The New Jersey 2021 Election:  What Choice Do We Have?

A ruined block in Camden, N.J. What the Democrats have wrought.

As Election Day 2021 approaches, a friend asked me what choice New Jersey Conservative voters have?  Who should we vote for?

If you’re a Democrat, and you’re dissatisfied with Gov. Phil Murphy, whose campaign admitted that he will institute the vaccine mandate just as soon as he elected, is as Green as the money donors have been stuffing his campaign cornucopia with, and you’re fed up, you have plenty of choices for governor

  • Joanne Kuniansky, the Socialist Workers Party candidate
  • Madelynn R. Hoffman, the Green Party candidate
  • Gregg Mele, the Libertarian Party candidate.

Mele has the most to offer the doubtful

  • End the lockdowns
  • Lower taxes on small businesses
  • Keep jobs from leaving the state
  • Promote home schooling
  • Reduce medical regulation, which is bloating doctor’s offices, making it impossible for them to remain profitable.
  • Maintain railway and roadway infrastructure
  • Support the Second Amendment

But then comes the bad news:

  • Early release for prisoners, especially non-violent criminals and drug users
  • Climate Change

So, for better or worse, Conservatives can vote for Jack Ciatterelli.  Or stay home.

Ciattarelli supported Donald Trump for reelection as president and headlined a “Stop the Steal” rally.  On immigration, he reversed his opposition to drivers’ licenses being issued to undocumented immigrants, saying he now supports access to drivers’ licenses.

That’s not very reassuring.  But this is New Jersey and we’re a divided state.

From his time in the legislature, he has a 75 percent rating from the American Conservative Union, a conservative PAC.

Ciattarelli has said he is in favor of abortion rights prior to 20 weeks of pregnancy, supports banning abortion, except in cases where the patient’s life is in danger, after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and does not support overturning the Roe v. Wade precedent which legalized the right to abortion.  The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, an abortion rights organization, gives him a 20% rating, indicating how often he voted with their positions, and New Jersey Right to Life, an anti-abortion organization, gave him a 0% score, indicating how often he voted with their positions.

So that’s not so good, either.

He did not support the legalization of same-sex voting, but did support civil unions as being “adequate” for same-sex couples.  Ciattarelli voted against same-sex marriage, but voted to ban conversion therapy – very unpopular with the Alphabet Crowed for minors.  He opposes New Jersey’s current laws regarding curricula that include LGBTQ education, saying, “We’re not teaching sodomy in Sixth Grade.  And we’re going to roll back the LGBTQ curriculum.”

The Alphabet Community grumbled at the legally and technically correct term “sodomy”  His comments were denounced by Garden State Equality, the state’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, but he has received the endorsement of Log Cabin Republicans, a PAC for Republicans who support LGBTQ rights.

None of this is good news for the rising tide of parents who object to their children being taught multi-sexual, multi-gender curricula in their classrooms.  Hot on the heels of sexual education is Critical Race Theory.

But at the top of parents agenda is the continuing education lockdown.  Murphy’s executive orders forcing COVID patients into nursing homes during 2020 should be enough to sink him.  However, California’s Gov. Newsom underwent a recall election and survived it.  New Jersey is little better than California.

Jobs and businesses are fleeing the state at record rates.  The state claims that it has been adding jobs since January.  However, the state unemployment rate is at 7.1 percent – and that doesn’t include the unemployed who’ve been dropped off the rolls after a year but still haven’t found work.

I just cashed my first paycheck in 18 months.  I was actually working this week at a temp job, which is why I hadn’t posted on my blog.  But that gig was only a true “temp” job, not temp-to-perm.  I must keep on looking.  Employers are particularly biased against older workers (55 and older).  No matter how experienced you are, they don’t want to know about you.  The Pandemic has only made the gap wider since the last job for many older workers who don’t fancy ruining their health trying to lift boxes at Wal-Mart or Amazon.

The pay rate is terrible and, especially at Amazon, the working conditions are dreadful.  If ever a company deserved to be unionized, it’s Amazon.  If I worked, I’d be the first person to sign the petition to organize a union – and I despise unions.

New Jersey is in a shambles thanks to Murphy and our Democrat legislature.  There doesn’t seem to be any hope for it, either.  The more time passes, the more brainwashed voters will be coming out of college and into the workforce.  Only when they begin having children and send them to school do they realize that Marxism is no utopia.  Utopia is literally nothing.

The best the GOP is willing to offer Conservatives is a Moderate who’s willing to hold hands with child-hating, family-hating abortion activists and illegal aliens who are being bused into New Jersey cities in the middle of the night.

Time and the educational system are on the side of the Marxists, unless young people start having a whole bunch of children very, very soon.  That will mean women will have to put their families before their “careers” and considering how staunchly New Jersey support abortion rights, that doesn’t seem likely to happen.

The taxpayers can’t support a welfare state indefinitely.  Eventually, New Jersey’s economy will collapse.  Climate change economics will further that collapse.  New Jersey residents, by 2050 at the latest, will no longer be permitted to their own homes, drive gasoline-powered cars, or heat their homes with natural gas or nuclear power, the cheapest and most reliable forms of home heating.

Green energy is not only a scam, but an unreliable dud, since they are dependent upon the weather, which we know to be even more unreliable than politicians’ promises.  New Jersey will be in a permanent lockdown and taxed to 90 percent of their income.

But don’t worry.  The state government promises to bail you out, at least for a while.  I was able to make do with Biden Bucks until the state informed me at the beginning of this month that my “free ride” was over.  I didn’t mind.

Only now I’m on my to try to convince some employer that I’m not too old to work, that I still have all my marbles and all my skills that I developed over 30 years working.  All employers see however is that huge gap when my company pulled up stakes and left New Jersey and prospective employers decided I’d been at my job as a writer and photographer and hadn’t kept up my Microsoft Office skills.

They’re wrong about that.  I could show them the Common Core New Jersey study that I researched and tallied into an Excel spreadsheet, complete with pivot charts and graphs that showed just how devastating the Common Core curriculum proved to be to New Jersey students.

When educational professionals called the concept “Narrowing the Achievement Gap,” they weren’t kidding.  Common Core lowered the skills of suburban students by at least 20 percent, so that they were “on par” with students in failing inner city schools.  That was the Liberals’ idea of “equity.”

But I’d be quite content to be an office worker.  I certainly know my way around Excel, not to mention Word, PowerPoint, and now, QuickBooks, which turns out to be a collection of all the most popular invoice and purchase order forms.

I need to go back to work so I can earn enough money to move out of New Jersey when I retire and finally live in a Conservative state.  If the only choice for a “Republican” candidate is someone who must “reach across the aisle” in order to win, then this isn’t the place for me.

So, someone please hire me.  I’m punctual, efficient, organized, skilled, and accurate to within 0.001 percent of perfection.

Please hire me so I can get the heck out of New Jersey five or so years from now.  By the time a re-elected Murphy is through with ruining this state, New Jersey will be nothing but landfill and empty lots.

Published in: on October 30, 2021 at 4:30 pm  Leave a Comment  

New Jersey’s Murphy Mum on Mask and Vax Mandate

Straight from Wild West City, it’s Mad Mask Murphy

You can tell when it’s election season in New Jersey:  the leaves just about start changing colors and candidates change their stories.

New Jersey’s incumbent governor, Phil Murphy, is up for re-election against Republican Jack Ciattarelli.  His campaign spokespeople are telling the public:

“He’s going to do it [invoke the mask and vaccine mandates], but he couldn’t do it before the elections.”

Wendy Martinez, Phil Murphy’s Senior Campaign Advisor was caught on a hidden Project Veritas camera stating: “He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections. Because of the independents and the undecided.

“They [independents and undecideds] are all into all the sh*t.  My rights, my sh*t — and they don’t care if they kill everybody.”

He will [implement the COVID vaccine mandate], but right now is about him winning. It will be fine.”

Then, Project Veritas caught Matthew Urquijo, Manager of New Jersey Forward, saying, “The problem is right now — because it’s election season – he [Gov. Murphy] is not going to have people [in the campaign] say like, ‘We’re gonna have a [COVID vaccine] mandate now.’ Because, you know, for some people that’s going to piss them off.  I think once, you know, we have a win, he’s like, ‘Alright, guns blazing, like, who cares, I’m in it. Let’s do the mandates, let’s do this, X, Y, and Z.’”

Implementing the mandate is crucial not only to solidifying and appeasing New Jersey’s Democrat voters, but his Democrat donors as well, which include many pharmaceutical companies. 

New Jersey is the Pharmaceutical State.  Johnson & Johnson is based here in New Brunswick, hard by Rutgers University.  Pfizer’s headquarters is in Manhattan.  But it has- or had –  a facility in Bridgewater Township.  Its global vaccine research facility is just over the New Jersey border in Pearl River, New York.

