired from their jobs for committing these “microaggressions” so the Radicals already know where Society’s soft spot is. Thirty years ago, my co-workers and I had to go through “Racism and Sexism” training. It was all about Diversity & Inclusion. “D.I.” we called it in Public Affairs. The Marxists only added the “E” for “Equity” later, winding up with the unfortunate abbreviation D.I.E.

D.I.E. pretty well sums up the Marxist agenda for American culture over the last century or so. Since they’ve discovered their error, they’ve insisted on changing the abbreviation and we’ve been complying like the sheep that we’ve proven ourselves to be.

It’s D.I.E., people. Remember that. The Marxists laid this egg on us. Let “xem” own it. Remember that when you’re forced to refer to someone as “ve,” “zem,” or “zyr” – and you will (you’re already using D.E.I, aren’t you?) or lose your position.

But don’t worry. Given the flood of illegal aliens arriving from Central and South America, by the end of this century (if you live that long), you’ll be speaking Spanish, not English, courtesy of La Raza.

Published in: on October 25, 2023 at 5:07 pm  Leave a Comment  

Is This The End of the World As We Know It?

Apocalypse Maybe

King Abdullah II of Jordan appeared at press conference recently, warming Palestinian refugees that they were not welcome in his country (which has hosted a large Palestinian community for years). The King was showing an obvious facial tic (we know, King Abdullah).

He has good reason to feel nervous. The Muslims believe that he’s their version of the Anti-Christ. Even though his public birth is listed as being a week before the astrological event known as “The Great Conjunction,” they think it’s him. They even believe he has certain physical attributes that mark him and complain that he even speak Arabic well.

As for Christians, no matter how many times you tell them that according to Jesus himself, even he doesn’t know the time or date, “only the Father,” Christians believe we’re approaching what they refer to as the “End Times” or “The Rapture.”

As for atheists, they, too, see signs, most of which they’ve created themselves, of the approach of the anti-Christ. Only their prognostications appear to be a bit off. They,too, are believers in the Great Conjunction of 1962, which they took as a sign of the birth of the Anti-Christ. They believed that this man would follow in the same footsteps as Jesus, at the same age, only this creature would not be the son not of God and a human woman, but of an animal and a human woman. They predicted he would lead the young and bring a message of peace.

The Marxists planned their agenda around this event. At the age of 30, he would begin his mission. He would be preceded by his prophet. Interestingly, Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1962, exactly six months prior to the birth of the Anti-Christ. The Marxists got that part right.

The Muslims are eager to bring it on, to force God’s Hand.

But the date of the Anti-Christ’s ascendance came and went. The American radicals were baffled. Nothing happened. Just as no earthquakes or floods occurred on February 4-5, 1962. The Arab-Israel Conflict of 1967 came and went. The Viet Nam War ended – badly for democracy, as it turned out. Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States. They were sure he was the Anti-Christ. True, he was born on February 6th – in 1911, the same year as Lucille Ball. Reagan was no more the Anti-Christ than Lucille Ball was a Communist (her grandfather was). The most notable thing to happen on February 4-5, 1962 was that the first commercial satellite from the U.S. was launched.

The Fifth Dimension wrote a popular song called “The Age of Aquarius” from the Broadway musical Hair (a dreadful, violent play with some cool music, “Hello, Starshine” hailing this New Age. Too bad they got their astrology wrong. They neglected to account for precession. We were actually entering the Age of Capricorn, not Aquarius, which I’ve pointed out in numerous blogs over the years.

I remember we were in New York City when I was very little. It was sometime after the Great Conjunction. Television news and newspapers wrote about shaggy-looking men carrying sign declaring that “The End is Near.” As we drove through the streets of Manhattan, I saw one of these bearded prophets with a “The End is Near” sign. Young as I was, I could read. My parents assured me the world wasn’t going to end and that the bearded guys were crackpots.

The days and events came and went. Y2K passed without a computer catastrophe. September 11th was, indeed, a dreadful day. But we moved on and kept living. Something disquieting did happen in its wake – the Patriot Act was passed, which allowed the U.S. Government to spy on and monitor its own citizens.

Then, Barack Obama was elected President, a seemingly unremarkable figure in U.S. Politics. He immediately launched a program of transforming the United States into a socialist, Marxist state. He remarked on National Public Radio that if it were up to him he would tear up the U.S. Constitution. That’s a heck of a thing for a President of the United States to say.

We were approaching yet another supposed apocalyptic event: 2012, which according to the Mayan calendar indicated the end of the world. Or at least its transformation. That year, Obama was re-elected to a second term, allowing him to cement his legacy of bureacracy and government tyranny.

Then something happened the Muslims, the Marxists and the Atheists didn’t expect: Donald J. Trump was unexpectedly elected President of the United States in 2016, disappointing the aspirations of Hilary Clinton and upsetting the Marxist agenda. He put the U.S. Economy back on its feet, sent illegal aliens packing, and appointed constitutional judges who overturned Roe v. Wade, much to the anger of Feminists everywhere.

Trump was impeached twice while in office on false charges. He’s being tried again now in several areas for attempting to “overturn” the 2020 election of Joe Biden. What he did was challenge it. Indeed, if our justices and state legislators weren’t corrupt bobbleheads taking donations from socialist billionaire George Soros, it probably would have been overturned.

