Setting Some Historical Facts Straight About America’s Independence

Glenn Beck’s American History Museum Exhibit goes on the road in Utah

This past week, we’ve watched Blaze TV with great interest – and some dismay – as host Glenn Beck takes his American History Museum exhibit on the road to St. George, Utah.

Beck is the first to admit he wasn’t initially a history fan. To be fair, he was raised in a Democrat household. His interest grew as he discovered the facts of American history through the purchase of historical documents and artifacts. We believe the first of many of these documents was the original draft of the Declaration of Independence in Thomas Jefferson’s own handwriting. The draft includes a very long passage denouncing slavery, which was ultimately voted down by a minority of the 55-person Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1776.

This discovery was new to Beck. We learned it about from Mom and found it in a gift-shop book at Monticello years and years ago.

Only New York abstained from signing the Declaration. In actuality, few of the delegates were actually present on July 4, 1776. John Hancock signed the letter on behalf of the Second Continental Congress. Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Second Continental Congress signed as witness, from Philadelphia itself. All that was necessary for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence was a quorum (a percentage of delegates).

Ultimately, the Declaration was not signed by the other delegates until Aug. 2, 1776. Some were away on business, others had reservations about signing it. The New York delegation abstained altogether from signing it because the delegates claimed they had not received authorization from Albany to do so.

Nevertheless, the letter was quickly dispatched to King George III with the signature of John Hancock speaking boldly for the 13 colonies. The adoption was “unanimous” except for New York.

The Second Continental Congress made a grave error in agreeing to a “unanimous” vote on the Declaration which would have long-term, devastating consequences for the country by the middle of the next century, when the issue of slavery was resolved by blood rather than law. Law eventually skulked along in the trail of thousands of dead Union soldiers.

A unanimous vote is in no way a democratic action; it is collectivism. Remember when Saddam Hussein claimed victory with a “100 percent” vote? No one in a democracy would be expected to agree on all terms. Fearing that South Carolina, Georgia (and New York) would remain with Great Britain, giving England a foothold for war in the Colonies, the 2nd Continental Congress acquiesced to these very undemocratic terms of “unanimity” in order to keep the colonies united – under the yoke of slavery in the South.

A unanimous vote is usually demanded by the party in the weaker numerical position, holding the majority hostage to its minority decision. It is how modern courts operate today. All decisions must be “unanimous”. This sort of “unanimity” destroys debate, freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.

“Four score and seven years later,” the United States was brought to the calamity of a Civil War, which brings us to the second of historical errors on the part of Glenn and his historical mentors, David Barton, the founder of WallBuilders, a pro-family organization, and his son, Tim.

We only just covered this topic about two weeks ago. Juneteenth, that is June 19, 1865, is the date that the Texas legislature abolished slavery legally. The last Confederate forces had surrendered earlier that month in Galveston, Texas, on June 2, 1865,

According to an article in The Independent Sentinel on June 2, 2023:

On May 26, 1865, Federal commanders accepted the surrender of the last major organized Confederate force still in the field.

Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith commanded the Trans-Mississippi District, in which the Army of the West was assigned to cover western Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, the Indian Territory (now Oklahoma), Texas, and the territories of New Mexico and Arizona. The army had not been much of a fighting force since its failed Missouri incursion last fall, but Smith urged his men to continue resisting nonetheless:

In early May, Smith rejected a proposal from Major General John Pope, commanding the Federal Department of the Missouri, to surrender under the same terms that Ulysses S. Grant had given Robert E. Lee, William T. Sherman had given Joseph E. Johnston and E.R.S. Canby had given Richard Taylor. Two days later, Smith reported that most of his 50,000 men had “dissolved all military organization and returned to their homes.”

Nevertheless, Smith continued holding out while other Confederate commanders gave in. Brigadier General M. Jeff Thompson, the “Swamp Fox of the Confederacy” who had harassed Federals in Missouri and Arkansas throughout the war, surrendered the remnants of his brigade at Chalk Bluff, Arkansas. Major General Samuel Jones surrendered his small command in Florida at Tallahassee. And notorious raider William C. Quantrill was mortally wounded in Spencer County, Kentucky, thereby ending most of the guerrilla warfare in the border states.

Finally realizing that Federal numbers might be too overwhelming, Smith called a conference with the exiled governors of Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas at Marshall, Texas, on the 13th. Smith told the attendees that it was his duty to hold out “at least until President Davis reaches this department, or I receive some definite orders from him.” Smith was still unaware that Jefferson Davis had been captured.

The governors disagreed, considering it “useless..” However, Brigadier General Joseph O. “Jo” Shelby, one of Smith’s lieutenants, threatened to arrest his superior if he followed the governors’ advice and surrendered. The men ultimately decided to appoint Louisiana Governor Henry W. Allen to go to Washington to try negotiating a settlement.

The governors disagreed, considering it “useless..” However, Brigadier General Joseph O. “Jo” Shelby, one of Smith’s lieutenants, threatened to arrest his superior if he followed the governors’ advice and surrendered. The men ultimately decided to appoint Louisiana Governor Henry W. Allen to go to Washington to try negotiating a settlement.

Finally realizing that Federal numbers might be too overwhelming, Smith called a conference with the exiled governors of Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas at Marshall, Texas, on the 13th. Smith told the attendees that it was his duty to hold out “at least until President Davis reaches this department, or I receive some definite orders from him.” Smith was still unaware that Jefferson Davis had been captured.

Two days later, Smith refused a second overture from Pope to surrender. Pope’s messenger offered Smith a choice between unconditional surrender or “all the horrors of violent subjugation.”

Smith told the man that he could not “purchase a certain degree of immunity from devastation at the expense of the honor of its (the Confederacy’s) army.”

Meanwhile, in Washington, Grant sent Major General Philip Sheridan to destroy what remained of Smith’s army. Sheridan asked to stay in Washington to participate in the Grand Review, but Grant insisted that he leave immediately. Grant explained that not only would Sheridan be forcing Smith’s surrender, but he would also be discouraging France from colonizing Mexico in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. Sheridan’s fearsome reputation for pillage and destruction would surely precede his arrival.

Smith soon received word both that Sheridan was coming and Jefferson Davis had been captured. With his army rapidly disbanding, he decided to finally negotiate.

He dispatched his chief of staff, Lieutenant General Simon B. Buckner, to discuss peace, not with Pope at St. Louis but with Major General E.R.S. Canby at New Orleans. Smith did not expect Buckner to make that decision without consulting him on what terms he could expect.

Buckner and Canby began conferring on the 25th, and the next day Buckner made that decision without consulting Smith.

He surrendered the Confederate Army of the West to Canby’s chief of staff, Major General Peter J. Osterhaus, under the same terms Grant had given Lee. As fate would have it, Buckner had surrendered the first Confederate army at Fort Donelson in 1862, and now he surrendered the last.

Smith arrived in Houston on the 27th and learned that his army had been surrendered the day before.

He refused to endorse the agreement, and on the 30th he issued a final order to his few remaining men in the form of an admonition: “Soldiers! I am left a Commander without an army– a General without troops. You have made your choice. It was unwise and unpatriotic, but it is final. I pray you may not live to regret it.”

Smith finally relented and signed the articles of surrender on June 2, aboard the steamer Fort Jackson at Galveston. Those who refused to give up were paid in gold and mustered out, including Jo Shelby and others hoping to continue the fight from Mexico. Smith himself would join them later.