Garden State parents are just like parents all around the country – they’re up in arms over schools forcing their children to wear masks, which is incredibly unhealthy, over the closure of schools for more than a year, the teaching CRT precepts, and Biden’s vow that children as young as three will require “vaccination” against COVID (technically, it’s not actually a “vaccine” in the scientific sense, but don’t tell the government that you know that).

Martinez was arrogant and blasé in her statement; she never even looked up at the person to whom she was speaking.  The nerve of the common people, refusing a vaccine that not only won’t protect you from getting the virus but won’t protect anyone else, either, and may, in fact, increase the odds that the vaccinate people will get other people sick.

Evidently, these bureaucrats are so immersed in their own indoctrination that they blurt out the lies automatically without even thinking about what they’re saying. 

“They don’t care if they kill everybody,” she said.  Famously, Phil Murphy didn’t care about all the seniors he killed when he forced COVID-positive patients into senior nursing facilities, ensuring that the vulnerable senior patients would contract the illness and die.

But who cares, right?  It eliminates the number of people the government has to shell out money for Medicare and Social Security.  Probably eliminated a good number of Conservative voters as well.

Murphy’s gonna come stompin’ into our private lives, guns a-blazin’, like anti-gun activist actor Alec Baldwin on a Western film shoot-‘em up, never botherin’ to check whether the needles are filled with a dangerous vaccine that was never tested.  Just load ‘em up and shoot away.  

If the patients die, well, what the heck.  They was probably Conspiracy Theory Conservatives anyways.  Bury ‘em deep and get on to the next Marxist mandate, pardner!  Who tole ‘em they got rights?  Ah’m runnin’ this here state!   This ain’t no Red State, for th’ luvva Lenin!  Get back behind them barricades!  Next thing ya know, they’ll be squawkin’ that I tax ‘em too much.  Voice o’th’ People, mah horse’s rear-end! 


Published in: on October 26, 2021 at 5:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

Climate Change Fools Rush in on Manhattan A.M. Rush Hour

Hey, hey, ho, ho!  Traffic blockers gotta go!

New York City commuters don’t suffer fools gladly.  If you hesitate at a traffic light because there’s nowhere to go on the other side of Fifth Avenue, they’ll give you the Bronx Cheer.  On the other hand, if you do “block the box” not only can you get a ticket, but you’ll get even more of those “Bronx Cheers.”

Manhattan is a city that’s always on the move.  Even if you’re just walking to Penn State or the Fort Authority Bus Terminal, if you don’t walk fast enough, you’ll hear about it from the pedestrians behind you.

So you can imagine how morning commuters felt this morning when some Climate Change fools blocked the FDR Drive and the West Side Highway, making workers late on the east and west sides of Manhattan.

Ideally, Manhattan should be automobile-free.  Lower Manhattan especially is no place to be driving a car, with its narrow streets, delivery trucks and taxicabs.  Times Square is the “ground zero” of all traffic jams.  Like a pulsar or a black hole, all traffic jams emanate from the junction of Broadway, Seventh Avenue, and 45th Street, right out to the furthest points of Long Island, the wilderness of New Jersey, and the hills of Westchester.

According to the October 25th edition of The New York Post:

About a dozen demonstrators, from the group Extinction Rebellion NYC, used their cars to slow traffic to a halt and then got out and chained themselves to one another.

They held signs demanding, “Enough is enough,” “Act now,” and “Biden lead or we will drown.”

The Post reports also that the group tweeted:  “Dear commuters:  we are interrupting traffic this morning not to annoy you, but to force the public to confront the true dangers of unchecked climate change.  If we do not act today, if @potus does not act today, NYC will be underwater by 2100.  It’s a matter of life and death.”

Yes, what better way to address climate change than to create a ten mile traffic jam on each side of the island, forcing cars and trucks to emit even more exhaust into than atmosphere than sitting down in the middle of the West Side Highway.

What nonsense, though.  Of course they wanted to annoy the commuters.  In the very next clause, they used the word “force.”  It’s going to be a matter of “life and death” for the activists if they keep blocking traffic.

Notice that the move was so dangerous that they had to stop their cars in the middle of the road in order to carry out their protest.  If they hadn’t, they’d have been run over.  The speed limit is 50 mph on the Wes Side Highway, with a concrete divider in the center.  Actress Rene Russo tried climbing over that divider in the remake of “The Thomas Crown Affair” (1999).  She was nearly hit.  Someone evidently didn’t care that the producers weren’t filming a movie.

Let us not forget all the energy the protestors had to use just to get to those locations, too.  But they needed their cars to block the road for the commuters and truck drivers would surely have run them right over otherwise, with nary a concern.

New Yorkers are too smart to fall for climate change hucksterism.  Manhattan is an island whose subways and tunnels regularly flood during heavy rains.  The rains and flooding have very little to do with man-made activity.  The rising sea levels are from lakes and rivers formed in the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago.  As the ice sheet withdraw back towards the Arctic, it left puddles.  Those “puddles” gradually started draining out towards the ocean.

Some of them, like the Aral Sea (between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan), have almost completely dried up.  The Southwestern desert of the United States was once an ocean.  The Sahara Desert, the largest in the world, was once a tropical paradise.  The levels of other lakes have been lowering appreciably.

Still, do we really need all those swimming pools? Air conditioning, yes.  But swimming pools?  Really?  How many children learning Climate Change would be willing to forego that swimming pool?  Not many, we warrant.

By 2030, Biden has mandated that we will surrender our fossil-fuel vehicles for electric cars.  Of course, the sticker tag on one of those things is outrageous, which means only the elite will be able to afford them.  Then you need to buy an expensive charging station and your electric bill will soar up through the Exosphere. 

In short, average people will not have cars at all.  You will be expected to move to “transit villages” where you can take unionized public transportation to your job.  Or work remotely from home.  Even more money, either way.

Coal and nuclear-powered stations, run by China, will be the source of energy.  Wind turbines and solar panels are a joke, especially in colder climates.  Look at what happened to Texas during an unexpected winter storms.  The turbines froze and the solar panels cracked. 

Climate Change Marxists are determined to bring the Age of Independence to a final end.  They have the backing of the United Nations, individual governments, unions, and Big Corporations.  GM has set its own date for the end of gasoline-powered vehicles:  2030.

To work in Manhattan, commuting isn’t such a bad idea.  I took the train and then the bus into the City.  I could do it now and I’d get a Senior discount.  Only I’m not 25 anymore and I’d have a hard time hobbling my way to my office building.  The crime rate has soared and the City is said to be gagging on the pot smoke and other drugs. 

Not to mention all the Marxist activists pulling protests every day of the week.

Are the unions going to lower their salary demands so that average people can afford the commute into New York?  I think not.  I only have a few more years to retirement.  I’d like to avoid going into the City if possible.  The salary is higher but the risks simply aren’t worth it.

I don’t see New Yorkers – that is, those who work there, not live there – giving up their cars.  They hate the city, too.  They don’t want to wait on line to get the heck out of there.  Yet they’re willing to sit in traffic burning up fuel in order to leave when they please.

Businesses in the Financial District are especially adamant about their employees being willing to work late.  Taking the subway is not something you want to do at night, especially with the Twin Towers gone.  For safety’s sake, those commuters drive their cars into the city, where they can park in their building’s garage with a fair chance that they won’t get mugged.

No, commuters don’t want to spend one more minute in the City than they absolutely must and they will run over anyone who gets in their way, especially Climate Control activists.

Published in: on October 25, 2021 at 2:33 pm  Leave a Comment  

Give Us Back Our Superheroes!

Swish!  Someone save us from Gay Captain America!

Superman is gay, did you hear?  Technically, he now identifies as bi-sexual but that’s only a technicality.  Captain America is gay.  Spiderman’s handler has announced that he’s about to come out.  There’s no word on Captain Marvel.  Batman says he’s straight but has no time to worry about such trivial issues anyway as he’s too busy fighting crime.  Robin, his sidekick, has been out of the closet for decades.  He was sort of “dragged” out of the closet, if you’ll pardon the pun, by fans of the Sixties series “Batman & Robin.”

Comic books used to be for kids.  You know – 10 year olds.  However, as they started putting our favorite comic book heroes, the producers targeted an older audience of hormone-enraged teenaged boys.  The films became more violent and romance was introduced – the normal kind of romance.

But recently Superman and Marvel Comics heroes started tumbling out of the closet with the advent of “Wokeness.”  Not only was it okay to be gay, it was cool.  By the way, “homosexual” is no longer a term the Alphabet Community likes to use.  They consider it outdated and suggestive that being homosexual is a “choice.”