Now, the terrorist organization Hamas, sponsored by Iran, has made its first move in yet another Middle Eastern war. Will Israel launch a wholesale attack on Gaza or will they hunt down the terrorist group members individually and by small groups? Will they ever catch them all using this careful but somewhat loose method? We doubt that they will, as much as we support Israel and admire Benjamin Netanyahu. Injure one Palestinian civilian and the nukes will begin flying out of Iran. Netanyahu, an intelligent man, knows that in the theater of world politics, he doesn’t have many supporters, especially not Biden, who has sent billions of dollars to Iran. Those supporters he has are watching carefully and nervously. Palestinians have mobbed every major city on the planet.

For their part, the Muslims, the Twelvers, await the return of their 12th Imam. His name was Muhammad Al-Mahdi. He was born in 896 A.D. Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Askari, the eschatological savior in Twelver Islam, is known by many titles, including al-Mahdi (lit. ’the rightly guided’), al-Qa’im (lit. ’he who will rise’), al-Montazar (lit. ’the awaited’), Saheb al-Zaman (lit. ’lord of the age’), al-Gha’ib (lit. ’the hidden’), al-Hojja/Hojjat Allah (lit. ’the proof [of God]’), Sahib al-Amr (lit. ’lord of the cause’), Sahib al-Haqq (lit. ’lord of the truth’), Baqiyat Allah (lit. ’the remnant of God’).

Uthman al-Amri (d. 880) claimed that al-Askari, the 11th Imam, had a young son, named Muhammad, who had entered a state of occultation (ghayba – meaning he has been hidden by Allah from humanity) due to the Abbasid threat to his life. As the special representative of al-Askari, Uthman also claimed that he had been appointed to represent the son of the eleventh Imam. A Shia tradition attributed to the sixth Imam, Ja’far al-Sadiq, states that this threat was specific to Muhammad al-Mahdi, who was expected to rise, unlike his predecessors who practiced religious dissimulation (taqiya) and were politically quiescent.

The birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi is celebrated annually in, using a lunar-based calendar. On the evening of the birthday, millions of people in the country celebrate the occasion annually. The city of Qom, where he allegedly disappeared down a well and from he will ascend again, is decorated by bright lights and flags. The date of the celebration is based on the Islamic calendar and changes from year to year:

We are quite probably on the brink of another World War, as I noted in previous blog. But who might this arch-enemy of Judaism and Christianity be? If Obama is his prophet, who is the Big Cheese?

Abdullah, the son of the late King Hussein, was born (according to the official records) on January 31, 1962 at Palestine Hospital in Amman, Jordan. His mother was English and Abdullah was educated in the United States and England, Abdullah began his schooling in 1966 at the Islamic Educational College in Amman, and continued at St. Edmund’s School in England. He attended middle school at Eaglebrook School and high school at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts, one of the oldest private secondary schools in the United States. He was the commencement speaker at the academy’s class of 2000 graduation.

He began his military career at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and completed a one=year special studies course in Middle Eastern Affairs at Pembroke College at Oxford.

He ascended the throne on February 7, 1999, after the death of his father. He was 37, long past the age when New Agers predicted that their Messiah would appear. They were quite baffled and had to adjust their time schedule. They predicted that he would come from a poor country, which Jordan certainly is.

Abdullah himself is not poor, according to the leaked Pandora Papers.

Abdullah owns an international network of real estate properties, valued in excess of $100 million. His ownership of the properties was disguised through a series of offshore companies incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. Abdullah’s property empire was disclosed in the Pandora Papers leak, which revealed ownership of three contiguous oceanfront estates in the Point Dome area area of Malibu and properties in Washington, D.C., London and Ascot. His lawyers denied any misuse of public funds or tax evasion and stated that they were bought from the monarch’s private wealth and through offshore companies for security and privacy reasons. A 2022 Credit Suisse leak revealed that Abdullah owned six secret accounts, including one whose balance exceeded $224 million. A Royal Court statement said that the funds were a result of selling an Airbus 340 plane that belonged to his father the late King Hussein for $212 million, and that it was replaced with a smaller, less costly Gulfstream aircraft.

But there’s a much more interesting property of which he is custodian by inheritance: The Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Wikipedia tells us:

The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalemwas under Jordanian rule from 1948 to 1967; it was under Hashemite custodianship since 1924, during the reign of Abdullah’s great-great-grandfather Sharif Hussein bin Ali. The legacy began when the Supreme Muslim Council, the highest body in charge of Muslim community affairs in Mandatory Palestine, accepted the sharif as custodian of the site. He restored the Jami’ Al-Aqsa and other mosques in Palestine. The sharif’s son, King Abdullah I, is said to have personally taken charge of efforts to extinguish a fire which engulfed the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in 1949.

Jami’ Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock were restored four times by the Hashemite] g the decades-old verbal agreement which was reinforced by the 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty. Jordan recalled its ambassador to Israel in 2014 following tensions at Al-Aqsa Mosque between Israelis and Palestinians concerned about Jordan’s role in safeguarding Muslim and Christian sacred sites in Jerusalem. Abdullah met Israeli prime minister Benjamin Metanhyahu in Amman in late 2014, and the Jordanian ambassador returned when Israeli authorities eased restrictions and revoked a decision that prevented men of all ages from praying at Al-Aqsa—for the first time in months.