The surrender of E.K. Smith’s Trans-Mississippi District meant that the last significant Confederate fighting force was no more. Some commanders who led small, less organized units continued holding out, including General Stand Watie. Others just went home, ultimately accepting that the war was over at last.

Information via Civil War Months.

Finally, there is the matter of Crispus Attucks in the Boston Massacre in on March 5, 1770.

Crispus Attucks was no hero. He was kind of the Michael Brown (Ferguson, Mo., Aug, 9, 2019) who was responsible for setting St. Louis and its suburbs ablaze, a full year before George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Some silly woman touring Beck’s traveling exhibit nattered on how she’d heard “history” from her mother but that it just sounded like “Blah-blah-blah” from her parental unit, whereas Glenn brought history alive. A very mature attitude.

My mother (and father) taught us American history and my brothers and I had great respect for Mom’s teaching. It was Mom who taught me the truth about the Boston Massacre. Mom was well-read. She She read “Paul Revere & The World He Lived In,” by Esther Forbes. (Paul Revere and the World He Lived In. Forbes, Esther. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1942. 498 pp.)

According to Forbes, three crowds had gathered to listen to orations by American patriots. One incident involved the chopping down of the Liberty Tree. Soon, a call-to-arms went out. A second group the city was on fire and the fire brigades came out.

A third group gathered near Faneuil Hall to listen to a ‘tall gentleman’ in a red cloak and white wig, whom the author gathered, by the description, was probably William Molineaux.

Two hundred able-bodied sailors, porters, and other likely street-fighters were lined up at this time close to Faneuil Hall…to listen…

When the oration was done, the cry went up, ‘To the Main Guard!’ and there were threats to kill all the ‘lobsters’ they could find.

What had been three separate, angry groups now all came together on King Street, milling about in the snow and the moonlight, just in front of the old State House.

Earlier in the evening, a young boy had been knocked down, presumably by members of the 14th [British] garrison. The boy bawled that he was being killed, Forbes wrote.

During the evening, the colonels of the garrison did not restrain their men. More of them than usual were ‘driving the streets’ in small packs. They pushed and cursed at civilians, who got in their way as much as possible and cursed back. The regulars were at their worst, and what John Adams calls ‘the lower classes’ [of British soldiers] were out in force. But by eight o’clock that night the air was so charged with dynamite any flash-in-the-pan would blow the whole town sky high.

Captain Goldfinch, of the Fourteenth, seems to have been a well-disposed young officer, with the failing so fashionable among Eighteenth-Century gentleman of not bothering to pay ‘tradesmen.’ He owed the French barber, Piedmont, quite a bill for shaving him, and Piedmont, unable to get a cent out of him, told one of his apprentices that any money he could squeeze out of Goldfinch he could have for himself.

By eight o’clock, outside Murray’s Barracks on Brattle Street, Goldfinch was standing there as the boy caused a ruckus and the crowd began to gather.

Some soldiers, returning from duty, tried to get down the black and narrow street to their barracks, but found their way blocked. Ensign Mall, in charge of them, lost his head, bade them make way for themselves with bayonets, [and that] ‘he’ll stand by ’em.’ Goldfinch intervened, scolded the ensign and got the men inside the heavy doors of the old sugar house, but a good many blows had been exchanged and both sides were ugly.

Goldfinch himself tried to slip unseen over to King Street,, where the main guard was housed, and see what was afoot. So the Captain, with the ‘greasy’ and diminutive boy bawling at his heels, emerged into the moonlight width of King Street. The child pointed at the officer, roaring out what a bad fellow he was not to pay his bills, also suggesting canine ancestry. The officer paid no need, but it was too much for the solitary sentry stationed outside the custom house.

This man, Montgomery, had been enduring more than the usual amount of snowballs, chunks of ice, oyster shells, sea coal, and provincial wit which as the fate of solitary sentries. For some time he had been muttering and cursing and saying what he’d do if any came within reach of his bayonet. A large crowd had gathered about him to enjoy his spleen, he had not been attacked thus far except by missiles and adjectives. In spite of his threats he had run nobody through. Now he left his box, stepped down, [and] demanded the boy ‘show his saucy face.’

The boy smugly said he wasn’t ashamed of his face and Montgomery (old enough to know better, for he was bald as an egg) hit him a glancing blow which did not even knock the boy down. Instantly, the crowd rushed him, yelling that the bloody-thirsty butcher was murdering the child.

Now, all three angry crowds merged.

Montgomery was now hard-pressed. Besides the usual cries of ‘lobster’ and ‘bloody-back’ there rang in his ears, ‘kill him! Kill him!’

‘If you come near me,’ he panted, ‘I’ll blow your brains out!’

‘Fire and be damned!’ [was the reply]

Montgomery loaded. An enormous mulatto loomed up over him. Crispus Attucks would have frightened any man. He was well over six feet, was part Indian, part negro and part white. His master in Framingham thought well of him. He was forty-seven at this tie. Attucks had a crowd of sailors at his heels and a stick in his hand. He poked at Montgomery and said he’d ‘have off one of his claws.’

The hard-pressed ‘lobster’ did not fire, but he called in a loud voice, ‘Turn out the Main Guard.’ His voice carried across King Street to the guardhouse, through the hubbub of whistles, Indian yells, and jangling bells.

Instantly, a corporal’s guard stepped out of the main guardhouse, followed by Captain Preston, the officer for the day. They had to struggle to cross King Street and reach the sentry, who stepped down and joined the semi-circle of level bayonets presented to his assailants. Captain Preston’s reputation was good. His colonel called him ‘cool and distinct,’ but the judgment that sent only seven men and himself to rescue the sentry poor. Nine men are enough for a target but not enough to overawe a mob.

Someone yelled a Preston to keep his men in order and mind what he was about. The Captain did not answer, but ordered the soldiers to prime and load. The silence at that moment was so complete everyone heard the rattle of the iron ramrods. Preston put his body between the men and the crowd to keep them from firing. Henry Knox, a plump, likeable, twenty-year-old bookseller, grabbed Preston by the arm [and] begged him God’s sake to take his men back; for if he fired, his life must answer for it. Preston said he was ‘sensible to it.’

Now the rumor spread that the guns were not loaded. But when asked, the Captain said they were ‘with powder and ball.’

‘Do you mean to fire upon the inhabitants?’

‘By no means,’ but Knox noticed that he seemed much agitated.

A number of people (Captain Goldfinch among them) were entreating the crowd to go home, not to lose their heads. Instead, they made a sudden, blind rush at the soldiers, those behind pushing on those in front, even jumping on their backs to see.

Crispus Attucks was still muttering about the ‘claws’ he was to get off the lobsters. He hit at Preston with his stick of cordwood, grazed him, but knocked down Montgomery. The two of them fought for a moment for the soldier’s musket. In the melee that followed, Montgomery got it and was up on his feet. Now the ‘motley mob of saucy boys, negroes, mullattoes, Irish teagues and outlandish jacktars’ (to use John Adams’ words) had pushed against the soldiers until you couldn’t get a hat between them. Among the soldiers was Private Kilroy and among the mob, Sam Gray (now out of a job). Kilroy was watching him.