Why can’t the Alphabets find their own heroes?  You know, like, Butt Man.  Captain Pride.  Captain Polari.  Super Sward.  AndroHiro.  The New Faerie Queen.  Dr. Drag.

There was a time when Superman stood for “truth, justice and the American way.”  Now it seems to be “loot, social justice and the American gay.”

I’ve had gay co-workers.  It’s not a big deal, although when we were at a department luncheon, our openly-gay co-worker started talking which belt he thought he should wear that morning, there was a long silence and some of the ladies gave him what you might call a “queer” look. 

Men just don’t talk about clothes in that way, if they talk about them at all.  He may have been gay but he still looked like a guy to them and most guys just don’t discuss clothes.  But gay guys do; I knew that, although the ladies didn’t.  I’ve often traded fashion tips with them and let them admire the clothes and shoes Society just wasn’t ready for them to wear out in public.  In my day, I was a total fashionista – and the clothes now fit again.

And just for the record gay guys:  Please.  Don’t.  The world is confused enough already.

For decades, children looked up to these superheroes who could leap tall buildings in a single bound, swing from building to building on a silk web, and capture the Bad Guys.  They wanted to be like their superheroes (most of them, anyway).  Comics, like cookies, were for kids.

The teens and basement boys failed to grow out of adolescent and latched onto these childhood heroes, stealing them from the youngsters they were originally meant to amuse.  The creators sexualized the heroes, took away their heroic ambitions, making them doubt themselves, and finally emasculated them completely.

These are all uniquely American superheroes.  That the creators and producers have “unmanned” them says a good deal about their intentions.  Once, Superman could only be weakened by kryptonite.  Now they’ve pulled down his costume and sent him on errands more worthy of a troubadour than a superhero.

No one is supposed to care about the superhero’s “love life.”  He’s a superhero.  That means he’s selfless, brave, and moral.  He has the trust of children all over the world.  He’s a guiding light to them. 

Not anymore, though.  Teens and producers have cast him down among the sodomites.  In fact, our superheroes are sodomites.  That’s another word the Alphabets don’t like normal people to use.  It might make you think of the Bible.  Not that sex-obsessed teens and basement boys would be caught dead reading the Bible.

Jesus Christ was no “superhero” in the eyes of the Jews who rejected him.  Slender, mild and, if we’re to believe Isaiah’s prophecy, not exactly box office material.  The Jews of Jerusalem were expecting a warrior Superman, capable of defeating the Romans (and any other conquerors) with a single swish of the sword.

What they got was a somewhat nebbishy Clark Kent.  But he was a hero to all those whose lives he saved, whose illnesses he cured, and whose wayward paths he made straight.  He cleared the way to an eventual reunion with a reluctant God who was fed up with Mankind.  We got ourselves thrown out Eden.  Still, we didn’t get it.  He flooded the Earth with forty days of constant rain, causing the Earth to flood.   We were no sooner off the Ark, than Ham’s grandson, Nimrod was born, who proceeded to make war on God, kill the peaceful, enslave the rest, and mislead the entire Levant from Egypt to Persia.  Mankind took up their former evil ways.   God rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Still, we didn’t listen.  God threw the apostate Jews out of Jerusalem for worshipping Tammuz (one of the names given to Nimrod) and sent them as slaves to Babylon, the city Nimrod founded.  The next generation was allowed to return, but only on condition of good behavior.

Then there was that business with Jesus, arresting him, scourging him, beating him, then hanging him on the T-cross they forced Jesus to drag through the streets of Jerusalem.  The “T” stood for Tammuz, what they considered a fitting punishment for one who preached to crowds to leave Tammuz and his ways behind.

God’s own Son, they murdered.  Jesus didn’t actually die from the crucifixion; he was only on the cross for a relatively brief nine hours when his heart burst.  He died of a broken heart.

God was so mad that he caused an earthquake that rent the temple.

But the Marxists still aren’t done with Jesus.  They’ve tried to suggest that Jesus was effeminate, that his unnamed apostle was a man.  Actually, no one knows who it was.  Constantine removed many questionable elements from the Bible (including Adam’s first wife, Lillith).

During her presidential campaign in 2016, Hillary Clinton ridiculed the “bitter,” “Bible-clinging” Conservatives who were turning out by the hundreds of thousands for Donald Trump’s rallies, while hers were embarrassingly sparse.

Emasculating our superheroes, like toppling the statues of Columbus and the Founding Fathers (New York City just took down Thomas Jefferson the other day; but Che Guevara can still be found on Columbus Circle in Manhattan), is how the Counter-Culture or Culture War, as they now call it, intends to tear down America’s foundation, one hero at a time.

Woke Culture may be “done” with the values of Christian religion, with its “Oppressor God.”

But God isn’t done with them.  He’s got all of eternity.  We don’t and won’t.  Not that atheists care.  Even if that asteroid five times the size of Mount Everest strikes the Earth in 2031 after all, or strikes one of Saturn’s or Jupiter’s satellites, sending it towards us, they still won’t believe it’s the Hand of God.

Superman’s supervision, the Hulk’s strength, or Batman’s devices can stop it from happening.

You’ve asked for it, Koi Boi and Chipmunk Hunk.

Published in: on October 22, 2021 at 5:41 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Midnight Flights of Biden’s Illegal Alien Mules

Babes and the Hoods

The New York Post reported on Monday, October 18, that flights of underaged illegal aliens have been arriving at Westchester County Airport from points in Texas since August.

Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region, The Post has learned.

The charter flights originate in Texas, where the ongoing border crisis has overwhelmed local immigration officials, and have been underway since at least August, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Last week, The Post saw two planes land at the Westchester County Airport, where most of the passengers who got off appeared to be children and teens, with a small portion appearing to be men in their 20s.

Westchester County cops stood by as the passengers — whose flights arrived at 10:49 p.m. Wednesday and 9:52 p.m. Friday — got off and piled into buses.

Some of them were later seen meeting up with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey, or being dropped off at a residential facility on Long Island.

A Post analysis of online flight-tracking data suggests that around 2,000 of the underage migrants have arrived at the airport outside White Plains on 21 flights since Aug. 8.

Records show some of the planes touched down between midnight and 6:30 a.m. — when a voluntary curfew is in effect — with two arriving from Houston at 2:13 a.m. and 4:29 a.m. on Aug. 20.

The clandestine nature of the operation raises questions about how the White House is dealing with a recent surge in unaccompanied minors.

The most recent figures from US Customs and Border Protection show that just during July and August, 37,805 unaccompanied minors were caught entering the US from Mexico — sometimes after being abandoned by professional smugglers known as “coyotes.”

Video shows some children dropped over the border wall or abandoned in remote areas.

Illegal aliens are not just falling from the skies over Westchester County, just north of New York City; they’re being landed in the middle of the night in cities all over the United States.  Some estimates put the number as high 160,000 illegal aliens.

A reporter from Newsmax TV and magazine reporter, Logan Ratick, went to the Texas border towns of Eagle Pass and El Paso to witness the border crisis personally.  He wrote that it was a 24/7 invasion of our borders, organized by drug cartels and human traffickers.  Ratick might as well have included our own Marxist politicians on that list.

Ratick watched a water stand-off in the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass between two men and two boys and the Border Patrol Agents before continuing on to El Paso.

“That’s where men could be seen pushing two terrified kids, ages 3 and 5,” he wrote in the May 2021 issue of Newsmax magazine, “to the top of a 14-foot metal and concrete border wall – and them pushing them off, both of the children dropping like rag dolls to the dirt on the American side.

“Both kids, dazed and unable to move, were rushed off for medical care with lacerations and possible broken bones.  Soon, the flow of wall climbers continued as if nothing had happened.”

Or as the late John Denver wrote in his song, “Raven’s Child” (1990):

“The drug king sits on his arrogant throne

Away and above and apart.

Even children are twisted to serve him

Greed has corrupted what once was a heart.”

And what of all the louses who buy these drugs, who create the demand for the drugs these criminals peddle?  What do they think when children are dropped from a 14-foot wall in order to smuggle in their precious marijuana, cocaine and meth?

Do you know what they say?  “Well, it would happen if the government would legalize the drugs.”  And that’s the Democrats want to do.  When the state legislature refused to legalize marijuana in New Jersey, it was put on the ballot as a referendum, where it passed easily, fraudulent voting notwithstanding.  Gov. Murphy then signed no less than three laws legalizing recreational pot.