In 2016, it was announced that Abdullah would fund the restoration of the Tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The Royal Hashemite [direct descendants of Mohammed informed Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem of he makruma (royal benefaction) in a April 10, 2016 letter. The tomb had been untouched since 1947, when the British installed steel support beams as part of a restoration project which never took place. It was reopened to the public on March 22, 2017 after the renovation. On August 2, 2017, Abdullah donated $1.4 million to the Jerusalem Waqf, the body that belongs to Jordan and is responsible for administering the Al-Aqsa mosque compound. An independent report estimates the total amount that the Hashemites have spent since 1924 on administering and renovating Jami’ Al Aqsa as over $1 billion. Osama Bin Laden’s father, Muhammed Bin Laden, built the golden dome.

In 2014, Abdullah received Pope Francis in Jordan, the third papal visit of his reign. The king, Queen Rania and [Crown] Prince Ghazi accompanied the pope to Al-Maghtas, the site of Jesus’ baptism, on the east bank of the Jordan River.

Abdullah led the 500 Most Influential Muslims 2016 list, published by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center, and was third on its 2018 list. Queen Rania was 35th on the 2016 list.

Leaders of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher sent out a letter of support to Abdullah on 1 March 1, 2018 after Israel shelved a proposed bill that aimed to propose new tax measures to churches in the West Bank.

“Your defence of religious freedom and Your leadership, in ensuring that the Status Quo is respected and maintained, has been crucial in our ongoing attempts to guard and protect the Christian presence especially in the Holy City of Jerusalem”, the letter read.

In response to Islamophobic rhetoric after the September 11th attacks, Abdullah issued the Amman Message in November 2004. The Message is a detailed statement which encouraged Muslim scholars of all sects from around the world to denounce terrorism, practice religious tolerance and represent the true nature of the Muslim faith. The statement was adopted unanimously in a conference hosted by Abdullah in Amman in 2005 by 200 leading Islamic scholars.

The Message stressed three points: the validity of all eight schools of Islam, the forbidding of takfir (declaration of apostasy – leaving the Islamic faith) and standards for the issuance of fatwas. The Islamic religious consensus was unprecedented in contemporary times. Abdullah presented the Message in 2010 to the United Nations General Assembly, where he proposed a World Interfaith Harmony Week. The initiative was adopted, and is an annual celebration during the first week of February to promote peace and harmony among people of different faiths. Abdullah also established an award, based on this initiative, for interfaith dialogue

By all accounts, none of which are noted in the Mainstream Media, Abdullah has brought economic prosperity and modernization to his country, which is more than Obama and his puppet, Biden, can say. The formerly poor country is now prospering. We’re always glad to hear that. If only Biden would follow Jordan’s example…

Previously, I would have bitten off my fingers rather than throw the shadow of distrust on anyone born on or around that date, even though I knew all along about this fellow. Inheriting the job of custodian of the Al-Aqsa mosque. Speaking before the United Nations Assembly about religion, peace and harmony. Those were the rumors reported about whoever was born on that date.

Meanwhile, the Marxists have spent decades, beginning in the Sixties, making sure we paint targets on our backs with the help of the old Soviet Union and its Commintern. Sex, drugs and rock n’roll. You fools.

As I write today, the roofers are here to replace the roof over my condo. They’ve draped numerous tarps down from the roof, covering all the windows. And yet, even though the work is still ongoing, and the tarps are still over the windows next door and past my dining room window (I live in an end unit), the workers have taken the tarps away from dining room my window, allowing the sunshine into my home, so that my cat and I are not completely in the dark.

I take that as a sign of Hope from God. Even in the darkest of times, we can still count on the Light of God to penetrate the man-made darkness. Evil can do a good deal of damage; it can make fools of us, impoverish us, reign in tyranny over us during our lives. But it cannot endure.

We appear to be on the brink of yet another World War, with weapons of unspeakable devastation. Yet, no matter what befalls us, our families, our country (I don’t know whether we’re facing the End of the World, but we’re almost certainly coming to The End of Liberty), God’s goodness, love, and mercy will prevail.

Published in: on October 24, 2023 at 1:44 pm  Leave a Comment  

Political Brand Names: You Don’t Always Get What You Pay For

The GOP brand has been declining for decades.

Many things can affect a company’s brand: a decline in quality, fiscal malfeasance, corruption in the board room, labor difficulties, poor management that discourages employee morale, bad investment decisions, hostile takeovers, a bad national economy.

Take coffee creamers, for instance. Those of us with IBS may have noticed that our “non-dairy” creamers now contain milk, which for the lactose-intolerance is an invitation to worship at the toilet bowl. We counted on these creamers to maintain our weight without getting sick. No doubt, the addition of milk is some cost-cutting measure. There is only one lactose-free national brand on the market and it’s expensive and has higher calories. Fortunately, there is one alternative for lactose-conscious coffee drinkers and that’s Rich’s Coffee Rich, which has been on the market forever. F you can find it.

Because frozen Coffee Rich is tucked into a tiny corner of the freezer units, where the supermarket keeps the frozen juices. Hard to see, but at least it’s there.

According to MSN.com, which posted the story almost a year ago, numerous American companies have give up their U.S. “citizenship” to foreign entities, including China. The United States has one of the most onerous corporate tax rates in the world.