Above the hubbub came the sinister word, ‘Present…’ The struggle went on. And then the fatal command: ‘Fire.’ No one knows who gave the order. Unbiased witnesses close to Preston at the moment, agreed with him and said that he did not

Montgomery, his hat gone, his bald head shining in the moonlight, fired first at Attucks, who got two balls through the chest.

In the end, nine British soldiers shot five men – three dead, including Attucks – out of an estimated crowd of 300 to 400. Paul Revere, a noted Boston silversmith immortalized the Boston Massacre in engravings which he posted about town. In time, the legend of the massacre led to the American Revolution.

The hero of the Boston Massacre was not Crispus Attucks (and it certainly wasn’t Montgomery). The real hero was lawyer John Adams, who defended the British soldiers in court.

Within three weeks a Boston grand jury had indicted Captain Preston, eight of his soldiers and four British civilians who had allegedly fired into the crowd from inside the Custom House for murder. If convicted, they faced execution.

Historians write that Adans clearly knew that taking on this case was dangerous. An angry mob could threaten his family, and should his reputation be tarnished, his ambitions and economic future would be endangered. On the other hand, he strongly believed that the men were entitled to a fair trial and thought that history might view him as a man who put principle above his personal beliefs.

Preston’s trial took place between Oct. 24 and Oct. 30, 1770. Adams argued that Preston had not given the order to fire, and that Preston’s soldiers were provoked by the crowd. The jury ultimately acquitted Preston on the basis of “reasonable doubt” — notably, this was the first time a judge had ever used that term. The soldiers went on trial in November. Here, Adams argued that they acted in self-defense. The jury in that case acquitted six, but found two guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter. Finally, in December the four civilians went to trial, and all were acquitted.

If you’re going to invoke history, you must absolutely get it straight. That Beck was unaware of these facts and believed Attucks was a black hero of the American Revolution is understandable. But when credited historians don’t know a fact that was once commonly known to the Greatest Generation at least, it means we need to revisit American history.

Do they also realize that Paul Revere and William Dawes did not ride through the midnight countryside shouting, “The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming’ because the villages were a mix of Loyalists and Patriots? They also didn’t call them “Redcoats”. They rode up to the back doors of farmhouses and villages whispering “the Regulars are coming,” the Regulars who were searching for the hidden arms and munitions of the rebellious Colonists.

Forbes mistakenly identifies William Dawes as the black Midnight Rider who set out along with other Minute Men to warn the villages of the approach of the British Regulars. Dawes was white. Wentworth Cheswell was the African-American rider, who laughed at his role because the British tended to dismiss him as stupid and second-class. Revere was caught; Cheswell was not.

At least the Bartons got that fact right.

Cheswell was a Black American hero of the Revolution. Crispus Attucks, not so much.

Like so many Americans, Glenn takes other people’s word for facts, rather than investigating matters of history for himself, ignoring his own admonitions to “do your own homework.” Every American has not only the right but the civic duty to be a student of American history.

We’re also somewhat concerned that Beck’s tone is tending towards apology. He’s probably focusing a little too heavily on America’s “mistakes” and “faults.” Slavery was the faulty of greedy, corrupt men rationalizing race as an excuse to use slave labor. George Washington predicted that industrialization and immigration would eventually put an end to slavery. Only political legerdermain on the part of Southern states (as well as some northern states like New York and New Jersey, which profited by the slave trade – New Jersey being the last of the original colonies to outlaw the practice) allowed it to continue.

That debt was paid in the blood of hundreds of thousands on battlefields like Gettysburg, Antietam and Shiloh. Another century would pass before resentment on both sides ebbed and that only due to the passage of a notorious Civil Rights Act whose language merely stirred up and exacerbated the old hatreds and endangered our present liberty almost beyond repair.

Published in: on June 30, 2023 at 4:34 pm  Leave a Comment  

Southern Poverty Law Center Declares War on Moms

SPLC brands Mom Groups as “Domestic Terrorists”

Recently, the Southern Poverty Law Center declared that groups like Moms for Liberty are “anti-government extremist groups.”

On their main web page, SPLC states:

Moms for Liberty is a far-right organization that engages in anti-student inclusion activities and self-identifies as part of the modern parental rights movement. The group grew out of opposition to public health regulations for COVID-19, opposes LGBTQ+ and racially inclusive school curriculum, and has advocated books bans.

SPLC has accused Moms for Liberty of book-banning, of interfering with “academic freedom,” of “right-wing” extremism, and of challenging so-called “professional teachers.” They claim that parents know nothing about educating children and have no right to dare the professional teachers with their post-graduate degrees in the subject.

Yet, American students fall farther and farther behind their peers around the world in every subject, while American elites send their children to private schools where they still learn Latin and Greek and, in general, receive what used to be called a “classical education.” They’ve convinced lower-income and middle-class American parents that their children have no need for such an elaborate education.

Classical education is for the future leaders of the world, and the captains of, if not industry, bureaucracy, they say. Your kid needs to learn a trade, not what makes Shakespeare the greatest playwright in history or who invented the telescope. Or even that two plus two equals four.

Their object is to scramble your childrens’ brains, making them lazy, unmotivate, ignorant and unsuccessful. Those are the building blocks of the Administrative State.

Back in the 1930s and ’40s, respectively, my father and mother attended Evander Childs High School in the Bronx, New York, one of the most radical and Marxist high schools in New York City, or in any other city, for that matter. Radicalized students, the off-spring of Jewish, Marxist exiles from Imperial Russia and encouraged by the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, participated in Communist youth groups created by the Soviet Union’s Comintern (Communist International). The Evander Childs’ students even began their own underground newspaper.

With the help of labor organizations like the American Federation of Teachers, these students of Communist families in the eastern Bronx, easily became indoctrinated. My parents were minorities in this school. The families almost immediately began sending their children to special Communist schools in order to get a “Communist” education.

Perhaps we should take a page from their book.

Dad may have had his family’s support in resisting these efforts; Mom was living with her paternal grandmother and failure was definitely not an option. She had to obey the teachers and regurgitate what they taught, or her grandmother would have beaten the life out of her and her father would have finished the job.

After high school (both graduated a year ahead of schedule), Mom went to work and Dad went on to City College of New York, a free school and even more radicalized than Evander Childs. Dad and other students fought back against the Communist indoctrination. There, the professors defending their “teachings” as academic freedom. Riots over wages and arrests of certain teachers resulted in riots at the school.

Dad said that there were collectives of students around every corner in the school, hatching plots to overthrow individual liberty and especially Capitalism. But the most insidious plot was a secret agenda by the professors to “Teach the Teachers” which set about indoctrinating the professional teachers at the PhD level and working their way down to master’s and bachelor levels of teacher education until, within a generation or two (our generation) the indoctrination would be complete at every level.

Just as I was about to enter First Grade and my older brother, the Fourth Grade, our school district announced that due to a state mandate, the district would be replacing “U.S. History” with “Social Studies.” My brother and I both protested to our mother. She didn’t want us fighting the teachers and claimed there was some value in learning about “society.

I was only six and I knew it was rot. So did my older brother.

My dutiful older brother obeyed. I, being the little rebel of the family, did not. I fought my teachers on every occasion. We were fortunate to have well-educated parents dedicated to our education. Mom knew we wouldn’t be taught history or geography, or arithmetic for that matter, so she made sure she gave us lessons personally.