Never mind that studies have shown marijuana to be the underlying culprit in a majority of violent crimes, a fact suppressed by the courts and the Media.  Never mind the damage it can do to the minds of adolescents, whose myelin is still developing as late as the age of 23.  Never mind that it is a socially-spread inhalant that can affect innocent bystanders up to

The American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation reports:

Several peer-reviewed and published studies indicate that exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke can have health and safety risks for the general public, especially due to its similar composition to secondhand tobacco smoke.

If marijuana smoking is allowed indoors in public places, both employees and patrons are at risk. Secondhand smoke exposure from marijuana can cause significant health issues including breathing problems.

Secondhand smoke from combusted marijuana contains fine particulate matter that can be breathed deeply into the lungs, which can cause lung irritation; asthma attacks, and makes respiratory infections more likely. Exposure to fine particulate matter can exacerbate health problems especially for people with respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, or COPD.ii

Significant amounts of mercury, cadmium, nickel, lead, hydrogen cyanide, and chromium, as well as 3 times the amount of ammonia, are found in mainstream marijuana smoke than is in tobacco smoke.iii

In 2009, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment added marijuana smoke to the list of carcinogens and reproductive toxins cited as dangerous in the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, also known as Proposition 65. It reported that at least 33 individual constituents present in both marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke are Proposition 65 carcinogens.iv, v

Secondhand smoke from marijuana has many of the same chemicals as smoke from tobacco, including those linked to lung

Secondhand marijuana smoke exposure impairs blood vessel function.  Published studies on rats show thirty minutes of exposure to second-hand marijuana smoke at levels comparable to those found in restaurants that allow cigarette smoking led to substantial impairment of blood vessel function. Marijuana smoke exposure had a greater and longer-lasting effect on blood vessel function than exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke.vii

One minute of exposure to marijuana SHS substantially impairs endothelial function in rats for at least 90 minutes, considerably longer than comparable impairment by tobacco SHS. The findings in rats suggest that SHS can exert similar adverse cardiovascular effects regardless of whether it is from tobacco or marijuana.viii

Second-hand marijuana smoke and second-hand tobacco smoke is similar in many ways. More research is needed, but the current body of science shows that both tobacco and marijuana smoke have similar chemical composition and suggests that they may have harmful cardiovascular health effects, such as atherosclerosis (partially blocked arteries), heart attack, and stroke.ix

Particle concentrations from dabbing and vaporizing cannabis can create levels of indoor air pollution similar as those seen in extreme air pollution events like wildfires and severe industrial pollution. Exposure at these concentrations can cause cardiovascular and respiratory disease.x

People who are exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke can have detectable levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in their blood and urine.xi

Marijuana also can be contaminated with mold, insecticides, and other chemicals that may be released in secondhand smoke.xii

The tobacco industry tactic of proposing ventilation systems to solve the secondhand smoke problem is being dusted off and promoted by the marijuana industry. Industry lobbyists and proponents say, “Just put a ventilation system into your marijuana club and the secondhand smoke problem is solved.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

As has been proven time and time again, ventilation does not eliminate all the poisonous toxins and chemical components of secondhand smoke. The science is clear. Ventilation systems or air cleaning technologies may reduce odor, but they do not address the serious health risks caused by secondhand smoke exposure. Research is showing that negative health impacts, especially to the cardiovascular system, occur quickly even at extremely low levels of exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke. The only way to eliminate the health hazards of secondhand smoke is by having a 100% smoke-free environment.

The Board of Directors for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the international standard-setting body for indoor air quality, unanimously adopted an important position statement on secondhand tobacco smoke at its summer 2005 conference.

ASHRAE Standard 62.1 reaffirms:

  • There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Ventilation and other air filtration technologies cannot eliminate all the health risks caused by secondhand smoke exposure.
  • Tobacco smoke does not belong in indoor areas.

In 2013, the Standard was amended and states:

  • Marijuana smoke should not be allowed indoors.
  • Emissions from electronic smoking devices should not be allowed indoors.

The fact remains that the only way to eliminate the health hazards of secondhand smoke—from tobacco or marijuana smoke or emissions from electronic smoking devices—is with a 100% smoke-free environment.

Advocates laugh heartily at complaints from ordinary people who want a “Giggle-Gas Free Society.”  They maintain that there are no ill effects from inhaling this drug.  Just like there (allegedly) no ill effects from the COVID vaccines.  None that the government or the Media will own, at any rate.

There’s nothing funny about drug use, whether it’s pot, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines (Speed) or crack.  There’s nothing funny about the number of drug overdoses each year.  The CDC and its National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that in 2019, the last year statistics were available, 70, 613 Americans died from drug overdoses, mainly from using opioids (specifically, fentanyl, which is one of the ingredients in modern marijuana). 

That’s nearly double the number from 2009 (38,000) and over 50,000 more deaths than in 1999 when the CDC first started counting.

No wonder America can’t seem to wake up.  Will seeing a couple of little being dropped from a 14-foot wall make you think twice before you light up that joint, you idiots?  Or are you so “stoned” that you don’t even care?

Then John Denver (who smoked pot himself  you know, “Rocky Mountain’High’”) was right:  your hearts are made of stone.

Maybe that’s why you call it “getting stoned.”  Why should you have the “right” to endanger other people’s lives?  Pot smokers always argue that they weren’t “affected” by smoking marijuana and so declare it “harmless.”  But that’s a spurious argument since the whole reason for smoking pot is to be “affected” – to get “high.” 

Of course, you were affected. What’s more, the effect has made you “stone”-blind to the danger it poses to idiots like yourselves, innocent bystanders, and our country.

Published in: on October 20, 2021 at 3:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

Parents Call SF School Board to Account with Recall Election

Don’t Mess with the Mom Person!

Out in the San Francisco, Bay Area parents are no longer to their school board’s dictates.  According to an October 18, 2021 article in National Review magazine, parents have gained more than 80,000 signatures from registered San Francisco voters to recall three of their school board members next February.

The article states:

Three San Francisco school board members are heading to a recall election early next year after the city’s elections department confirmed the organizers of the recall collected and submitted enough signatures from registered voters.

The recall election for school board president Gabriela López, vice president Faauuga Moliga, and board member Alison Collins will be held on February 15, according to an email from John Arntz, the director of the San Francisco Department of Elections. If voters decide to recall the board members, mayor London Breed would select their replacements, according to the city charter.

The organizers of the recall campaign told National Review in September that they were confident they would get the recall on the ballot. They say they submitted more than 80,000 signatures from registered San Francisco voters for each of the three races, far

more than the 51,325 verified signatures they needed to get on the ballot.

The school board recall election will be the first in San Francisco since a failed 1983 effort to recall then-mayor Dianne Feinstein.

Siva Raj and his partner, Autumn Looijen, spearheaded the recall effort in February when they grew frustrated that the school board wasn’t prioritizing reopening public schools closed during the coronavirus pandemic. Rather than working on a reopening plan, it appeared to Raj and others that the board was focusing its energy on social justice issues: rechristening schools named after such troubling American figures as Abraham Lincoln and Paul Revere, making a highly-selective magnet school more diverse, and deciding if a Gay, White dad was diverse enough to join a volunteer parent committee made up exclusively of women.

The district also is facing a budget deficit of well over $100 million, a drop in enrollment, and significant learning loss, especially among underprivileged kids, Raj said.

In an interview Monday, Looijen said the news that the recall election was official was a relief and “a huge weight off our shoulders.”

“I look forward to running the first successful recall campaign in San Francisco history,” she said.

Raj called it “just an amazing day for the children of San Francisco.”

“We’ve had a real tragic 1 ½ years of the school board basically abandoning our children and abandoning its duty to its constituents to focus on education, sitting back and doing nothing while our school district was spiraling into crisis after crisis,” he said. “This is the first ray of real hope we have of correcting the shift, and getting better leadership in place, and getting the focus back on education, and ensuring that every child in San Francisco has the future they deserve.”

Raj said he’s confident voters will recall the board members in February, citing polling that has shown public dissatisfaction with the board’s performance, and the general energy around the recall effort. Even if the recall ultimately is not successful, he said they’ve already made an impact.

“There’s been this entire grassroots community that’s emerged that is absolutely passionate about public education, and is not going to go away,” Raj said. “We are here. We are going to make sure our schools serve our children. And you can’t wish us away anymore.”

Moliga told National Review that he looks forward to the election, which he believes will expose the strictly political motives of the recall organizers.

“The attempt to recall me is motivated by politics, not education policy,” he said. “This election process will bring those motives to light, and I am looking forward to that discussion.”

According to a July 7, 2021 San Francisco Chronicle report:

Ruth Bernstein, CEO of EMC Research, outlined in a June 25 memo to “interested parties” some very worrisome numbers for the school board and the San Francisco Unified School District itself.

