Biden Determined to “Drive” Economy Into The Ground

Weals on wheels

Forget about those costly electronic cars; Biden will have us pulling the chariots of the elites.

Americans love their cars.  If there is any reason to believe that the election was stolen, you have only to look at today’s price of gas.  Bonehead Biden, the guy who flunked the Third Grade, closed the Keystone Pipeline and shut down ANWR in Alaska and the Keystone Pipeline in this first year.

You may think he’s a moron or an idiot or just plain crazy – that he’s suffering from dementia – and you’d be right.  But there’s a method to his madness.

His intention is to drive you out of your cars and either into working remotely at home or renting an apartment in transit village.  He certainly doesn’t mean for the working classes to buy those expensive electric cars, because you still have to derive the power for those cars from some source and most likely it will be coal from China or natural gas from Russia.

The agenda is based on the unproven premise that the climate is “changing.”  It used to be cooling.  Then it was warming.  Now it’s just “changing” like politicians who stick their fingers in the wind to see which way the winds are blowing.

Dictators don’t have to stick their fingers in the wind.  They simply determine what’s in their financial best interests – and then do it.  They don’t have to worry about what “the people” think because they’re not elected.

Biden “promised” us that we would have to suffer pain for the sake of “The Planet.”  Bollocks.  That’s the word the British use.  The planet isn’t a balloon filled with hot air (although Biden is), that if you stick a pin in it, it will explode.  It’s not that fragile.

In any case, the United States is hardly the world’s top polluter.  Countries like China and India, countries in Europe – they couldn’t care less about the planet.  They’re busy polluting away.  The smog in Beijing is so bad on some days that the authorities have to issue a smog alert.

Our American cars are relatively clean and efficient.  This plot isn’t about anything so noble as ‘saving the planet.’  It’s about making billions on phony alternative energy schemes.  Remember Solyndra, the solar panel company that went bankrupt?

“Demand destruction,” is what Glenn Beck called.  It seems more like “Supply Destruction.”  However, it all ends in the same catastrophe – the destruction of our economy and our independence. 

After I finished reading Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed, I decided I needed a break from the bad news.  Some time ago, I had begun reading The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Shaw, Ian, editor.  Oxford University Press, 2000.  Oxford, England).

Now you might think, ‘Wow.  The history of Egypt.  That’s got to be dry as dust.’  Well, not exactly.

Lately, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau expressed his admiration for the Communist Dictatorship.  Various business leaders have echoed the sentiment that, ‘Well, if it works’ and how very efficient a dictatorship can be.

“Well, if it works…”  Isn’t that what Anakin Skywalker said in Star Wars II?  Yes, the new generation – the New World Order – is going to make the world the way it ought to be and woe to anyone who challenges them.  “The People” simply can’t be trusted with running the world or even just living their own lives they way they want to.  We simply don’t know what’s good for us, so the government and their acolytes in business, banking and the financial world must step in for our own good.

Allow me to introduce you to the great Ankhtifi, courtesy of The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt experienced three great phaoronic periods (pharoah, meaning ‘great house’ or ‘palace’):  The Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New, or Late, Kingdom.  These were periods of centralized government.  The pharoah ruled everything, particularly the distribution of food.  Grain was brought to the ruling city where it was stored and then doled out to the people.

As the population grew, centralized government fell out of favor.  Local rulers determined they were better able to distribute food and goods to their people.  These local administrators ruled nomes, or districts.  Sometimes, they ruled more than one.  They combined the political and religious rule of their nomes and were known as nomarchs.

Ankhtifi was no better than the pharaohs in his desire for power and glory.  Evidence from his sarcophagus indicates that the penchant Democrats have for beating their chests and self-glorification in their care for the poor and afflicted goes all the way back to the most ancient times.

Archaeologists know little of the first Egyptians of the Old Kingdom (even less of those of pre-Dynastic Egypt) and the beginnings of the First Intermediate Period, save for what the rulers wrote of themselves on their coffins.

Shaw himself is in admiration of this nomarch, although even Shaw is amused by Ankhtifi’s immodest biography:

Ankhtifi, a nomarch of the 3rd and 2nd Upper Egyptian nomes during the earlier part of the Herakleopolitan period [indicating the city of Hierakonpolis, towards the southern, or “Upper,” part of the Nile River], embodies the new type of local ruler that emerged during the First Intermediate Period.  His autobiographical text, inscribed on the pillars of his rock tomb near el-Moalla (some 30 km south of Thebes), is one of the most spectacular examples to survive from ancient Egypt.  It provides the ideal guide to the great issues of the time, and compellingly evokes the political atmosphere of southern Upper Egypt during the First Intermediate Period.