They both instilled in us the dangers of Communism, or Collectivism, as it is sometimes called. They taught us about the depredations and tyranny of the Communist Party on the Russian and Chinese people. The close monitoring of family discussions, the plying of children to tell their instructors what their parents discussed at home, and the subsequent arrest or “disappearance” of those parents.

The deliberate starvation of the Ukrainian people. Stalin’s “purges.” The horrors of the Gulag Archipelago. The forced, economic dependence of the people upon an enormous, bureaucratic government.

Rants by my teachers in regard to their labor unions proved Mom and Dad right. One high school history teacher scrupled not to admit that he didn’t care a fig about teaching us, that he only cared about being paid and resented the intrusion by our tax-paying parents on the type of education we received. Teachers across the country inveigled students to support them in their labor strikes for higher pay at our parents’ own expense.

Savvy parents, not wanting to see their children “fail” in school kow-towed to these unions, as did the school boards. When our U.S. History II teacher abandoned the stated curriculum to teach us “the glories of Communism” in 1976, five of us revolted, refusing to obey his agenda. If we cut his classes, he threatened to have us suspended. If we didn’t do the assignments or pass the tests, he’d fail us.

When my older brother faced this same dilemma with this same professor, he sought Mom’s advice who told him not to endanger his grade average. “Just tell the teacher what he wants to hear. No one is going to care.” Being the dutiful son, he rolled over.

In my class, one of the students was in line to be the Senior Class valedictorian. The greasy professor wheedled his way around this kid, warning him that if he failed this required course, it could have affect his grade average and the ability to get into the college of his choice.

“No one’s going to care,” the teacher hissed. The kid backed down and urged his girlfriend to sit down and submit

The rest of us stood our ground. We would not obey. The teacher now came after me.

“Your brother submitted,” the wily teacher said.

“I know all about my brother,” I told him. “He’s a jellyfish. I’m not.”

The teacher pondered that declaration for a moment.

He returned to remind me that I was at best a middling student; the best I could manage was a B, at most. Nobody cared if a “B” student failed his class.

“Maybe not. But those men who died on the beaches of Normandy gave everything they had for the sake of freedom. Maybe all I have to give is a “B” but I’m willing to make that ‘sacrifice’ all the same.”

I didn’t know the following story at the time. But I would have added it at the time if I had.

Mom had a high school sweetheart named “G”. He wasn’t a very good student. Mom often broke the school rules by arranging her test papers so “G” could see what to write. She said he signed up for the U.S. Army the day after Pearl Harbor. He spent the entire war in Europe and almost made it home. Unfortunately, the day before the cessation of hostilities, in May 1945, he was killed. “G” was the last man to die in the European Theater during World War II.

Someone always has to be last. Mom said it was God’s mercy on “G” because he wasn’t cut out for a successful life. I didn’t know him. I think there’s a place for everyone. But perhaps Mom was a right. “G” was the luckless G.I. to die on the last day of the war in Europe. Some would say he was a loser.

Jesus said the last shall be first and the first shall be last.

Or perhaps, there’s no sacrifice that’s too small for the price of liberty, even from the most unfortunate, least likely to succeed in life man in the Army. ‘G” didn’t have much to give for freedom – except his life and he was a much poorer student than I was, even more so than the other two stalwarts in my history class who were “C” students (I believe).

That was in 1976. In 2021, a new rebellion broke out among the parents themselves after the COVID close-downs, and which has now erupted among their off-spring. The Marxists are so terrified of them that the Southern Poverty Law Center has declared the largest of these groups, Moms for Liberty, a “hate” group and a “domestic terrorist” organization.

I like to think I helped spark this little rebellion. I gave a speech at the 2009 Morristown TEA Party Rally, in which I addressed the issue of education. I told the Mothers of New Jersey that they needed to get out their rolling pins and defend their kids from this relentless subversion of their childrens’ education.

The mothers cheered and I stepped down from the podium (the organizers didn’t want me to go over the five-minute limit.) There was no need to; obviously, the mothers got the message.

I would encourage them to educate themselves as well. That’s one of the reasons I write this blog. I’m never finished myself with educating myself about history. History is fascinating. But it takes maturity to appreciate the lessons history teaches us. Women tend to be inwardly focused, on their careers and their families (in that order, thanks to Feminism). On the whole history is a mystery to them. They’d rather concentrate on cooking and shopping, than the frequent wars and battles that litter history with horrific violence and noble sacrifices.

History is an unbroken chain from the Biblical times onward. The Marxists know that, which is why they’re always trying to erase it and rewrite it. Hence, ideologies such as Critical Race Theory, transhumanism, transgenderism, and the sexualization of children. There’s nothing new about any of it. It’s just new to each upcoming generation that didn’t realize they were being indoctrinated.

No one likes to read. It’s anti-social. It’s boring. It’s time-consuming. Our current generation is only too happy to hear the welcome words of wisdom that not every child needs to go to college, especially considering that they graduate as Marx-Borgs (and college costs a big fortune). What’s wrong with a trade education, after all?

Nothing. At least, not if they’ve been properly trained in U.S. Civics by the time they graduate high school. But they’re not being taught civics or U.S. History. U.S. History hasn’t been taught in decades. Never mind asking them which Persian tyrant ordered his soldiers to “whip” and “brand” the Hellespont for a storm that destroyed the bridge he’d had built across the Hellespont in order to invade Greece.

Heck, they probably couldn’t even tell you what the Hellespont is or where it’s located. Well, maybe they could if they’ve taken a cruise in the Aegean Sea. But the Political Climate Changers are working to outlaw air travel.

The very courageous, but somewhat misguided Oath Keepers, self-proclaimed defenders of the U.S. Constitution, didn’t read in the very opening words of that document that it’s illegal to enter the halls of the Capitol without permission via a representative or a guided tour.

Or that legislators can’t be arrested for anything except murder while Congress is in session and they’re present either at their seat or speaking on the floor.

Mom always cautioned us not to follow large crowds. She said that if you don’t recognize the faces around you, or your immediate group, and you don’t really know who’s in charge, get the heck out of there. In fact, don’t even think about going.

When we first organized the Morristown Tea Party, all our communications were online. We didn’t really know each other. Once our goal was established, I insisted we arrange an in-person meeting where we could meet face-to-face and get acquainted. The others agreed.

Moms of Liberty is on the march. I trust them completely. They’ve begun challenging their school boards and their school librarians (who are unionized). A local school district, nearby but not in my vicinity, sued the Moms of Liberty group. The Moms planned a protest at the school and it was likely to be violent.

I received an invitation from one of these Morris County Moms. I wanted to go. But I was already in trouble with my doc for having hypertension. I’ve spent my life shouting these people down. I even went nose-to nose with William Ayers himself at Montclair University.

The fear for my health was outweighing my instinct to fight for these people and their cause, which I espouse wholeheartedly. Heck, I’m the one who encouraged them to fight. I felt like I was letting them down. But I rationalized that having been unemployed for almost a year, driving a very old car, on what would be a somewhat long ride to Roxbury, where I probably wouldn’t be allowed to speak anyway as I wasn’t a parent or even a resident of the town, my weak heart got the better of my fighting spirit and I stayed home.

Still, I regret not going. I cherish freedom as strongly as any soldier whoever stormed a fortified hill position and or rain into a curtain of iron on a pre-sighted beach. I would have climbed those cliffs heedlessly, without even thinking first about the dangers, no matter how scared I was.