Her numbers were gleaned from three separate polls of registered San Francisco voters, one conducted in February and two in May.  They each surveyed 500 to 640 voters.  The school questions were just part of polls about a range of city issues and were commissioned by “private business leaders” whom Bernstein wouldn’t name.

The February poll found 60% support for recalling the school board members — with support for the recall among parents of kids in San Francisco’s public schools jumping to 69%.  By comparison, a recent Berkeley IGS poll showed just 36% of respondents support recalling Gov. Gavin Newsom.  Newsom survived the recall.

The May polls showed a cumulative 71% negative rating of the school board and just a 10% positive rating. The news wasn’t good for the San Francisco Unified School District as a whole either. The May polls showed a 57% unfavorable rating for the city’s public school district and a 21% favorable rating.

EMC Research has tracked the favorable ratings of the city’s public schools for at least 10 years, and the new numbers are far worse than in previous surveys. Just five years ago, for example, only 17% of respondents had an unfavorable view of the school district, and 60% had a favorable view.

If grassroots parents can generate this much excitement in bluer-than-blue San Francisco, parents in other school districts in other parts of the country might be inspired to follow their example in recalling their school boards. was started by Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich.

Tiffany is a wife and mom of four school-aged children. In 2016 she stepped up to serve for 4 years on the School District of Indian River County, FL School Board. She believes that kids in public school deserve innovation and parents have the right to know the union interference and government bureaucracy that is keeping that innovation from happening in their children’s district.

Tina has a long record of fighting for students and parental rights in Florida and at the national level.  She was elected to the Brevard County, Fla. school board in 2016. She was selected by her peers in 2017 to serve as Vice Chairman and Chairman in 2018.  While on the school board she was a member of The Florida Coalition of School Board Members and served as the organization’s president in 2018. Tina currently serves on several nonprofit boards in her community that are aimed at helping children.  She and her husband Derek have five children.  She is passionate about America and is dedicated to protecting liberty and freedom for the future of all children.

According to their website, Tiffany and Tina are “moms on a mission to stoke the fires of liberty.   As former school board members, they witnessed how short-sighted and destructive policies directly hurt children and families.  Now they are using their first-hand knowledge and experience to unite parents who are ready to fight those that stand in the way of liberty.”

At present, MFL has state and county chapters in 32 states.  Their immediate focus is getting their public schools reopened and preventing school boards from mandating that their children wear masks.  CRT is also on their agenda.

This is what Moms – and Dads – need to do.  Your property taxes are paying the salaries of these teachers and school board administrators.  They should be answering to you, not to unions, professional associations, or the state or federal government.  The state – at least in New Jersey – has taken too much of a hand in what should be local administration.

There shouldn’t be a cabinet position for a Secretary of Health, Education and Wealth.  “Education” needs to be eliminated from that cabinet.  New Jersey’s State DOE has 6 divisions and 42 offices, including an Amistad Commission. 

Why does the state need an Office of Facility Planning and an Office of School Facility Projects?  Those should be community concerns, not the rubric of the state.  Their descriptions are nearly identical.  So are the Office of Professional Learning and the Office of Professional Learning Network.  We also have ha Office of Fiscal Policy and Planning and an Office of School Finance.


Then there’s the Office of Standards, which shouldn’t exist at all. 

The Office of Standards is designed to promote the implementation of effective standards-based curriculum and evidence-based instructional practices by providing technical assistance, facilitating professional learning experiences, and analyzing relevant research in English language arts, health and physical education, mathematics, science, social studies, visual and performing arts, and world languages. Content area specialists build relationships and foster partnerships with state and national organizations, government agencies, and higher education to identify challenges and create resources in support of a well-rounded education for all students. Title II and Title IV program specialists interpret federal guidelines and aid districts regarding the implementation of state initiatives. Members of the office consider relevant educational policies and regulations and provide guidance to districts and stakeholders as they relate to supporting teachers in their work to prepare students for life beyond high school in an interconnected, global world.

School standards of curriculum are something the community and its school board should determine, not the state.  The Office of Standards, baited by promises of federal grants, gave New Jersey Common Core.

That’s the “state” of education in New Jersey and it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

This is what parent groups like Moms for and its state and county chapters in New Jersey need to battle.

To arms, Mothers and Fathers of New Jersey!  Don’t let accusation of “domestic terrorism” intimidate you.  These are your kids and your tax dollars!

Published in: on October 19, 2021 at 1:57 pm  Leave a Comment  

Truck Stop:  Unions, California Slam Brakes on Port Cargo Shipments

Honk if you love independent truck drivers!

If you’re worried that you won’t be able to get the toys your children want most for Christmas due to the supply chain crisis, it’s not because you’re on Santa’s Naughty List.  The State of California’s Environmental Protection Agency and the stevedores’ union are to blame (and yes, they do actually call cargo handlers “stevedores” out in L.A.

In 2017, the Port of Los Angeles signed a 10-year Project Labor Agreement (PLA) “to both ensure quality and timely construction of facilities and large-scale Port infrastructure projects, as well as to provide more job and training opportunities for residents in communities surrounding the Port.  The agreement requires nearly a third of the well-paying jobs and apprenticeships generated by most major Port construction projects go to residents of the harbor area and high-unemployment communities within the City of Los Angeles. The PLA includes a list of participating PLA construction trade unions and contact information for each on Page 61.

View Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) with the City of Los Angeles, as reported by the Bureau of Contract Administration.

Article VII of the PLA states:

6.1 The Contractor/Employer(s) recognize the Unions as comprising the respective sole bargaining representatives of all craft employees working within the scope of this Agreement. 6.2 No employee covered by this Agreement shall be required to join any union as a condition of being employed, or remaining employed, for the completion of Project Work; provided, however, that any employee who is a member of the referring union at the time of referral shall maintain that membership in good standing while employed under this Agreement. All employees shall, however, be required to comply with the union security 17 provisions for the period during which they are performing on-site Project Work to the extent, as permitted by law, of rendering payment of the applicable monthly working dues and any non-initiation or application fees uniformly required for membership in the Union.

NBC published this news report from City News Service on April 14, 2021:

Members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union joined the action by the Teamsters, who say some drivers were fired after voting to form a union. Phillip Sanfield of the Port of Los Angeles told City News Services that one of the port’s seven terminals had “minimal to moderate traffic disruption” by the workers who are “not servicing the trucks that are being targeted by the Teamsters.”

Sanfield could not quantify the cargo impact at the port, but said it was minimal. The same terminal also had about 20-30 picketing Teamster members as of 12:40 p.m. Wednesday, Sanfield said.

“We are assisting the Teamsters with their right to picket and their First Amendment rights, and we respect that, and we’re assisting them to do that while making sure to keep the port functioning,” he said.”

But according to a story from, a radio station in Southern California, union workers and environmental bureaucrats are putting the brakes on the supply chain.

More than 40 percent of U.S. imports flow through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. An army of 14,000 short-haul truck drivers are tasked with hauling that cargo from the port complex to warehouses and rail yards around Southern California.  But some of those truckers say, despite their critical role at the ports, they are among the lowest paid workers there, due to ridiculously long wait times.

There are an estimated 14,000 truck drivers operating in the port complex.  They collectively move, on average, 11,000 cargo-filled containers each day, according to numbers from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.  Their ability to make a good living depends on how they are classified – and there are haves, and have-nots.

About 20 percent of them are classified as full-time employees of trucking companies.  They are paid by the hour, which includes the wait time.  The rest of them, according to industry experts, are independent contractors or owner-operators.  They are paid by the load.  Some of those indies say they are proud to own a small business and happy to be their own boss.  Others though consider themselves to be stuck in the middle – classified by their companies as “independent contractors,” when they believe they should be hourly employees with benefits and union representation.

Regardless of which category they fall into, when they drive their trucks onto the container terminals in the ports to pick up a load, they usually have to wait …and sometimes for many hours.

“That’s the nature of the beast: you gotta wait,” says trucker Danny Lima, an employee driver who’s waited for as much as five hours at a terminal.  “You gotta hurry up and wait.”

Several drivers described the conditions inside terminals as tough, and said they felt mistreated by dockworkers, security and other terminal staff.  

“It’s a hell working at the terminals,” says ‘Rafael’, an independent driver, who asked that his last name be left out. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I could be sitting there for three or four hours…the sun in my face …in a truck, with no services, no bathroom.”

He explained that truckers aren’t allowed to get out of their cabs once they enter the port complex, and admitted to keeping a bottle in the cab of his truck for those times when he can’t “hold it” any longer. 

Weston LaBar, executive director of the Harbor Trucking Association says he’s heard of even worse.

“You’ve got drivers from Rancho Cucamonga and Moreno Valley coming in the ports for eight hours, and they’ll leave without a container. That’s not good for the industry.  It’s not good for cargo movement in general,” LaBar says.