As ‘great overlord of the nomes of Edfu and Kierakonpolis’ and ‘overseer of the priests,’ Ankhtifi simultaneously held key positions in both the religious and secular wings of the Old Kingdom provincial administration.  In fact, this combination of offices was typical for the largely independent local rulers during the First Intermediate Period.  The two key events in Ankhtifi’s political career were his intervention in order to pacify and reorganize the nome of Edfu, and his military expedition against the Theban nome, where his opponents, a coalition of the Theban and Koptite nomes, actually refused to give battle.  All this was essentially small-scale politics, and, reading between the lines, he was probably not even particularly successful.  It is notable, for instance, that there are no know successors to Ankhtifi in his role as semi-independent ruler of the southernmost nomes.  Nevertheless, his inscription proclaims his glory without a trace of false modesty:

“His Excellency, the overseer of priests, overseer of desert-countries, overseer of mercenaries, great overlord of the nomes of Edfu and Hierakonpolis, Ankhtifi, the brave, he says, ‘I was the beginning and the end (i.e., the climax) of mankind, since nobody like myself existed before nor will he exist; nobody like myself was ever born nor will he be born.  I surpassed the feats of the ancestors, and coming generations will not be able to equal me in any of my feats within this million of years.

‘I gave bread to the hungry and clothing to the naked; I anointed those who had no cosmetic oil; I gave sandals to the barefooted; I gave a wife to him who had no wife.  I took care of the towns of Hefat (i.e., el-Mo’alla) and Hormer in every [situation of crisis, when] the sky was clouded and the earth [was parched? and when everybody died of hunger] on this sandbank of Apophis.  The south came with its people and the north with its children; they brought finest oils in exchange for the barley which was given to them.  My barley went upstream until it reached Lower Nubia and downstream until it reached the Abydene nome.  All of Upper Egypt was drying of hunger and people were eating their children, but I did not allow anybody to die of hunger in this nome….I cared for the house of Elephantine and for the town of Iat-negen in those years after Heft and Hormer were satisfied…I was like a (sheltering) mountain for Heft and like a cool shadow for Hormer.

‘The whole country has become like locusts going upstream and downstream (in search of food); but never did I allow anybody in need to go from this nome to another one.  I am the hero without equal.’”

Shaw goes on to write:

Economic crisis is one of the great issues in the texts of the time.  Local magnates were accustomed to boasting that they managed to feed their own towns while the rest of the country was starving.  These accounts have tended to make a considerable impression on modern readers, with the result that famines and economic crisis are often regarded as an essential hallmark of the period.  It has even been argued that the dire consequences of repeated failures of the Nile flood, caused by climatic change, were responsible for the end of the Old Kingdom.  There can be no doubt that these texts indeed relate to fact.  This becomes obvious when references to famine occur in less grandiose texts.

It remains to be carefully considered, however, to what extent this situation was really specific to the First Intermediate Period.  In fact, independent evidence confirming climatic change during the First Intermediate Period is lacking.  Instead, the available data seem to suggest that the ‘Neolithic Wet Phase’ had already ended during the Old Kingdom, bringing drier climatic conditions in the adjacent desert areas in particular, as well as encouraging a general process of adaptation to lower levels of annual Nile flooding.  These environmental changes showed no signs of affecting the development of pharaonic civilization at that date, thus calling into question any supposed connections with the First Intermediate Period.  Recent archaeological observations from Elephantine even seem to indicate that Egypt was experiencing flood levels slightly above average during the First Intermediate Period.

Still, Shaw, ever the academic, is full of admiration for these beneficent nomarchs, who write so well of themselves at death:

At this time, the great men were prepared to step in whenever and wherever need might arise in society, through economic problems, political crises, or individual misfortune.  The provincial rulers were not merely sheltering and supporting a few people (as a father might shelter and support the members of his family) but taking responsibility for the whole of society, whether the population of their home town or that of the nome or nomes they ruled.  The message is clear: people would be helpless without their rulers. Left on their own, they would simply not be able to face the hazards of life.  It goes without saying that this beneficent role of the ruler was indissociable from his right to obeisance and his authority – thus Ankhtifi points out, ‘on whomsoever I laid my hand – no harm could approach him, because my reasoning was so expert and my plans were so excellent.  But every ignorant person, every wretch who opposed me – I retaliated against him for his deeds.’