But I’ve never been very strong physically. I’m certainly not now. My brothers have voices like bullmooses. My voice is so weak, you can barely hear me a seat away. The only way to make myself is to shout at the time of my lungs, which I’ve done repeatedly. However, over time, such stress can take its toll on the nerves and the heart.

However, my late sweetheart left me an unintended bequest: the voice amplifier from his days as a dance band musician and singer. He always said I’m no singer. My voice has no power. I can carry a tune, as long as I don’t have to carry it very far, as the old joke goes.

But that amplifier (with microphone) sure does. If my doc gives the okay, I may just show up at one of those school board meetings, or outside of one, and give the Marxist education establishment a long-considered piece of my mind and show the parents how courage is done.

They’re also welcome to my blog and even my home for lessons in history for Moms and their kids.

The students themselves are the greatest hope for America’s future. Even now, students in high school are beginning to rise up in numbers against the Marxist indoctrination. Sometimes parents can be too cautious. My mother, who at 21 risked her job to demand a raise, cautioned us as a mother not to try to fight the school teacher. One of Mom’s relatives was a famous U.S. Senator who co-authored the Labor Relations Act. She could have turned to him for help and he would have.

Mom, however, was an independent woman. She didn’t need anyone to fight her battles for her, least of all the government.

Sometimes you need to listen to your mother. Sometimes your mother needs to listen to you and help out.

But sometimes you have to have to take that risk on your own. In this battle of indoctrination, consider who has looked after you all your life? Who fed you, changed your diapers, played games with you, took care of you when you were sick? Your teachers? Your “friends”? The government (unfortunately, these days, it has become some day-care provider). More likely, it was grandparents.

These teachers, the insurrectionists, these drug-dealers don’t care about you. They may cite a small number of dysfunctional families. Those exist mostly in the inner cities. Your parents love you; your teachers, by their own admission, pledge their loyalty to their labor unions, not you, their students. Those teachers who do care about you are absolutely terrified of the united power of the teachers unions and the state bureaucracy. They’re afraid of losing their jobs.

Moms – and Dads – must take up the banner, march in the vanguard to protect their youngest and most vulnerable. As you grow older into youth, educated and prepared, you must take up the banner for your freedom. Your teachers are absolutely not going to to teach you the truth about American exceptionalism and your God-given right to individual freedom. They will propagate “license”, your humanistic right to do anything you want to that comes into your head, not about the responsibilities that come with individual freedom.

It’s your own future freedom for which you are fighting.

In the meantime, Moms for Liberty and all affiliated groups are leading the way.

Published in: on June 27, 2023 at 12:50 pm  Leave a Comment  

Juneteenth: The Victory of Democracy Over Violence

There’s more to it than Whites – or Blacks – realize

In an event that is generally regarded as marking the end of the Civil War, Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of Confederate forces west of the  Mississippi, signed the surrender terms offered by Union negotiators on June 2, 1865. With Smith’s surrender, the last Confederate army ceased to exist, bringing a formal end to the bloodiest four years in U.S. history. The final surrender of Confederate troops on the western periphery came in Galveston, Texas.

The date marked the final surrender of the Confederate Army. However, slavery was not out-lawed until December 18, 1865.

Slavery was allowed to take hold in the United States of America when two of the colonies – South Carolina and Georgia – refused to sign the Declaration of Independence unless Thomas Jefferson’s lengthy excoriation of slavery was removed. Slavery was permitted to survive, ironically, thanks to a minority rule.

Marxists just love to argue that a nation that professed to love freedom would enslave other human beings, making it a hypocritical, racist nation. The prime motivation, however, was greed not racism. Racism was simply their justification for exploiting an under-developed society across the Atlantic. The Marxists ignore the fact that the tribal leaders sold their own people into slavery and that the Muslim slave-traders rounded them up for sale on the western coast of Africa.

On September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued a preliminary emancipation proclamation, and on January 1, 1863, he made it official that “slaves within any State, or designated part of a State…in rebellion,…shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.”

By freeing some 3 million enslaved people in the rebel states, the Emancipation Proclamation deprived the Confederacy of the bulk of its labor forces and put international public opinion strongly on the Union side.

Though neither the Emancipation Proclamation nor the surrender of Confederate forces in Galveston officially end all slavery in America—that would happen with the passage of the 13th Amendment after the Civil War’s end in 1865—some 186,000 Black soldiers would join the Union Army, and about 38,000 lost their lives.

The 13th Amendment, adopted on December 18, 1865, officially abolished slavery, but freed Black peoples’ status in the post-war South remained precarious, and significant challenges awaited during the Reconstruction Period period.

Previously enslaved men and women received the rights of citizenship and the “equal protection” of the Constitution in the 14th Amendment and the right to vote in the 15th Amendment. But these provisions of the Constitution were often ignored or violated, and it was difficult for Black citizens to gain a foothold in the post-war economy thanks to restrictive Black codes, or Jim Crow laws, and regressive contractual arrangements such as sharecropping.

June 19th was the date that the state of Texas established emancipation for all Black residents of the state, the former slaves. That is what Juneteenth celebrates.

Oddly, the propagandists never quite make this distinction between June 2, 1865, when the Confederate army was defeated, the last action of the Civil War, and June 19, 1865, the legislative defeat of slavery on the state level in Texas. Galveston, according to some historians, was a minor pocket of Confederate resistance at that point and the battle was short.

We can’t help wondering why that is. Could it be because the Marxists prefer violent revolution to democratic, lawful action? Is it because a Republican president – Abraham Lincoln – using his fiat power as President, freed them? The next president could have easily wiped out that “freedom” just as Resident Biden wiped out many of the nation-saving edicts issued by President Trump.

Marxist instructors ignore the over 140,000 Union soldiers who died on the battlefield, in addition to the 224,097 deaths from other causes, or the 281,881 who were injured, some grievously. Worse still, they dishonor those who died with anecdotal evidence in letters written home of Northern soldiers who resented fighting for the Blacks.

Acceptance of Black people in American society took another one hundred years, and that only through the threat of federal recriminations. The Black Marxists want their pound of flesh and have instituted Critical Race Theory in the professional educators’ curriculum, which is designed to make its way down into the primary grades and even lower.

Their “theory” – this CRT – has its foundation in the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Until 1965, the Republicans were the endorsers of subsequent Civil Rights Acts, not the Democrats. The language of the 1965 Act went so far as to endorse the criminalization of speech and even thought. It was why then-Vice President Richard Nixon refused to co-endorse it. The Democrats jumped on this refusal to paint the Republicans as racist.

Irish immigrants in particular always resented the [justified] sense of indignation and injury the Blacks felt. The Blacks were brought to America in chains, where they were whipped and beaten and the price of recapture if they escaped was death. The Irish fled starvation and death in Ireland, whose land had been taken by the British aristocracy.

The first group was taken from its homeland; the second had their homes taken from them.

There is your indivisible diversity. No two groups could have a more divergent viewpoint.

Other 19th Century came to these to find opportunities or to escape imperial wars, families who didn’t want their sons to die for battling elites. In Europe, peasants were little better than slaves, who couldn’t afford to own their own farms or houses, had no education, and couldn’t leave their hometowns in another village, unless their respective churches first gave permission.

Only Blacks have a real reason to celebrate Juneteenth. We’re surprised the federal government would make a federal holiday out of it, since it was clearly a victory for states’ rights, not federal rights.