25. Alka-Seltzer

> Founded: 1931, launched by Miles Laboratory in Elkhart, Indiana
> Date first became foreign: 1978
> Current parent company: Bayer AG, Germany
> Product: Antacid

24. Trader Joe’s

> Founded: 1967, Pasadena, California
> Date first became foreign: 1979
> Current parent company: The Theo Albrecht family, Germany
> Product: Grocery store

23. Citgo

> Founded: 1910, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
> Date first became foreign: 1986
> Current parent company: PDVSA, Venezuela
> Product: Gas stations

22. Vaseline

> Founded: 1870, Brooklyn, New York
> Date first became foreign: 1987
> Current parent company: Unilever, U.K.
> Product: Skin products

21. Firestone

> Founded: 1900, Akron, Ohio
> Date first became foreign: 1988
> Current parent company: Bridgestone Corporation, Japan
> Product: Tires

20. Burger King

> Founded: 1954, Miami, Florida
> Date first became foreign: 1989
> Current parent company: Restaurant Brands International Inc., Canada; 3G Capital, Brazil and USA
> Product: Fast food

19. Holiday Inn

> Founded: 1952, Memphis, Tennessee
> Date first became foreign: 1989
> Current parent company: IHG Hotels & Resorts, U.K.
> Product: Hospitality

18. 7-Eleven

> Founded: 1927, Dallas, Texas
> Date first became foreign: 1991
> Current parent company: Seven & I Holdings, Co., Japan
> Product: Convenience stores

17. Gerber

> Founded: 1927, Fremont, Michigan
> Date first became foreign: 1994
> Current parent company: Nestlé, Switzerland
> Product: Baby food

16. Lucky Strike

> Founded: 1871, Richmond, Virginia
> Date first became foreign: 1994
> Current parent company: British American Tobacco PLC, U.K.
> Product: Tobacco

15. Chrysler

> Founded: 1925, Detroit, Michigan
> Date first became foreign: 1998
> Current parent company: Stellantis N.V., Netherlands
> Product: Autos

14. Hellmann’s

> Founded: 1913, New York, New York
> Date first became foreign: 2000
> Current parent company: Unilever, U.K.
> Product: Condiments

13. Ben & Jerry’s

> Founded: 1978, Burlington, Vermont
> Date first became foreign: 2000
> Current parent company: Unilever, U.K.
> Product: Ice cream

12. Purina

> Founded: 1894, St. Louis, Missouri
> Date first became foreign: 2001
> Current parent company: Nestlé, Switzerland
> Product: Pet food

11. John Hancock Life Insurance

> Founded: 1862, Massachusetts
> Date first became foreign: 2004
> Current parent company: Manulife Financial Corporation, Canada
> Product: Insurance

10. IBM PC

> Founded: 1981, New York City
> Date first became foreign: 2005
> Current parent company: Lenovo, China
> Product: Computers

9. Hoover US©Courtesy of Hoover Vacuums North America via Facebook

> Founded: 1908, North Canton, Ohio
> Date first became foreign: 2007
> Current parent company: Techtronic Industries, Hong Kong
> Product: Floor care (vacuums)

8. Greyhound Lines

> Founded: 1914, Hibbing, Minnesota
> Date first became foreign: 2007
> Current parent company: FlixMobility (parent of Flixbus), Germany
> Product: Transportation

7. Budweiser

> Founded: 1852, St. Louis, Missouri
> Date first became foreign: 2008
> Current parent company: Anheuser-Busch InBev, Belgium
> Product: Beverages

6. Forbes

> Founded: 1917
> Date first became foreign: 2014
> Current parent company: Integrated Whale Media Investments, China
> Product: Publishing

6. Motorola Mobility

> Founded: 1928, Chicago, Illinois
> Date first became foreign: 2014
> Current parent company: Lenovo, China
> Product: Consumer electronics (smartphones)

4. GE Appliances

> Founded: 1907, Schenectady, New York
> Date first became foreign: 2016
> Current parent company: Haier, China
> Product: Appliances

3. Popeyes

> Founded: 1972, New Orleans, Louisiana
> Date first became foreign: 2017
> Current parent company: Restaurant Brands International Inc., Canada; 3G Capital, Brazil and USA
> Product: Fast food

2. Tiffany & Co.

> Founded: 1837, New York, New York
> Date first became foreign: 2021
> Current parent company: LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, France
> Product: Jewelry

1. GrubHubs

> Founded: 2004, Chicago, Illinois
> Date first became foreign: 2020
> Current parent company: Just Eat Takeaway.com N.V., Netherlands
> Product: Food delivery

Not only did some of these household brand names sell out a long time ago, some of them sold out to foreign entities under Republican presidents. G.E. Motorola. Forbes Magazine. Forbes Magazine, the quintessential Capitalist magazine sold out to Communist China?

A year ago, the Washington Examiner reported that “Dozens of members of Congress accepted tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from lobbyists for Chinese military-backed telecommunications firm Huawei, records show.

A total of 46 Republican and Democrat House members and senators (33 of them Republicans) have pocketed roughly $35,600 from five Huawei lobbyists, according to Federal Election Commission records and lobbying disclosures reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Among the Republicans were Congressmen Kevin McCarthy, the ousted Speaker of the House; Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska);

That, of course, is a pittance compared to the donations from George Soros and his galaxy of associations.