Here is the deal on the West Coast container ships unloading: The Longshoreman’s Union controls the ports (LA-LB is the largest port in North America). The union supported legislation in California that bans any truck over 10 years old and bans any Owner/Operator with an old truck from accessing the ports.  As the driver in the news reported noted, owner/operators can enter the port with their truck, but they cannot get out of the truck.  A normal container ship takes 3-5 days to unload.  Today, the same unloading averages 7-10 days (They only work 1 shift per day) Biden wants to go to 3 shifts but suddenly there is a shortage of chassis’ to load the containers on.

It is in part caused by a California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators from driving truck over ten years of age.

Long term, truckers in California are not investing in new trucks because California has a law that makes them illegal by 2035. The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist.

Then there’s the interference of CARB – The California Air Resource Board, which is under the California Environmental Protection Agency. 

CARB to begin blocking certain trucks’ DMV registrations in 2020.

Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020 or their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV, the state has said.

The new “health-based requirements” will need to be met before a driver is allowed to register his or her truck through the Department of Motor Vehicles, CARB says. A new enforcement tool used by the DMV beginning in 2020 will automatically block 2010 and older trucks from registration

The California Statewide Truck and Bus Rule was initially adopted in December 2008 by (CARB) and requires all heavy-duty diesel trucks and buses that operate in California to retrofit or replace engines in order to reduce diesel emissions.  All privately and federally owned diesel-fueled trucks and buses, and privately and publicly owned school buses with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds, are covered by the regulation.

Implementation was originally scheduled for January 1, 2011 but recent amendments were considered in December 2010.  The rule now requires the installation of particulate matter filters beginning January 1, 2012 and replacement of older engines beginning January 1, 2015.  Nearly all applicable vehicles are required to have 2010 model year or the equivalent to 2010 engines by January 1, 2023

Section 2025 of the rule states that:  “The purpose of this regulation is to reduce emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and other criteria pollutants, and greenhouse gases from in-use diesel-fueled vehicles.”  All fleet owners, with the exception of small fleets, have three options to comply with the regulation:

  1. They can choose to implement the Best Available Control Technology (BACT). To meet control requirements for both particulate matter and nitrogen oxide, owners can choose to retrofit or replace existing diesel vehicles based on a compliance schedule for engine model years every year starting in 2011.
  2. A percent of the total fleet must meet particulate matter Best Available Control Technology and nitrogen oxide Best Available Control Technology by January 1 of each compliance year, by retrofitting or replacing existing diesel vehicles.
  3. The fleet must meet an average requirement set by the Air Resources Board for particulate matter, nitrogen oxide, or both pollutants, depending on the Nitrogen Oxide Index and Particulate Matter Index established by CARB.

These regulations apply to any business, person, federal government agency or school district that owns, operates, sells or runs vehicles operated on diesel-fuel.[10]

The requirements of the regulation are as follows under section 2025:

  • Fleet owners must abide by best available control technology (BACT) or by BACT percentage limits. (p.15)
  • Fleets can meet requirements by achieving Particulate Matter or Nitrogen oxide reductions by replacing an engine or entire vehicle.
  • Records must be kept to prove compliance and maintenance of the vehicle.
  • Once vehicles are in compliance they must stay in compliance when operating in California.

Vehicles that are exempt from the regulation include:

  • Used for Solid Waste Collection
  • Heavy-duty over 14,000 pounds that comply with BACT and are owned/operated by a municipality
  • Subject to fleet rule for transit agencies
  • 19,500 pounds or less exclusively used for personal non-commercial/governmental use
  • Subject to drayage truck regulations
  • Private use motor homes
  • Historic (as defined by the Air Resources Board under Section 2025)
  • Two-engine cranes
  • Exclusively used for snow-removal
  • Off-road vehicles subject to Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations for Motor Vehicles
  • Authorized for emergency use
  • Military tactical support vehicles under Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations for Motor Vehicles
  • Subject to the rule for intermodal rail yards, and mobile cargo handling equipment at ports under Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations for Motor Vehicles

The Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach are run by the Board of Harbor Commissioners. However, over 200 commercial entities lease property on 7,500 acres in San Pedro Bay.  Several of them are Chinese, with their own terminals including Yang Ming and China Shipping.  Most of the port’s workers, including its clerical workers are represented by the ILWU (the International Longshore [meaning near a seaport] and Warehouse Union).

The Port of Seattle has been experiencing the same problems.  Disgruntled autoworkers used to be fond of driving a wrench into the machinery.  This is another example of that type of worker “activism.”  By the wording of the PLA, they are not supposed to strike, refuse to work.  Technically, they’re not even supposed to create “slowdowns.” 

But there are ways of gumming up the works and there are ways of gumming up the works.  Supposedly, the workers have been calling “sick-outs” allegedly due to COVID.  But what they really want is the ability to force trucking companies to allow their drivers to unionize and to put independent owner/operators, who work by the load not the hour, out of business completely.

Some trucking companies are unionized; others are not, such as J.B. Hunt.  There is a demand for truck drivers and the Teamsters are trying to round drivers up.  But with drivers in short supply, trucking companies are offering very favorable wages and benefits.  As long as you have your CDL-B, you’re good to go.  Trainees must start farther down the food chain – and drive farther in older trucks – at the beginning.  Eventually, though, trucking can become quite lucrative, with better trucks, better wages, and better routes.

And that may be the reason the ILWU is causing such problems at the Port of L.A.  in delivering cargo:  because truck drivers are in such demand, they are being paid well and don’t need union representation.

Published in: on October 18, 2021 at 4:09 pm  Leave a Comment  

We Need a Parents Bill of Rights

We noted in a recent blog that parents appear to have no recourse when their local school boards and teachers commit acts of malfeasance, neglect, and even treachery. 

This country was founded on the notion that the law, as directed by the people through their representatives, was sovereign.  Parents should have recourse to the law to redress their grievances with their school board.

Taking legal measures against a school board requires time and resources, as legal assistance is expensive.  A grand jury could summon an investigation of the case, of course, down to the last detail.  However, justice would ultimately rest with a judge and jury at the petit level.

There, juries are not permitted to ask questions, interview witnesses, or conduct their own research.  The judge is the ultimate sovereign and as we discovered in the 2020 election, these sovereign dictators hold all the authority.  If you lose a case, you can appeal.  But as Glenn Beck noted in one of his specials, powerful political activist groups have a seemingly endless supply of cash from anonymous donors to bend the law to their will, rather than the people’s.

Somewhere in “Democracy in America,” deToqueville, the superintendent was the last and final arbiter of any educational issues.  The buck stops with that superintendent and so does justice for students and parents.

Every day we learn a little more about the Loudon County (Virginia) case.  Mr. Smith was notified of the attack on his 9th Grade daughter.  He went to the school and demanded to know why the police hadn’t been called to arrest the student.  They told him they didn’t have “proof” of the rape.

Mr. Smith became belligerent and they called the police on him instead.  Evidently, word got out about the incident; that is, Mr. Smith’s angry outburst.  The school sent out an e-mail to parents telling them that there was nothing to worry about, that they had everything in hand and that they were safe.

‘Nothing to see here; go back to work so you can our salaries.’

Meanwhile, the police escorted Mr. Smith and his daughter to the hospital, which tested the girl and determined she had been raped (technically, what happened to her is considered “sexual assault.”).

The entire reason for law is to maintain order.  If a parent has a complaint, they should be able to take that complaint to a higher authority.  But within a town or county, who is the authority?  In modern times, states have increasingly mandated school curricula, such as Narrowing the Achievement Gap.  Installing transgender bathrooms, or rather, permitting the “gender fluid” to use opposite-sex bathrooms is still up to the local school board.

Since the school board has been installed as the local “authority,” parents have the right to voice opposition to a plan but they have no input.  They have no vote since they elected the school board.

We consider ourselves a law-abiding society and submit our individuality to a society we presume shares our values.  Our Conservative, Christian values are no longer recognized, though.  They’ve been sublimated into a collective miasma, a fog of Marxist anarchy in which we see all that we hold dear torn down.  We are separated from our friends, neighbors, and family, especially the nuclear family.

Teenagers are most susceptible to this tendency towards defiance of “authority.”  Teachers urge them early on to distrust their parents, especially their fathers.  I recall a teacher attempting to persuade me that I should denounce my mother, that I shouldn’t trust her.  I told the teacher to get lost.

Think back to your own school-days and then look to your children now.  If you recall, they’re going exactly what you went through.  Weren’t you encouraged back then not to be like your mother or father?

Marxists talk about “Children’s Rights.”  What about Parents Rights”?  What would those rights be?