But if you know the real truth about Juneteenth, it turns out to be an interesting “holiday.” Just don’t celebrate it – or resent it – in ignorance. Because the Marxists are determined to use this “holiday” not to unify us but to divide us further.

Don’t let them get away with it. They will use the excuse of this holiday – legitimizing it as a federal holiday to carry on with their demands for “reparations” from White society. In other words, the marxists “redistribution of wealth.” Many have pointed out that the families of the Union soldiers who died in battle or were grievously injured in the cause to free the slaves received no benefits from the federal government for their sacrifice.

Are the Russian Marxists planning to pay reparations to all the Jews who were thrown off their lands before and after the Bolshevik Revolution? The Jews certainly wanted reparations from Nazi Germany; why not the Soviet Union? What about the modern Chinese who think nothing of using child labor to create our electronic wonders?

The Marxists use devious arguments against Christianity in particular, blaming the Bible as the source for Racism in America. Certainly, the KKK and other groups cite Genesis 9:20-27, where Noah curses his son Ham for looking upon his father (Noah) while inebriated and naked. Noah curses him for what he has “done.” The Bible says nothing about the color of Ham’s skin at all. “Cursed be Canaan [Ham’s son]; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”

Yet, the Marxists apparently did not read the Bible much beyond these verses in Genesis. Being, atheists, they wouldn’t. We discover in Numbers 12 that Moses has married an Ethiopian woman, Zipporah. Aaron and Miriam were quite upset that their brother had married an Ethiopian – a Black woman, apparently claiming that it was against the word of God.

God didn’t take kindly to being misquoted. He told the brother and sister that He would choose His own prophets, thank you very much, and then only in dreams and visions. To Moses, who was meek and most faithful to God, He would speak face to face and in person.

Then God cursed Miriam with leprosy, a disease in which the skin loses all life, blanches white, then falls off. That’s what God thought of bigots. He heard Noah’s curse against Ham because he’d been disrespectful to his father, to the point of lewdness, not because Ham was Black.

Maybe real racists think God is on their side and the Marxists think they can use God against the whole of White society. But our guess is, they’re both dead wrong. God doesn’t hate anyone, least of all because of the color of their skin. He can, however, become mighty angry with blasphemers, adulterers, murderers, thieves, and that sort of ilk. Only Jesus can save them from God’s Almighty retribution.

Using a legitimate date in history is no excuse for people who have not been slaves for over a century and a half to rob, punish and persecute people who have done nothing to them. Nor will the latter tolerate much longer this Marxist indoctrination.

Black Americans have already been entitled to a “reparations program,” initiated by President Lyndon Johnson (who sneered, “This act will keep them [N-people] voting Democrat for the next hundred years.”).

It’s called “Welfare.” And that’s not “Justice”; that’s “Vengeance,” which belongs alone to God.

Published in: on June 19, 2023 at 2:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

Flag Day 2023: It’s A Grand Old Flag

The American Flag not the Gay Pride Flag

In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day. On August 3, 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. Flag Day not an official federal holiday.

We should probably be worried that it’s an unofficial holiday first proclaimed by Woodrow Wilson and made official by President Harry Truman.

We take “pride” in our American flag and reciting the pledge of allegiance. But if what if the republic to which we’re pledging allegiance to no longer exists (as Padme observed in The Revenge of the Sith)? Are we pledging allegiance to a country run by evil people? If so, what does that make us?

Don’t get me wrong. So many men died for the right to raise that flag. Some people insist that it’s just a piece of cloth and doesn’t mean anything. But it does mean something. The American flag is a boundary marker declaring that this is the United States of America and where it flies, people are free.

Tear down that flag, burn it, destroy it and you’re declaring that the people of the United States of America no longer enjoy liberty and freedom. In fact, there is no country at all. Literally, the physical geography of where they live is no longer protected by the Constitution of the United States. The flag is the proof that freedom is still there.

Resident Biden saw fit to honor Flag Day by displaying the Gay Pride flag at the White House, in the center, with American flags on either side. That’s not the proper way to display the American flag. The American flag must be at the center in such displays and other flags must be lower than the American flag, in our country, or at the very least, no lower than other flags.

As for displaying the Gay Pride flag, there’s almost nothing that could be more offensive to the majority of Americans, especially these days. The rainbow is God’s symbol, although it has been culturally appropriated over the eons. The Greeks assigned the rainbow to the Goddess Iris. The leprechauns, fairy creatures from Ireland, claim there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Judy Garland sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in the film, “The Wizard of Oz” in 1939. Kermit the Frog sang “The Rainbow Connection” in the film, “The Muppet Movie” in 1979. The lyrics wander about, although it’s a cute tune with Kermit playing in a swamp on his little bicycle (Kermit made his debut in 1955 on a children’s program called “Sam and Friends.”).

The rainbow symbolizes God’s promise never again to destroy the Earth with water. He regretted killing the flora and the fauna, not the human beings. He was angry with the endless wickedness in which humans engaged. He’d already tried kicking us out of Eden and threatening us with permanent death. Mankind wasn’t impressed. So then He sent fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, where they openly practiced homosexuality, rape, theft and murder.

Then came the 40 days and 40 nights of rain, which may have been the destruction of a sphere of water that surrounded Earth’s atmosphere, protecting the inhabitants from the Sun’s radiation. Still, Mankind snapped its fingers at God. As soon as the water receded, Nimrod, Noah’s great-grandson made it his mission to wage war against God and lure as many people into the path of wickedness as possible.

His great-uncles caught up with him teaching mysticism, idol worship and sexual deviancy around the Ancient World. They put him to death. However, his followers took up his name, translating his name and that of his wife, Semiramis, into their local tongues (i.e., Tammuz, Astarte, Venus, Aphrodite).and setting up temples to him wherever the Jewish Elders had ordered his remains to be scattered, as a warning to the immoral. Oddly enough, though, the Jews named a month after him (in Hebrew, the name means “heating).

God Himself only knows when He’ll finally have had enough of us. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to serve as a sacrifice for our sins so that we may have a hope of being reunited with God. Jesus predicted that many would hear the call but few would answer, that the sacrifices we would have to make (giving up our sins) would be beyond our inclination to comply. That’s why God’s forgiveness, symbolized by the rainbow), is our only hope.

But that absolution is dependent upon repentance. We have to be sincerely sorry for our sins and not commit them anymore. Waving the Rainbow Flag is a certain sign that our society, our nation, is not at all penitent. We’re actually celebrating a behavior (one of many, of course) that is an abomination in God”s eyes. We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

No one wants to see someone denied a job or a home because their wires are crossed. Somewhere we crossed the line from tolerance to permissiveness. But neither should an employee or a student be compelled to participate in a celebration of a behavior they consider immoral and an offense to God and their faith.

Some homosexuals have complained that offices or departments sometimes allow wedding and baby showers and that these parties make them feel “left out.” Well, excuse us. I’m single and knew I would never have children. That never stopped me from celebrating a wedding or baby shower. I wasn’t offended. As an internal events photographer, I often took photos at these events, until the company put a stop to them in order not to offend the sensibilities of homosexuals and feminists.

We do not pledge allegiance to the Gay Flag of Iris, nor do we take any pride in it. We might acknowledge a grudging tolerance to those people, insofar as they have a right to do as they wish behind the privacy of their closed doors. We should not be granting them any sort of “permission” to do so, however. They don’t get to make their own rules. God has not given them permission to declare themselves a law unto themselves,, although, unfortunately, the Civil Rights Act of 1965 does.