These are the Freedomworks Scores of Congressional Representatives who voted against Jordan:

Representative Lifetime Session

1. Rep. Don Bacon, of Nebraska 63.5% 60%

2. Rep. Vern Buchanan, of Florida 65.1% 80%

  1. Rep. Ken Buck, of Colorado 94.5% 80%
  2. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRamer, of Oregon 60.0% 60%
  3. Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, of New York NA N/A
  4. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, of Florida 58.5% 80%
  5. Rep. Jake Ellzey, of Texas 85.5% 80%
  6. Rep. Drew Ferguson, of Georgia 74.8% 80%
  7. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, of Pennsylvania 31.7% 40%
  8. Rep. Andrew Garbarino, of New York 66.6% 60%
  9. Rep. Carlos Giménez, of Florida 70.6% 60%
  10. Rep. Tony Gonzales, of Texas 62% 40%
  11. Rep. Kay Granger, of Texas 65.8% 60%
  12. Rep. John James, of Michigan 80% 80%
  13. Rep. Thomas Kean, of New Jersey 60% 60%
  14. Rep. Mike Kelly, of California 64.5.% 50%
  15. Rep. Jennifer Kiggans, of Virginia 60% 60%
  16. Rep. Nick LaLota, of New York 60% 60%
  17. Rep. Michael Lawler, of New York 60% 60%
  18. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, of Iowa 68.8% 60%
  19. Rep. Marcus Molinaro, of New York 60.0% 60%
  20. Rep. John Rutherford, of Florida 60.9% 80%
  21. Rep. Michael Simpson, of Idaho 57.7% 60%
  22. Rep. Pete Stauber, of Minnesota 65.6% 60%
  23. Rep. Steve Womack, of Arkansas 57.1% 60%

In the 117th House of Representatives (2022), former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy rated 70.1% Lifetime, 80% current session. Patrick Henry (78.8%/80.0%). Jim Jordan’s score is 95.7%/100%. You just don’t get more Conservative than that.

On the Senate side, Mitt Romney is the ultimate RINO, with a 41.4% score on freedom. That’s a pretty terrible record. What are the people in Utah thinking?

In these matters, the Republican Party rules. As with all parties, the voters don’t count at all. Voters never get much of a chance to see for whom they’re voting for in the primaries. The Party d1–etermines who gets Republican donor money for advertising. In Blue States (like New Jersey), it starts with the county committees. That’s where earnest Conservative “Republicans” need to begin.

Voting in New Jersey is easy, but the ballots are a mess. County clerks, which are elected partisan officials in New Jersey, are allowed to design the ballot to the advantage of party-backed candidates, according to Princeton University’s Journal of Public & International Affairs. Princeton is a decidedly Socialist university (Woodrow Wilson was its one-time president). However, they are correct.

New Jersey has a robust Democratic machine. As such, the primary election often supersedes the importance of the general election because winning the primary usually guarantees success in the general election. There are some Republican strongholds in the state, but because there are fewer political players in that space, it is less competitive. In fact, the only two counties in New Jersey that have a balanced ballot design are predominantly Republican.

You might think that the state and municipal elections don’t count. But you’d be wrong. These committees, apparently made up of lower level party players determine who get on the state ballot of municipal, county and state offices. The state party determines who gets on the presidential ballot.

These operatives count on an ignorant public. We’re not as ignorant as some states. However, that depends on whether you live in the North or the South and whether you live in Eastern or Western New Jersey. Norther New Jersey is wholesale Democrat now and whatever Republican strongholds there are are being eaten away by the insurgence of Unaffordable Affordable Housing, occupied by New York Democrats who fled New York City and Long Island after COVID.

Four factors determine how these so-called “Independents” will vote: Abortion, Homosexuality, Drugs, and Climate Change. Three sins and a hoax.

Imagine giving an employment test to applicants. Most fall in the 60 percent range. Some in the 80 percentile and a handful score 95 percent or better. Who would you hire? The applicant who scored 100 percent, right? Jim Jordan?

Not in Congress, though. In Congress, they use the Kindergarten scoring method. “Plays well with others.” “Doesn’t speak out in class.” “Raises his hand.” “Sits in his seat.” “Listens well.” “Follows directions.”

The voters themselves seem to vote on a different psychological scale:

The halo effect – based on a single characteristic

The recency effect – the last, rather than the first, impression

The central tendency – a mean score

The leniency error – rating someone more positively than he deserves

Thus, we have a “House” full of Republican mediocrities (Sen. Mitt Romney’s Freedomworks score is dreadful: 41.4%. Susan Collins (Maine) – 30.9%/33.3%. Even a Republican Good Guy like Sen. Marco Rubio only manages 73.8%. That’s the Senate, of course.

The top Republican members of the House are Scott Perry (Pa.-10) 94.8%/100% and Pat Cammack (Fla.-3) 94.1%/100%. Most fall between 60% and 80% – a perfect example of the Bell Curve.

For a nation founded on the principles of freedom and liberty, it’s a pretty sorry statement about America in the 21st Century – and that’s the Republicans. Since when has cherishing freedom become an extremist viewpoint? How did we come to reject for Speaker of the House the guy who’s at the top of the class? How have so many (and especially President Trump) come to paint Jim Jordan as the “loser”?