  1. A parent shall have the first right of authority over their child.
  2. A parent shall have the right to withdraw secondary authority from anyone whom they deem unfit, abusive or corrupt.
  3. A parent shall have the right to demand justice if anyone abuses their child physically, verbally or sexually.
  4. A parent shall have the right to know what their child is being taught and determine whether that curriculum is suitable and contradict any that are wrong or harmful, in addition to being kept informed of their child’s educational progress.
  5. A parent shall have the right, along with a doctor of the parent’s choice or in a life-threatening emergency, to determine the medical needs of their child.
  6. A parent shall have the right to determine their child’s religious and moral training.
  7. A parent shall have the right to know the whereabouts of their child at all times.
  8. A parent shall absolutely retain the right to make all legal decisions on their child’s behalf.
  9. A parent shall have the right to withdraw their child from any public school and enroll them in a private or religious school or other private institution, or to teach them from home, with the proper certification and credentials.
  10. A parent shall have the right to attend all school board meetings in order to be informed of what is happening in their child’s school, with all closed-door meetings banned.

Parents’ rights would be something along those lines. 

We also recommend that parents investigate The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum, which is a complete collection of lesson plans for teaching American history, civics, and government to K-12 students.  It is an alternative to the completely fabricated and racist 1619 Project (referring to the Jamestown, Va., which was founded in 1606, which pre-dated the sailing of the Mayflower.  In 1619 Jamestown became the first town to have representative government and introduced forced African labor to the continent).

It wouldn’t hurt if parents taught their children something about world history, too.  History is filled with some pretty colorful characters:

  • Emperor Nero, who fancied himself a musician and singer, held “contests” where the other contestants had to either lose the contest or lose their lives, and where the audience, locked into the auditorium, leapt out of the windows in desperation.
  • Xerxes, who ordered his guards to whip the Hellespont (the Dardanelles, also known as the Strait of Gallipoli), the body of water between European and Asian Turkey, when a storm destroyed the bridge he’d built over the straits in order to invade Greece.
  • Louis XIV transformed the hunting lodge at Versailles into his personal palace, creating a huge palace to keep the French nobility always within his reach.  ‘Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.’ [Sun Zhu, “The Art of War’}  Speaking of big houses, the Egyptian word “pharaoh” means “great house.”
  • Cleopatra wasn’t Egyptian; she was Macedonian, a descendant of Alexander the Great – and she owned a perfume factory.
  • Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the discoverer of the Pacific, never met his wife.
  • Isaac Newton was beaten up by the school bully, which inspired Newton, then a poor student, to excel at academics.
  • William Shakespeare left his sister Anne his house and his money, while he left his wife the second-best bed in the house.
  • Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian poet, was the first non-European to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1913.  He also composed India’s National Anthem.
  • J. P. Morgan’s uncle, James L. Pierpont, wrote the popular Christmas carol, “Jingle Bells.”
  • James Madison, the Father of the Bill of Rights (which he opposed, at first) is considered Princeton University’s first “graduate student.”  He also wrote George Washington’s First Inaugural Address.

Refresh your knowledge of history, learn something of the philosophy that inspired the Founding Fathers, and then teach it to your children.

Because no one else is going to do it.

Published in: on October 15, 2021 at 5:10 pm  Leave a Comment  

Parents Are Mad as Hell and Aren’t Taking It Anymore

Meet the new “boy” in your daughter’s gym class; they may have to shower together, if your school board has anything to say about it.

Transgenderism.  Graphic pornographic literature in the school library.  Climate Change.  CRT and White Guilt.  Marxist indoctrination.  Drugs.  Closed meetings where the school board votes to raise school taxes.  Common Core (in “professional” terms, “Narrowing the Achievement Gap,” to ensure that successful students and schools fail to make them equal to failing schools).  COVID vaccine mandates, with vaccines that may contain graphine oxide – oxygenated lead.  Mask mandates.

Mothers and fathers of America have finally had enough and they’re flooding their local school board meetings to protest.  Alex deTocqueville, in his book, “Democracy in America,” cautioned town residents that once they gave “authority” over to local town and school councils, that they had to ‘accept’ that authority.

Some states allow for recall elections of governors and even federal and state representatives.  But what are parents to do about elected school board members who violate the mores of the community so badly that parents have no choice but to storm the barricades, as it were?

According to Fox News and other sources, a parent who was arrested during a June school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, is accusing the district of trying to cover up an alleged bathroom sexual assault by a gender-fluid individual against his daughter in order to further its transgender rights agenda.

Scott Smith was found guilty of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest in August after he was filmed being dragged by police from the Loudoun County School Board meeting on June 22. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail, all suspended, contingent on a year of good behavior, Loudoun Now reported at the time.

Smith’s image went viral among Left-wingers as an example of parents run amok, and the National School Boards Association cited his arrest in a letter to “Resident” Biden, requesting that the Department of Justice provide federal law enforcement to respond to an increase in violence against school officials across the country.  Attorney General Merrick Garland later pledged to have the DOJ and the FBI investigate harassment of school board members.

But there was much more to Smith’s story, as he told The Daily Wire.  His behavior at the June 22 meeting stemmed from an incident weeks earlier at his ninth-grade daughter’s school, Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, in which he said a boy wearing a skirt entered the girls’ bathroom and assaulted his daughter on May 28.

“We can confirm a May 28, 2021 case that involved a thorough two-month-long investigation that was conducted to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest,” the sheriff’s office told Fox News.

“This case is still pending court proceedings.  The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is not able to provide any documents that pertain to a pending case.” The sheriff’s office confirmed that the case involved sexual assault. 

All juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney, Elizabeth Lancaster, told The Daily Wire that the boy was subsequently charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.

In response to a public records request by The Daily Wire, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that a May 28 report with “Offense: Forcible Sodomy [and] Sexual Battery” at Stone Bridge High School does exist.

The suspect was arrested two months later following an investigation by the sheriff’s office.

Minutes before Smith’s arrest at the June 22 board meeting, Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Superintendent Scott Ziegler declared that “the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist,” and that to his knowledge, “we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” The Daily Wire reported.

Smith told the outlet that he flew into a rage at the meeting after Ziegler’s comments, and after a local progressive activist said she did not believe his daughter’s story.

“If someone would have sat and listened for 30 seconds to what Scott had to say, they would have been mortified and heartbroken,” Lancaster told The Daily Wire.

The June 22nd school board meeting was ultimately deemed an “unlawful assembly” after many attendees vocally opposed a policy on transgender students, which was the topic of the school board meeting.

Parents and taxpayers at the meeting did not even know about the May 28th incident because the school board had covered it up.

Juvenile records are sealed, but Lancaster told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school.

According to the Loudon County Sheriff’s Office and Lancaster, another girl was allegedly sexually abused by the same transgender student just last week at another school which the boy was sent to after the May incident.

When Smith originally learned of his daughter’s sexual assault, he went to the campus, raged at dismissive school officials, who called the police on him.

What set Smith off at the school board meeting where he was arrested was when the school claimed it had no record of any rape occurring in relation to transgender bathroom policies at the school.

Meanwhile, the same Liberal prosecutor who threw the book at Smith over the school board meeting arrest allowed the transgender student to attend another school in the district where he committed the second act of sexual abuse.

Minutes before Smith’s arrest, the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) superintendent lectured the public that concerns about the transgender policy were misplaced because the school system had no record of any assault occurring in any school bathroom.

Then a woman wearing a rainbow heart shirt – a Left-wing community activist – told Smith she did not believe his daughter. His rage reached a boiling point and he had a heated exchange of words with the woman.  Police intervened, tackling Smith and arresting him on charges of disorderly conduct.

As a result of the viral video showing his arrest, Smith became the poster child for what the National School Boards Association has since suggested could be a form of “domestic terrorism”: a white, blue-collar male who showed up to harangue obscure public servants on his local school board.

We need a better way to deal with negligent, derelict and/or corrupt school board officials.  What parent is going to want to wait a year to replace a school board that allows a skirt-wearing thug to sexually assault his daughter?  In fact, that’s precisely what happened.  The thug was transferred to another school, where he sexually assaulted another girl.  What’s more, one account says that the Liberal judge did force Smith to serve his ten days but let the transgender student go free.

Parents ought to be able to draw up a petition within their school district to lodge a complaint about a school board member – or the entire school board – and have them removed and the policies changed.

The school boards, however, have the backing of the National School Boards Association (NASB), a Left-leaning organization, and the assistance (or threat) of teachers’ unions such as the National Education Association (NEA).

We know.  We had this problem when I was in high school.  A U.S. history teacher decided to replace the history of the United States of America with the history of Communism.  The parents, including my father, banded together and approached the school board.  But the school board turned a deaf ear to their complaints.