They don’t recognize God or the Bible, which is His word. In fact, the more they flaunt our society’s moral laws – or what’s left of them – the more encouraged they feel.

We pledge allegiance to the American flag, under an oath to God. Anything that breaks that oath is a defiance of God and a path to certain destruction if we continue to do so.

Published in: on June 15, 2023 at 12:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Trump On Trial Again

We all need to speak up for President Trump – and the United States of America

The Democrats have trumped up yet more charges against President Donald Trump. Something about confidential boxes in his bathroom. Unless he said so, how do we know he even put them there? Resident Biden has his “presidential boxes” stored in his garage.

This is not just bad news for Trump, but for all of us. If the Democrats and their Social Justice Department wield this kind of power, criminalizing political opponents, what chance do any of us stand?

Some Republican pundits claim that we should be unifying both as a party and as a country. The trouble is, the RINOs are busy “unifying” with the Democrats rather than the Conservatives in their own party.

There is no “unifying” with the Democrats because they’re Communists. They’ve been Marxists, covering themselves in the invisibility cloak of various nom de guerres (i.e., Progrressivists, Liberals) since the beginning of the 20th Century.

In all those years, they’ve been busy indoctrinating students and “organizing” blue-collar workers. They began at the college level, teaching teachers until they finally reached the nursery school. Even private schools aren’t necessarily safe from their depredations.

“Can’t we all just get along?” that pony-tailed moron wailed at one of Bill Clinton’s town halls.

No. No, not if it means surrendering freedom.

However, part of the indoctrination process included instructing students to remain seated at their desks and politely raise their hands – and then, only if they had a question. Students who didn’t follow the protocol received time-outs, suspensions and bad grades.

At town hall meetings, you are only permitted one minute to ask a question. Of course, no one wants to give the microphone to a Junior Trotsky for 30 minutes. The real problem is that the representatives don’t answer the questions or give an unsatisfactory response to which the citizen cannot respond.

An odd thing happened during our Tea Party Summer of 2009. What Rush Limbaugh used to like to call “Seminar Spies” wormed their way into Tea Party meetings and advised the organizers that home-made signs were de classe. They didn’t convey the right amount of “solidarity,” of organization and power, the way professionally-printed signs would.

Well, excuse us. The citizens who attended our rallies were proud of their home-made signs. They were clever and creative. We weren’t a union or a cartel or a political PAC. We were a group of average Northern New Jersey citizens fed up with Democrats and RINOs who don’t represent us.

The one candidate in 2016 upon whom we could count was Donald Trump. But since then, the Seminarians have been busy at work discouraging our base from voting for him because he’s not a “Gentleman Jim” politician in a slick suit (well, actually Trump always dresses well), a slick haircut and a tongue slicker than a snake.

They can criticize his style all they want. But the fact is, Trump got the job done – when he wasn’t facing impeachments and indictments from law-suit happy Democrats and theirSoros-bought prosecuting attorneys and judges.

The Democrats and their cheerleading media acolytes have smeared him every day since he announced his candidacy for the 2016 Presidency. Turns out, they were all false charges, beginning with the Steele dossier.

Still, the namby-pambies are worried because Trump isn’t their idea of gifted speaker. They think he’s too gruff, too insulting, too impulsive to serve as President of the United States. They’re looking to another “suit” like Ron DeSantis or even Chris Christie. Take it from us Garden Staters – you definitely don’t want the Purple Dinosaur.

They’re worried about Trump calling primary candidates names? Churchill was probably the greatest orator of the 20th Century. This greatest of all British prime ministers wanted to send Hitler to the electric chair. He called Hitler a “blood-thirsty guttersnipe.” That was pretty nasty for the 1930s.

Churchill referred to Labor Prime Minister James Ramsay MacDonald “The Boneless Wonder” (in other words, a sideshow attraction).

He called Frank Pick, the head of the London Passenger Transport Board “that canting bus driver.” In red ink.

Churchill called Panagiotis Kannelopoulos, a Greek exile who became the Minister of Defense “Can’t Tellopolous” over his indecision about Greek resistance to the occupying Germans.

He referred to David Lloyd George as “Chattering Cad, the Green-Eyed Radical. But then Churchill switched from the Conservative Party to the Liberal in 1904 and never spoke ill of Lloyd George again. But Churchill’s wife never forgave him and considered him treacherous.

Churchill dubbed Conservative Prime Minster Neville Chamberlain “The Coroner.”

He had as little regard for President Dwight Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. He called him “Dull, Duller, Dulles.” Churchill wanted to stop Stalin in his tracks at the beginning of the Cold War, but Dulles disagreed.

Donald Trump doesn’t have Churchill’s vocabulary. He called New Zealand cartoonist a “Green-Eyeed Antipodean Radical.” And that was a compliment.

Churchill referred to Mohandas Gandhi as the “Half-Naked Fakir..

He described Charles de Gaulle as a  female llama who had been surprised in her bath. He disavowed the comment – with a sly smile.

Churchill made many disparaging remarks about Labor Prime Minister. Describing him as having arrived in an empty taxi. He said so many things about Attlee that one could compile a full volume about them. One description was as a “Lion-Heart Limpet Leader,” limpet being a tiny, winged insect.

Churchill referred to the Labor Minister of Health, Aneurin Bevani (even the first name sounds like a medical condition) as the “Minister of Disease. Bevani was the founder of the National Health Service. He also called Bevan a “squalid nuisance.”

He dubbed MP Harold Nicolson and his coterie of young Tories the “Pink Pansies.” Nicolson was bisexual although it’s said that Chuchill was definitely not homophobic. Still…

Finally, to put the icing on the cake, Churchill referred to Paul, Prince Regent of Yugoslavia, as “Prince Palsy.” Paul had a palsied hand with which he signed a treaty with Hitler, ending Paul’s regency and earning Churchill’s disdain. Paul went into exile in Kenya and appealed for refuge in Great Britain, but Churchill refused, considering him a traitor and a war criminal.

Churchill spent about six years, from 1932 to 1938, warning that Hitler was on a build-up to war. Hitler used the excuse of “civil service’ to train pilots and naval captains. He put his people to work on war machinery, reasoning that Germany had a right to prepare in case Great Britain and France united and decided to attack Germany. He also rationalized that, thanks to the Versailles Treaty, the Germans were starving (they were) and needed employment.

Churchill made speech after speech, but Parliament remained deaf and blind. Eventually, Churchill compiled the speeches into a book entitled, “Arms and the Covenant.” You have to pay a small fortune to get a copy of that book now. Here in America it was published by G.P. Putnam as (aptly), “While England Slept.” Later, John F. Kennedy would write a book entitled, “Why England Slept” which is a good question. JFK was almost as good a speaker as Churchill. But he was a Democrat. President Ronald Reagan the Great was also a dynamic speaker. He didn’t pull punches, either. I still recall sitting in front of our black and white television as he read the riot act to the Hippies in California, where he was serving as governor.

So who do we want for president in 2024? A Pink Pansy? A Purple Dinosaur? A priggish RINO such as Romney? An aisle-crosser like McCain? A “unifier” like Nikki Haley (I told you so)? A butt-kisser? A sell-out? An arrogant pretender who believes himself above the hoi-polloi and whose financial interests are in China? George H.W. Bush and family had dealings with China. So has Mitch McConnell. Former Speaker of the House John Boehner ( R ).