President Trump certainly seems to subscribe Niccolo Machiavelli’s definition of success, as exampled by history:

“It is truly a natural and ordinary thing to desire gain; and when those who can succeed attempt it, they will always be praised and not blamed. But if they cannot succeed yet try anyway, they are guilty of error and are blameworthy.”

p. 20 “The Prince” (Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince, 1513, Venice, Italy. 147 pp. Bantam Classic Edition, 1981)

Machiavelli also noted:

“When a state accustomed to live in freedom under its own laws is acquired [conquered], there are three ways of keeping it: the first is to destroy it; the second is to go live there in person [colonize it]; the third is to let it continue to live under its own laws, taking tribute from it, and setting up a government composed of a few men who will keep it friendly to you [corrupt it].

Ibid. p.. 24

The enemy, namely China but other socialist countries as well own our businesses, our land, and our politicians. Illegal aliens from their countries are settling here, overturning the votes of the original citizens, which they consider payback for Western European powers “conquering” and replacing the aboriginal tribes.

Machiavelli notes that peoples who live under a monarch or a dictator, with no representation and no stake in the government, won’t care if one, single ruler supplants another. But if there are land owners, conquest becomes more problematic and depends on how well the landowners treated their serfs. If agitation can be stirred up among the lower classes, conquest, with the promise of fairer treatment for the peasants, is possible.

My older brother was testing me to see if I was really as well read as I claim. He asked if I’d read Machiavelli. I told him that I had read “The Prince” (the book’s proper title) as well as “The Divine Comedy” otherwise known as Dante’s Inferno.

“Oh, you have?” Gee. I was surprised that he’d read “The Prince.” Well maybe not that surprised. But I was surprised he’d read “The Divine Comedy.” Yes. Wagonloads of lesser sinners being hauled off to Hell, with its seven levels, and wondering how their minor offenses deserved such drastic punishment.

Machiavelli unjustly earned a bad reputation for his characterization of self-serving, grasping, calculating politicians. “The Prince” isn’t a fictional novel; it was Machiavelli’s study of conquerors and politicians over the ages up to the Renaissance and the political turmoil that shook the Italian countryside like their very common earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

We are the inheritors of that legacy as the Roman Empire expanded and then fell.

We are becoming the peoples whom Machiavelli believed didn’t have the will to fight against a massive incursion and yet another descent into tyranny.

“..changes in authority come about from a natural hazard which exists in all new principalities: that is, from the willingness of men to change one lord for another, believing thus to improve their lot. But in this the deceive themselves, for experience will prove that they will have actually worsened their lot.

“This in turn will be the result of another common and natural necessity, for by the presence of his soldiers and by those other innumerable offenses that follow upon conquest, the new ruler must inevitably distress those over whom he establishes rule. So it happens that he makes enemies of all those whom he has in injured in occupying the new principality, and yet he cannot keep the friendship of those who have set him up; for he cannot satisfy them as they had expected and since he is obligated to them, he cannot use strong medicine against them. Even if one has a very strong army [or bureaucracy], he will always need the good will of the inhabitants when entering a new province.” Ibid, pp. 14-15.

Machiavelli cites examples of kings who conquered territories only to quickly lose them again. While their forces were strong enough to take the territory the first time, “because those people who had opened their gates to the King, finding themselves deceived in their opinions and in their expectations, could not endure the irritations inflicted by their new ruler.”

“It is indeed true, however, that after one has conquered a rebellious territory a second time, it will be less easily lost, for the ruler, using the rebellion as his excuse, will be the less reluctant to establish himself solidly by punishing the defectors, uncovering suspects, and strengthening his position wherever it is weak.”

Biden is heir to Obama’s two terms of Marxist tyranny. Much of the damage to our country was done by Obama and especially the federal judges he appointed. Biden is the feeble-looking, hoary, and stumbling puppet who will deliver the final blow to the United States of America in the event of a Third World War.

We imagine the scenario something like this:

  • China buys up weaker nations around the globe through its Belt and Road Initiative (done), creating for itself global military installations and economic markets
  • Taiwan declares its independence from China; China arrests dissidents
  • The U.S. sends a naval force to Taiwan (that war board is now set)
  • Russia invades Ukraine
  • U.S. Sends billions in aid to Ukraine
  • China vows to support Russia in a war over Ukraine (that war board is set; the pieces are moving)
  • The Muslims attack Israel (which Hamas has already done)
  • Israel strike back at Hamas (in the process)
  • The U.S. Sends a naval group to the Mediterranean
  • Iran launches an attack on Tel Aviv (most likely) or Haifa
  • The U.S. launches a strike on Iranian military targets
  • North Korea launches tactical nukes against Pearl Harbor and other U.S. Pacific Fleet installations
  • China institutes a blockade on Western shipping
  • China invades Taiwan.
  • With the help of millions of illegal aliens and illegal voting methods, Biden wins a second term as President of the United States.
  • U.S. attacks Chinese military targets
  • China retaliates, sinking most of U.S. Pacific Fleet with laser attacks from space.
  • Taiwan is forced to surrender to China.
  • Iran launches nuclear bombs at Israel and at New York City and Long Island. North Korea attacks Western and Midwestern U.S. Cities.
  • Domestic political dissidents in the U.S. Are arrested in the interests of national security. All publications (print and electronic) are subject to censorship by the U.S. government. Publishers must seek a permit in order to publish or broadcast.
  • China acts as “negotiator” between Iran and the U.S. Iran threatens the U.S. with more bombs. Biden signs the “peace treaty,” agreeing to surrender his office as President, abolishing the U.S. Constitution and yielding the government to China’s “oversight.”