Since the ancient governments were centrally-controlled, even on the local level, the average citizens had little choice but to rely on their ‘beneficent’ rulers.  Here I was, trying to escape the sneering visage of that moron, former Vice President Biden, and yet I meet him on the page in his first incarnation as Ankhtifi the Magnificent.

Only Biden is determined to starve the Middle Class, prevent them from driving to and from their jobs, by cutting off their gasoline fuel supply.  Not only won’t we be able to get to our jobs to earn money, but trucks won’t be allowed to deliver our food and material goods.  He gloats at the notion of destroying the suburbs, which was his master, Obama’s, goal.

No need to ask what he thinks he’s doing.  He may have flunked the Third Grade.  However, he knows he’s bringing about the destruction of the United States of America.  The fact that he appears to be a goof is all very material to the Marxist nomarchs.  They can just shrug that he was – stupid.  Old.  Befogged.

Who do he and the Great Dictators think they are, telling us where we’ll live, work, what we can say and think?  What’s wrong with dictatorships?  This is what’s wrong:  you can’t tell people what to do.  At least not in a democracy and certainly not in our federated republic, which is why they’re trying to destroy it.

Not only will they have the power to “do good” – they’ll all make a fortune out of these scam electric cars, solar panels and wind turbines.  Every single one of them is an unsustainable pyramid scheme.  Not one of them is workable.  Electric cars and solar panels do not operate well, if at all, in cold climates.  Wind turbines are particularly fussy about the type of wind in which they’ll operate.  No wind at all, no power.  Those facilities then must have a dependable backup system:  natural gas, nuclear, or heaven forfend, coal.

Biden, as our “nomarch,” allowed hordes of illegal aliens into the country, where they were absolutely permitted to vote, enabling him to “win” the election.  States are endeavoring to prevent future elections from being stolen.  Biden’s minions, and Biden himself, are accusing these state legislatures of preventing “fair” elections.

The little people can do nothing to stop big people from seizing power.  But little people can do little things.  One of them is forming grand juries in their counties to charge corrupt officials (and there are plenty to go around) with graft and even treason. 

Biden’s fuel price increases – and he is the one doing it, don’t be fooled by his and Jen Psaki’s ‘who-us?’ denials – will bring economic calamity down upon our heads fairly swiftly.  According to Glenn Beck, the Great Resetters have already implemented their ESG-score retribution on anyone who opposes them.  Beck says that in his adopted state of Idaho, Republican party state legislators who want to enact legislation that will secure elections as well as laws for other matters, have already stepped back from the van, being threatened by their banks, financial institutions, and even insurance companies, with “reputational risk” mitigation if they proceed with their opposition to Biden’s administration and the general Great Reset plans.

An administration that will do these things to its own people – imprisoning opposition members, threatening them with financial ruin, cutting off the fuel supply so that average people can’t go to work and trucks can’t deliver the food and supplies they need – is no longer representative of its people; it is an oppressor administration – a dictatorship.

Nothing is more infuriating that when Biden patronizes the American people, talking down to us as he tells us that, now children, we have to endure a little pain now and then for the ‘greater good.’

We are, for the most part, adults and free citizens of a sovereign with certain inalienable rights, among them Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, granted to us by our sovereign God, not a pantheon of oligarchs who assume God’s place in our lives, having thought they threw the Almighty from his throne.

We, in this time, cannot overthrow them.  We’re too weak and timid.  We’ve spent too many years in the halls of the oligarchs, in the dreary cubicles of corporate America where we do as we’re told in order to receive our salaries.  If we agree to be at their beck and call 24/7 (which is all too easy to do with today’s technology), they will pay us greater sums of money.  Although if you calculated those wages against your time spent in their employ, you’d find yourself little better of than you were before, we’re still lured by the prospect of those salaries.

In short, we will not ‘bell the cat’ for fear of its claws.  We have not sunk low enough to overthrow them.  We are not desperate enough yet.  When those brave souls who descended upon the Capitol, we cried out in sissified horror that that was not “us.”

No, it certainly isn’t.  What will the future think of our feckless behavior at this point when we could have stopped them?  That we were kinder, gentler people who allowed ourselves to be shackled without complaint?

As I have noted in the past, we are in the Age of Capricorn, not the Age of Aquarius, as we were deceived into believing.  This is the Age of Capricorn:  the Age of Tyrants and Dictators; the Age of great wealth and great poverty; the Age of Fear and desire for security; the Age of Great Power and Centralized Government.