New Jersey’s own former Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen ( R ) accepted donations from the Chinese.

China is the enemy. In league with Russia, they are a Communist country with designs of global hegemony through their Belt and Road Initiative. The United States has been bowing to the Chinese since Richard Nixon “opened the door” – on the advice of his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who now lives in China – to China.

This may well be our last chance to avoid being swallowed by the Red Dragon. Who do you think is capable of that fight? Some weak-minded craven politician who hides his corruption behind patriotic platitudes, taking care to offend no one – a “gentleman”?

Or a tough-talking fighter? Churchill also wrote:

Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory. He who enjoys it wields a power more durable than that of a great king. He is an independent force in the world. ” –Winston Churchill

Churchill famously said of negotiating with Hitler, “You don’t negotiate with the lion when your head is its mouth.”

We need a Churchill not a Romney.

We also need brave freedom-lovers to get out there and talk to the squeamish. Make the case for Trump and get them to understand why a stuffed shirt will only send us father down into the belly of the Communist beast.

It doesn’t matter WHAT Trump says to his primary opponents or the Democrats – it’s what he says to the Chinese, the Russians, and any number of other would-be world dictators that matters.

Published in: on June 14, 2023 at 2:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Great Northeast Smoke-Out

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And where there’s fire, in Quebec, there’s a gold mine. Literally.

Yesterday was a day residents of the Northeastern United States will long remember. In Brooklyn,

the AQI (Air Quality Index) reached 380 – and the monitor was running out of room – the chart only goes up to 400. Where do you go after the rating of “Hazardous”.

This was a day weeks in making, when hundreds of forest fires broke out in eastern Quebec Province in Canada last month, in May. Mon dieu! Some time ago, a good friend send me the Smoke and Fire Map to add to my list of climatological measurements: The Earthquake Map, The Hurricane Map, Space Weather (asteroids and solar flares).

We were already noticing a barbecue aroma to the air. Last week, our town OEM was issuing air quality robocalls, mentioning that the smoke was due to wildfires in Eastern Canada. There were hundreds of them. But in May, the smoke was headed up over the Arctic. Then took a curious u-turn and headed straight for the Northeastern seaboard.

COVID masks weren’t going to do the job this time. You needed the real deal – a particulate mask, the kind carpenters and other workers who deal in hazardous conditions wear. Luckily, I had one.

Everyone is talking about yesterday, which happened to be Canada’s National Clean Air Day.

One wag referred to it as the Fires of Mordor. There was also Red Dawn. The Day the Sun Disappeared. Darkness at Noon.

The Sun did indeed disappear for a while. I had the misfortune to have a medical appointment at mid-morning and my old car’s air conditioning quit years ago. Our one saving grace was that the weather has been cool so I could keep my windows closed for the most part. I had my particulate mask but I had to keep it very tight because, according to the government, these particles are very fine.

It’s very disconcerting to see smoking debris flying past you as you’re trying to get home.

By the time I got back home, the situation was worsening. I had thought to stop at a local library to scout out any DVDs they had on sale. I also wanted to go to the pharmacy. But I considered myself fortunate just to get home. As I got out of my car, I could visibly see the particles of smoke. I got inside quickly.

I had something to eat, dealt with my credit card, which has been hacked, and chatted with a couple of friends as the sky grew darker and more menacing. Boy, I was never so glad to be out of work in my entire life!

The Weather Media insists there is nothing unusual about these fires and this smoke. Maybe it’s not unusual in Los Angeles. We lived in the L.A. Area and the locals told my parents that the forest fires were a common experience in that area, almost an annual event when the Santa Ana winds blow in from the desert to the east.

We’ve never had a smoke-out condition of this magnitude in the Northeast. Sure, we’ve had forest fires. Back in 1962 or 1963 there was a local forest fire in Norvin Green State Forest in Wanaque, N.J. Some Boy Scouts didn’t extinguish their campfire properly. Then in April of this year, there was the Kanouse Fire in West Milford, N.J..; the probable cause pot happy weedheads camping out overnight at a local highway rest stop (which should have been permanently closed years ago).

The Canadian fires, however, made that fire look like a Boy Scout campfire, as everyone here in the Northeast knows.

According to a story in today’s New York Post, by columnist Miranda Devine, Smoky New York isn’t climate change — it’s bad forest management (, negligent forest maintenance is to blame.

She writes that people in Manhattan scarcely noticed the forest fire smoke for all the marijuana smoke in the air. It was only when the sky turned orange and the Sun vanished that they began to notice, at least those who were already hallucinating.

By Wednesday we were registering the worse air pollution of any major city in the world and COVID mask maniacs were back in their element.

But don’t fall for the propaganda that climate change is to blame.

The situation in Canada is similar to that in Australia, where green ideology and chronic government underfunding mean that the forests currently ablaze have not been managed properly for years.

Instead of dead wood and undergrowth being removed regularly using low-intensity controlled or “prescribed” burns, forests have become overgrown tinderboxes. Fire trails that used to allow first responders easy access to the forest have closed over as vast tracts of land are locked away from humans. Logging and other commercial practices that used to self-interestedly tend to forest health have been phased out. 

Devine goes on to note:

In 2020, a paper in the journal Progress in Disaster Science warned: “Wildfire management agencies in Canada are at a tipping point. Presuppression and suppression costs are increasing but program budgets are not.”

Canadian indigenous groups also have complained that bureaucratic obstacles hinder their ability to perform the controlled burns they have used for centuries to reduce fuel load, flush out food and regenerate forests.

But in our enlightened era, pressure from green activists using illogical emotional arguments about wildlife habitats have caused governments to underfund and curtail the scientific use of prescribed burning to mitigate wildfire risk. 

We can’t help noticing that initially, this current of smoke was traveling over the Arctic. Then it took a curious u-turn and headed south. Its trajectory was almost identical to the Polar Express (the weather phenomenon, not the film), in which a low comes down from Canada and blankets the Northeast from Philly to New York to Boston in snow.

If one were to choose a location to create Climate Change arson, the forested regions northeast of Val-d’Or, in western Quebec, Canada, is the ideal place. According to Devine, the fire roads had been closed which is why the Media reported that the firefighters were having trouble dousing the flames.

Most of the fires are out now, but the damage has been done. The Media can display photos of the New York Skyline against a dark orange sky, the Statue of Liberty wreathed in a haze of wildfire smoke, and the George Washington Bridge before and after this catastrophe.

Will Social Media once again smother the New York Post for publishing the truth about these fires? Will people have to run out to buy N-95 masks once again? We didn’t need them, it turns out, for COVID.

But you’ll need them for this.

As for those fires, they’re extremely suspicious, at the very least. They were either deliberately set by the Climate Changers or they turned those forests, via bad management. Oh, and Val d’Or is French for “Valley of Gold.” In other words, there’s gold in them thar hills, as well as copper, zinc, and lead, all kinds of minerals which the Chinese, who practically run Canada, crave. Val-d’Or’s proximity to the Abitibi gold belt has made it a large gold producer, being part of a region that produced 45 million ounces of gold since the 1930

The Chinese need those minerals to create the devices by which they’ll control us in the future.

Darkness at Noon, indeed.

Published in: on June 8, 2023 at 2:05 pm  Leave a Comment