Something like that anyway.

We were disappointed to hear President Trump deride Jim Jordan as a Machiavellian “loser.” Jordan represents the best of all of us who still cherish freedom. We abide by the Constitution of the United States. But the RINOs and the Democrats are reading from an entirely different book – “The Communist Manifesto.” They’ve brought in illegal aliens by the millions who come from Socialist South America and a broad range of socialist/communist nations around the world.

If Jim Jordan is a “loser,” then all of us who cherish liberty and freedom and prosperity are “losers.”

At the very least, we’re an “endangered species” that will receive absolutely no protection.

Published in: on October 23, 2023 at 2:35 pm  Leave a Comment  

O-18: Jews for a “Free” Palestine

Told you so.

Yesterday, Palestinians and Jews for Palestine took over the rotunda in the Canon Office Building at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., and held a Sit-In, with what appeared to be Muslim clerics, or perhaps they were rabbis, leading them in chants of “Not in Our Name.”

The Capitol Police did nothing. However, things got rough out on Independence Avenue and on New Jersey Avenue some frisky Jews for Palestine were arrested and hauled off in paddy wagons.

Palestine wants to be “free” to wipe out the Jewish people. They will not, and never have, distinguished between observant and non-observant Jews. We told you, from personal experience, that the non-religious Jews have never cared about Israel, or a Jewish homeland before Israel declared its independence in 1948.

Palestine has been recognized since ancient times as a tribal land, with pagan worship and practices. Also known as Canaan, the Hebrews eventually defeated them.

Zionism (Hebrew: Tsiyyonut after Zion – the name for Jerusalem) is considered a nationalist movement that emerged in the 19th century to espouse support for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine,a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition. Following the establishment of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports ‘the development and protection of the State of Israel.

It originally referred to a specific hill in Jerusalem (Mount Zion), located to the south of Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount). Generally, although the original site was the eastern hill, because it was the only source of water in the region, Solomon’s Temple was built on the western hill and was said to be, at one time, the repository of the Ark of the Covenant.

Jews are divided as to whether there should be such a place as a Jewish “homeland;” that their religion should not be politicized. However, after the Holocaust of World War II, during which six million Jews were murdered (exterminated was the Nazi term for it), it became obvious that the Jewish people did need a land of their own where they wouldn’t be persecuted.

Jews in Imperial Russia and in Eastern Europe were certainly persecuted, their property seized, their people arrested, beaten, even executed.

Wikipedia tells us:

The largest group among Russian Jews are the Ashkenazi Jews, but the community also includes a significant proportion of other non-Ashkenazi from other parts of the Jewish diaspora including Mountain Jews, Sephard Jews, Crimean Karaites, Krymchaks, Bukharan Jews and Georgian Jews.

The presence of Jewish people in the European part of Russia can be traced to the 7th–14th Centuries A.D. In the 11th and 12th centuries, the Jewish population in Kiev, in Ukraine, was restricted to a separate quarter. Evidence of the presence of Jewish people in Muscovite Russia is first documented in the chronicles of 1471. During the reign of Catherine II in the 18th century, Jewish people were restricted to the Pale of Settlement (1791–1917) within Russia, the territory where they could live or immigrate to. Alexander III escalated anti-Jewish policies. Beginning in the 1880s, waves of anti-Jewish swept across different regions of the empire for several decades. More than two million Jews fled Russia between 1880 and 1920, mostly to the United States and what is today the State of Israel. The Pale of Settlement took away many of the rights that the Jewish people of the late 17th century Russia had enjoyed.

At this time, the Jewish people were restricted to an area of what is current day Belarus, Lithuania, eastern Poland and Ukraine. Where Western Europe was experiencing emancipation at this time, in Russia the laws for the Jewish people were getting more strict They were allowed to move further east, towards a less crowded region, though it was only a minority of Jews who took to this migration option. The sporadic and often impoverished communities formed were known as Shtetis.

Before 1917 there were 300,000 Zionist Jews in Russia, while the main Jewish socialist organization, the Bund, had 33,000 members. Only 958 Jews had joined the Bolshevik Party before 1917; thousands joined after the Revolution.

The Bund (“federation”) was a secular Jewish Socialist party party initially formed in the Russian Empire and active between 1897 and 1920. In 1917 the Bund organizations in Poland seceded from the Russian Bund and created a new Polish General Jewish Labour Bund, which continued to operate in Poland in the years between the two world wars. The majority faction of the Russian Bund was dissolved in 1921 and incorporated into the Communist Party. Other remnants of the Bund endured in various countries, including – and especially – the United States.

The Jewish secularists were thrilled when Tsar Nicholas was overthrown and the Bolshevik Revolution succeeded. They decided to try organizing Labor unions here, in America. However, while American workers wanted higher wages, shorter work hours (the work day was 14 hours at the time) and safer conditions (if you got hurt on the job, it was tough luck on you). That didn’t mean they wanted to overthrow the companies that hired and paid them.