The school boards and teachers throw a good deal of multi-syllable jargon at the parents, leaving the parents wondering what they said and feeling stupid for not knowing.  But any pedantic term – such as “gender fluidity” – can be broken down.  Meaning, that gender is not a hard-and-fast reality, that it can be changed.

Teachers, school psychologists and even school boards are encouraging teenagers and even children that they are whatever sex and gender they want to be.  Even if they don’t have the equipment, they can undergo operations to make their fantasies are reality.  By the time the children reach adolescence, most change their mind, realizing that they were simply suffering from opposite-sex envy and that life was no better on the other side of that fence.

Birth gender is a reality.  Children sometimes have difficult facing reality.  They eventually grow up, however, and learn to face life as it is.  Today, instead of facing reality, though, the normal world is being forced to bend to abnormal, even freakish, perversions and fetishes.  The goal is to destroy the nuclear family by turning children away from their natural procreative inclinations and from their families.

This is what the Sexual Revolution of the Sixties has wrought.  Kindergartners being taught how to use condoms.  Drag Queens reading fairy tales to pre-schoolers.  Gender-bending proms.  Pornographic school library books that make “Heather Has Two Mommies” (1989) look like Mother Goose.

Time to read up on your Constitutional rights, Moms and Dads.  Dust off your Bibles.  Scientists say there’s a comet or asteroid (Bernardinelli-Bernstein) 12 times the size of Mount Everest destined for our solar system in 2031.  It’s not supposed to reach us but rather, visit Saturn’s orbit.  What’s to say that this monster of a comet, which last visited our neighborhood 3.5 billion years ago, about the time our planet was born, won’t knock Saturn off its orbit and send it into Jupiter, or hit one of their moons, and send that body, billiard-ball style, directly for us?

A comet five times the size of Mount Everest and 100 miles across:  It’s just what we deserve, probably.

Will that be “real” enough for Marxists?  Or will they insist that whatever comes at us will fizzle up in our atmosphere like a doused sparkler?  Or will they paint a smiley face on this rock-solid reality and tell us it’s a friendly visitor from outer space?

Published in: on October 14, 2021 at 2:28 pm  Leave a Comment  

William Shatner Oldly Goes Where No Senior Has Gone Before

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the Earth upon nothing.”  Job 26:7   KJV

What an age of marvels we live in!  I was able to watch actor William Shatner (Captain Kirk from the 1960s series, “Star Trek”) lift off on Jeff Bezos’ space dildo (pardon us; we couldn’t help it), “The Blue Origin,” and shoot to the inner edge of outer space, the oldest person to do so (He’s 90).  Right from my computer laptop in my dining room, something my 1960s parents said (at the time) was impossible.

What was Shatner’s initial reaction upon returning from his journey?”

“It was ugly!” exclaimed he to his questioner.  Bezos wandered over to find out what his passenger thought of the flight.

“It was ugly!” he repeated.  “One minute I was in this beautiful blue blanket.  Then – whoosh!  I was in darkness.”

“Into Darkness.”  That was the subtitle of one of the recent Star Trek reboot films.

Bezos reminded him that section of the atmosphere is only about 50 miles – the blue part of the atmosphere.

“And we were going 2,000 miles hour,” Shatner admitted.  “It was like – death.  We were in life – in the blue.  Then just like that – we were in death.”

Watching the pre-flight activity, I wondered whether they were going to make this poor old guy walk up the six stories of stairs to the capsule or whether they had an elevator.  But no.  He said he had to climb the stairs.

“I was worried whether I would survive the flight,” he said.  “But by the time I got to the top, I was wondering whether I would survive the climb up to the capsule.”

The flight wasn’t very long – only about ten minutes – from launch to touchdown.  Seemed like they came down awfully fast – 14 miles per hour.  They didn’t really travel very far – just beyond the Karman Line, which delineates the beginnings of outer space.

The Karman Line is an attempt to define a boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space, and offers a specific definition set by the Fédération aéronautique internationale (FAI), an international record-keeping body for aeronautics.  Defining the edge of space is important for legal and regulatory purposes since aircraft and spacecraft fall under different jurisdictions and are subject to different treaties.   International law does not define the edge of space, or the limit of national airspace.

The FAI defines the Kármán line as space beginning 100 kilometerss (54 nautical miles; 62 miles; 330,000 feet) above Earth’s mean sea level. While experts disagree on exactly where the atmosphere ends and space begins, most regulatory agencies (including the United Nations) accept the FAI Kármán line definition or something close to it.  As defined by the FAI, the Kármán line was established in the 1960s.  Various countries and entities define space’s boundary differently for various purposes.

The Kármán line is named after Theodore von Kármán (1881–1963), a Hungarian-American engineer and physicist who was active in aeronautics and astronautics. In 1957, he was the first person to attempt to derive such an altitude limit, where the air becomes too thin for aircraft to fly.

Or where no man can fly without oxygen.

Earth’s atmosphere is composed of layers:

The Troposhere – 10 miles

The Stratosphere – 20 miles

The Mesosphere – 20 miles

The Thermosphere – 300 miles

The Exosphere – 39,600 miles

The Exosphere itself is composed of another six sub-layers.

The Karman Line lies between the Mesosphere and the Thermosphere.  The Blue Origin went just beyond the Karman Line into the Thermosphere and then returned to Earth.  Captain Kirk had thousands of miles to go before he really reached the outer edge of the atmosphere and entered outer space.

Shatner remarked about the fragility of that blue blanket that covers the Earth and protects its inhabitants from the radiation of outer space.  Some scientists theorize that the Earth was once enveloped in some sort of water cloud or perhaps had an ice ring, protecting it even further from radiation.  But that sphere collapsed, creating our oceans.

The Blue Origin’s flight was really a carnival ride compared to the journey future astronauts may make someday (providing scientists can find a way to protect astronauts from the relentless ravages of radiation and the sea of space debris that appears to be floating out there.).

Exploring and yes, exploiting, outer space might prove to be worthwhile and profitable.  There are enough mineral-rich asteroids floating between Mars and Jupiter to satisfy even the most craven Chinese Communist oligarch.

Shatner’s reflections on life and death were profound.  The speed at which this life passes us by can be dizzying.  But we only realize how quickly it passed when we’ve nearly run out of room and the void of death looms before us.

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?  Or only a black, empty void?

Well, that depends on what you happen to believe.  A great deal of faith is required to overcome doubt.  We cling tenaciously to this mortal life, not knowing for certain what, if anything, comes after that “valley of death.”

As we said, never made it far enough out of the Earth’s atmosphere to see the stars.  Nor was it there long enough to locate them.  The space travelers had just enough time to get their “biomes” back in order after experiencing weightlessness before descending back to Earth, landing with a mighty thud and huge cloud of dust and sand.

Were we meant to transcend our earthly bonds and explore the galaxy?  The distances are more vast than we can contemplate.  If even we set our sights on a distant star, would it even be there once we reached it, even if it were possible to travel at light-speed?

With our present mode of travel, reaching Mars will take a couple of years.  To build a colony there and eventually mine the asteroid belt will take even more time.  Still, four hundred years ago, the Pilgrims set sail in the Mayflower and the leaky Speedwell, bearing their stores (which was forced to turn back) for Columbus’ New World.  A hundred years earlier, Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean and subsequent explorers confirmed Columbus’ belief that there was another route to the Far East, one that also confirmed that the world was a sphere.

The Pilgrims endured a stomach-churning journey on the stormy North Atlantic.  Half of them died of illness and starvation before the next Spring arrived.  Their Christian attempts at a collective, or socialized, life failed miserably.  Only when each family was permitted to work for itself did Plymouth Colony begin to thrive.

Three things will finally thrust humankind beyond its bright blue border:  1) a search for new worlds; 2) an ambition for new wealth and resources; 3) a search for freedom from tyranny.

We’ve expended great sums of money to break the bonds in which we appear to find ourselves.  In 1969, we finally landed men on our satellite moon.  But that venture was costly and dangerous.  Further dangers were ahead as we continued our attempt just to explore our own sphere.  People died in the attempt.

One advancement that came of those efforts was our ability to communicate, via satellite, with one another around the globe.  Some future advancement may allow us to find resources that will not necessitate mining the Earth and may even help eliminate a future danger from asteroids.

The actor who played the brash, courageous Captain Kirk on Star Trek was only to happy to come back to Earth.  But he inspired generations of future would-be astronauts to reach for those stars, to seek out new life and new civilizations (let’s hope their friendly).

“To boldly go where no one (that we know of) has gone before.”

Published in: on October 13, 2021 at 4:31 pm  Leave a Comment