And, dare I say it, the Age of Slavery?

But Capricorn is the smallest of the Zodiacal constellations.  Whatever their rule will be, cruel, cold, heartless, it will also be short.  They will be overthrown in a rebellion and I’m not talking about the great worker’s revolution, either.  A generation will arise that will have had enough of slavery to a one-world government.  They will tolerate the tyranny no longer and either overthrow or escape it.  Possibly both.

That is a great hope in a time of growing fear.  These times will be short.

Published in: on March 13, 2022 at 2:17 pm  Leave a Comment  

Vlad is Bad, Xi is Good?

Training with wooden guns; that’s how you have to fight in a Marxist dictatorship

Recently, we were all working quietly and diligently at our jobs.  Putin had invaded Ukraine.  He had threated the West with nuclear retaliation if it interfered with his military agenda.  Glenn Beck announced that Bonehead Biden had placed the United States on Defcon 2 status (the ultimate is Defcon 1 – nuclear war is imminent; the hypersonic bombs are already on their way).

Still, we went on with typing and phone call meetings.  We had work to do.  Suddenly a co-worker let out an anguished cry:  “Nooooooooooooo!”  All activity stopped in a heartbeat.

‘Oh no,” thought I.  “Putin has nuked Kyiv.”  But then I considered the source of the cry.  An extremely diligent, focused co-worker who was all about their job.  No way would they let themselves be distracted by the mere news of a nuclear bomb going off thousands of miles away.  A very kind person, they might be concerned about the loss of life.  However, they would leave those thoughts until after work.

The supervisor inquired after the problem:  a compete e-mail chain had been nuked, and all the work that had gone with it.

Our tone might sound mocking.  But we actually admire our co-worker’s attention to their work.  Even if a hypersonic nuclear missile was on its way to wipe us out here in the Metro New York area, what could we do about it?

Absolutely nothing.  We’re at something of a remove from the City and probably the blast, but not from the effects of the EMP wave.  Even if we fled, our cars would soon stop dead.  Airliners would fall out of the sky.  We would spend our last minutes as the passengers of the 9/11 flights did, in sheer terror with no way out of their airborne tombs.  Flight 93 might have made it but they had to make too much noise in attempting to penetrate the cockpit, giving the Terrorist Guy flying it to point it towards the ground.

By the time one of our heroes got to the controls, he wouldn’t have been able to pull the plane out of the dive.

I was small at the time, but I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.  Everyone in this area was terrified, living so close to the Number One target – New York City.  My parents gathered us into my brothers’ room to tell us what was going on, although having ears, we already knew from hearing it on the television.  I remember how sad they looked, thinking we would not grow to adulthood.

We could have run.  My grandparents knew a place to go in the Catskills.  But we didn’t.  Instead, the Russian Navy did a sudden u-turn, supposedly at the sight of American warships heading their way.

What really stopped them was Pres. Kennedy caving into Russian demands to close a military base on the Turkish border with Russia.  No one knew that and we all cheered at the show of American spirit and might.

If that spirit was only a chimera then, it’s a faded memory now, after the 2020 Election was stolen.  In place of the legitimate president, Trump, a man who flunked the third grade, engaged in dirty deals with Ukraine and China (and bragged about getting the Ukraine attorney general who was about to indict his son fired) and once enjoyed a relationship with a Klansman Senator, and whose own ancestors, the Robinettes, were slave-owners, is now in charge of our foreign policy and our domestic economy.

Biden and the Media are bragging about how we’re slamming Putin’s Russia with all sorts of sanctions, particularly economic sanctions.  Yet we said nothing when Putin seized Georgia and the Crimea.  Obama turned his head and shrugged.  We shrugged when China seized Hong Kong, despite the protests of the citizens there.  We did nothing as China built military islands in the South China Sea, which is a treasure-trove of oil.  Bank of America and Mastercard are banning Russian customers.

And Biden, the old fraud, certainly used the war to grandstand during his State of the Union speech (‘The Attack on the Uraniums’).  We find the timing of the speech and the attack rather curious.  Will the Left cheer the Taiwanese on when China invades Taiwan?  We doubt it.

In fact, the Left has cheered China on.  Financial institutions and banks, Wall Street titans, diplomats and politicians-turned-lobbyists have become billionaires doing business with China and influencing the rest of the world to welcome China’s authoritarianism.  What China does within its own borders is its own business.

So, yay, China!  Yay, Ukraine!  Boo, Putin!  Boo, Capitol Protestors!