Most of the Jewish secularists immigrated to the Bronx, Brooklyn, and some to Queens. But mainly, they went to live in the East Bronx of New York City, which had over 60 piano factories at the time. They organized the Labor unions and opened their own, Marxist schools for their children.

As today’s home-schoolers know, opening your own schools is expensive. The Jewish Marxists soon found that they out-numbered the original Dutch and German population and were soon in charge of the school boards, which hired Marxist teachers out of the Frankfurt School in Germany.

Evander Childs High School was a massive high school in the central Bronx. The building took up an entire city square block. By the 1940s, its student population had climbed to 10,000 and according to Mom, they were predominantly Jewish. On Jewish holidays, the school was practically empty, she said, with only one or two Christian students per class.

The Jews, following the Marxist, atheist ideology (not that the Muslims care about that; that’s just as bad, in their eyes, as being Jewish or Christian), threw over their God for the god of the state – the government. Only the elite would rule. The Teach the Teachers Plot included, among other things, discouraging students from other religions from pursuing higher education. That took some time, though. In the meanwhile, Dad took four years of high school Latin and another four years of college Latin, while Mom studied Shakespeare. She could quote Shakespeare, which dismayed her bus driving colleagues years later in New Jersey.

A generation later, in the Sixties, it was a Marxist instructor who tried to discourage my older brother from going to college, another who taught Communism instead of American history, and yet another who pounded his desk for his union, declaring he didn’t care about teaching us.

We hate to sound Anti-Semitic. But there it is. We’ve always known. However, who was going to say such things in the politically-correct (the former phrase for “Woke”) climate of the Seventies. Mom was never afraid of them. Our favorite Mom is the story of the Kutz Kamp organizer.4

The organizer examined her bus and complained that the windows were dirty. In fact, Mom was fastidious, cleaned bus herself and was fanatical about cleanliness. One time, a bunch of students left a mess on her floor. Before leaving, she swept the bus and brushed the garbage right out onto to the school sidewalk.

All that was wrong with the windows was a place where she missed some corners. She came to the back of the bus with window cleaner and her paper towels, sprayed the windows, and declared, “Now I know why Hitler killed the Jews!” as she shut the windows again.

In her defense, she’d heard from the students themselves the Marxist propaganda this guy was espousing, so she had no sympathy for him. Or for her classmates, who were running the underground Marxist rag at her high school

Growing up, our neighborhood was full of Neo-Nazis, post-World War II immigrants, spreading their anti-Semitic hate. Mom had made friends with a Dutch couple who emigrated here after the war. The wife had been a member of the Dutch underground. One of the Jews her parents had hid, despite the danger, had come to America and was going to be a guest at neighborhood house party.

They denied the Holocaust had occurred, at least not in the numbers claimed. They would have denied it entirely, only Dad had seen one of the concentration camps. “I was there!” he thundered.

The elderly Jewish man rolled up his sleeve and showed them his prison number. The Germanics pointed to little me (I was four) and claimed the Jews and Jew-Lovers were trying to indoctrinate the children. At that my father told my mother to get our coats, that we were going home.

The Jewish protesters in Washington, D.C., were promptly arrested when they got violent with the police. Why did they silently allow the Palestinians to occupy that Capitol office building when what they were calling for was the annihilation of all Jews, everywhere, including the idiots outside on New Jersey Avenue who were supporting the Palestinians?

Don’t the “Ethnic” Jews realize that unless they convert to Islam, that the Muslims were mow them down just the way they mowed down the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II? The Nazis happily told them, ‘Here are the guns – go knock yourselves out.’

The Palestinians didn’t just attack party-goers at a concert in Israel. They also attacked kibbutzim in Israel. We think of them as farms. However, a kibbutz (Hebrew for  ’gathering or clustering’ is an intentional community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. “Intentional” meaning “communal.” The first kibbutz, established in 1910, was Degania. Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises. The Kibbutzim Movement began in 1910 as utopian communities, a combination of Socialism and Zionism. In recent decades, some kibbutzim have been privatized and changes have been made in the communal lifestyle.

Yosef Baratz, one of the pioneers of the kibbutz movement, which sought to settle in Palestine (part of the Ottoman Empire),wrote a book about his experiences.

We were happy enough working on the land, but we knew more and more certainly that the ways of the old settlements were not for us. This was not the way we hoped to settle the country—this old way with Jews on top and Arabs working for them; anyway, we thought that there shouldn’t be employers and employed at all. There must be a better way.

No bosses. That’s Marxism, or Communism. That’s what the Kutz Kamp organizers wanted to prepared his American high school students for – living for two years in kibbutz. But apparently, it hasn’t exactly worked out for them, if some kibbutzim have been privatized.

Most members of the movement were secular and even atheist; they did away with many old Jewish traditions and invented new ones. Thus,synagogues were not established in most Kibbutzim and members considered them undesirable.

That being said, are whatever secular Jews were arrested yesterday going to spend decades in prison? They support people who cry “Kill the Jews!” And they call US “Nazis”?

Will they volunteer to be the first modern-day Jews to be gassed, the way they volunteered to serve on the kibbutzim?

Will we be tisking over this protest, this occupation of the U.S. Capitol every October 18th – O18 – in perpetuity the way we wring our hands over J-6?

Published in: on October 19, 2023 at 1:26 pm  Leave a Comment