With Ukrainian cities turned to rubble, the seizure of two of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants by the Russian military and more to follow, certainly we need to take Putin seriously.  Some are claiming that he’s gone crazy.  Hitler was certifiable.  Is Putin?  Putin stated when he took over as President-for-Life that he intended the restore the Communist Soviet Union and would wipe out anyone who stood in his way.

He even arrested small children in Moscow protesting the invasion of Ukraine.

Yet, we’re told we should mind our own business when it comes to Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Those are internal affairs and Xi Jinping has said that the United States has no business criticizing China on its human rights record.

They’re wiping out the Muslim Uighurs.  They also abuse their own workers abominably.  If you work for a company in China, you’re working for the Communist Party.  The Chinese point to the gleaming, modern city of Shanghai.  Shanghai is their Oz City, its apartment and office towers sparkling like jewels in the night. 

The Chinese enjoy showing off Shanghai to Westerners.  ‘See how modern we are?’  The Russians did the same thing in the Twenties and Thirties.  Westerners, concerned about rumors of purges and deliberate starvation, were invited to visit model communes, with well-fed, cheerful Soviet agents posing as peasant farmers.  Nothing to see here, Westerners.

Do you know who lives in Shanghai?  The Red Aristocracy.  China claims it practices a “different” version of Marxism.  It’s Marxism with a Chinese tint.  The difference between Russia and China is that China loves money.  In fact, it’s their weakness.  The Chinese love to gamble.  If I were a Western entrepreneur, I wouldn’t build a factory in China; I’d build a casino.

There are rumors and news stories about warehoused Chinese workers living in cramped dormitories, forced to work 12 to 16-hour days.  Some workers have been known to throw themselves out of the dormitory windows.  Most were starving peasants who descended on China’s business cities looking for work in their numerous factories.

China is not to be questioned, however; not even doubted, or else.  They’ve bought off Westerners who serve as their spokespeople for the marvels of 21st Century China.  Visitors are shown Shanghai and the Great Wall, and perhaps Beijing, if they’re “old friends of China.”

Criticize China and you’ll be shut down on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  China owns TikTok.  They own AMC (American Movie Classics), where they monitor the content of films to make sure they only portray positive images of Communist China.

So, what’s really going on here with Russia and China?  Except that Ukraine cities really are being bombed and their electric shut off, and Ukrainians are being killed, we’d say it’s a great big Hollywood-style story.

We cheer on the Ukrainians for fighting back against Communist domination.  The Ukrainians have always hated Communism.  It was Ukrainian farmers whom Stalin starved.  Russia is a much larger country and they’re doing it on their own, with very little help from the United States.  Every man to their guns.  Initially, Ukrainian citizens were not allowed to own guns.  But as it became more apparent that the Russians were coming, the Ukrainian parliament changed the laws.

When Communist China invades Taiwan – and they will – will we cheer the Taiwanese on, pat them on the back, tell them we’re behind them, and then turn on our backs on them, even as we’re cheering?

You bet we will.  Bonehead Biden shut down all our American oil wells and the price gas rose 30 cents overnight and likely will go even higher.  Biden promised we would suffer higher gas prices and this is a promise he definitely intends to keep.

Instead, he said we would buy oil from Russia.  Only the Russian oil isn’t in Russia – it’s in Ukraine.  Putin can’t sell us the oil until he seizes the oil fields.  Meanwhile, he claims our next best option is to buy our oil from Iran.

Iran?  Open up our own oil fields, you numbskull.  Then we wouldn’t need to buy oil from anyone.  We wouldn’t be under threat from anyone or under obligation to them.

But that’s been the whole plan since Obama was president. Heck, it’s probably been the plan since Wilson was in the White House.  They don’t want America and Americans to be independent.  Marx knew that energy and transportation were key to controlling a nation.

If the price of oil goes up, or worse, fuel becomes unavailable, our whole economy is affected, right down to the food we eat.  We won’t be able to get to work, and not being able to get to work, or spending so much money on gas that we can’t afford to pay our other bills, we will lose our homes.

Home is everything.  According to Glenn Beck’s The Great Reset, the plan is for banks and financial institutions to buy up all the homes and price everyone right out of the housing market, except for the elite.  Americans will then be forced to rent their homes and with the government as our “landlords” they can govern everything we do inside our homes.

If they don’t want us to have pets, then we won’t have pets.  If they want us to paint our walls black, there will be a run on black interior paint at Home Depot and Lowes.  If they don’t want us to have children, they won’t allow us to “rent” an apartment with more than one room.

If they want us to set our thermometers to 60 degrees (all for the sake of the planet, you understand), then we’ll just have to wear our coats indoors.

Food is important, certainly.  But shelter comes first.  The head of the World Economic Forum insists we could survive on eating bugs (eliminating the need for fertilizer and pesticides).  Meat will be off the menu.  In our area, the local town boards have already prohibited property owners from growing any crops.  You can grow a small vegetable garden.  That’s about it.

As for clothing, you can make do with what you have.  Although if your government landlord (who’ll be monitoring you inside your home with cameras), decides you have too many clothes, you’ll be forced to “share” them.

The only employer will be the government, or government-linked companies, with all sets of union rules for you.  Oh yes, you will become a member of a union whether you like it or not, although why it matters if the government is a Marxist entity already running the show is beyond us.

They promise that all this will come to pass before this decade is out.

As for a Russian nuclear bomb landing on New York City and a Chinese bomb landing on Los Angeles, it’s hard to imagine why they would bother.  New York has been Marxist since before the Bolshevik Revolution. They’d be killing their own followers; the very “citizens” who voted for Obama and Biden.

The Chinese would never fire on San Francisco since so many Chinese already live there, not to mention the denizens of Silicon Valley, who are the real brains behind China’s “rise.”  If we see a sudden exodus of Silicon Valley to China, we’ll know to head for our bomb shelters.  Those people actually have residences in China, mainly in Shanghai, but some in Beijing.

The rest of the Silicon Valley residents are just useful idiots.  Who cares if China nukes them?  As for retaliation, even if Biden and two-thirds of Congress and Washington, D.C., weren’t already beholden to China, China has so many of its own “useful idiots” that they would never miss them if we aimed at a nuke at them.

Think the Chinese will never become our overlords?  Bad news.  Here in my condo camp, the Chinese already own our garbage.  That is, they own the company that hauls it away and they have very strict rules about how we’re to dispose of our recyclables.  In fact, I believe they’re the ultimate garbage collectors for the town itself.

At least that’s the way it sounded when the townspeople protested the draconian rules and the spokesman said, with a shudder, that these were the Chinese and we had to do what they said.

When Mao and the Communists took over China in 1949, many freedom-loving Chinese fled.  Those who stood and fought, the way the Ukrainians are doing now, were rounded up and executed.  Mao executed at least 26 million people, 20 million more than Hitler murdered – and he was a carpet-chewing maniac.  Was Mao a maniac?  Lenin? Stalin?  Is Xi Jinping, who declared himself president-for-life in 2018?

The National People’s Congress amended its Constitution to allow him to do so, eliminating the two-term limit on the presidency which they enacted in the 1990s.

We don’t doubt Ukrainian Americans who deplore Putin as a maniac.  We admire their spirit, their passion for freedom.  We were like the Ukrainians, about 60 or 70 years ago.  Putin is a vicious killer.  So is Xi (the Uighurs, remember?).  They’re arrogant, violent, aggressive Communist totalitarians who will suffer no opposition.  The satellite tyrants are just as bad:  Kim Jong Un.  Miguel Diaz-Canel.  Nicholas Maduro of Venezuela (who could have been a double for Stalin).

Biden isn’t going to seriously negotiate with Putin, any more than JFK “negotiated” with Khrushchev.  Biden will bargain what’s left of our rights away to China.  He’ll play at war with Putin who, getting basically what he wants, will appear to back down, credit the Ukrainians for their courage, and then steer us on to 2030 and Climate Changed Communism in the United States.

Those of us who still own our own homes will be taxed out of them and forced to live in Transit Villages if we’re of working age, and Wellness Centers if we’re older.  Workers will live in tiny little apartments with open-floor plans (the better to monitor us), fall out of bed in the morning and onto the train or bus, work 12 hours, get back on the mass transit to go home to our cells.  Rise.  Rinse.  And repeat.

The elderly will be given as little health care as is consistent with “humanity” and refused treatment after a certain age.  This is already happening to older people with severe conditions.  You’ll be ordered to lose weight and stop smoking (both good things), eat no meat, and exercise regularly (under supervision) or lose your health care.

It’s all for your own good, you know.   At least right now.  Later on, after 2030, it will be for the good of the Collective.  Oh, and the Planet Earth.

Resistance is futile.

Published in: on March 6, 2022 at 12:30 pm  Leave a Comment