Europe Going Hog-Wild for Harleys?

Harley-Davidson, the quintessentially all-American motorcycle producer, announced plans this week, in the wake of blow-back from international markets on Trump’s tariffs on imports, to open production facilities in Europe and possibly Thailand.


According to Market Insider, “Shares of Harley-Davidson already sank 8 percent this week after the motorcycle maker announced new tariffs from the European Union will cause a “tremendous cost increase,” and Morgan Stanley says the company’s problems go far beyond any import taxes.

In a note to clients Friday, the bank said Harley’s decision to move some production of Europe-bound choppers overseas seemed unlikely.

“Will HOG really move production to Thailand or India to make its bikes for the EU market? We are not convinced,” Adam Jonas, the bank’s automotive analyst, said. “While manufacturers have long justified producing near end markets to mitigate taxes, logistics costs, and FX volatility… we don’t see Harley-Davidson deploying significant capital to produce significant volume of products in Asia for import into the EU as a medium-term or long-term solution.”

“Morgan Stanley remains overweight on the stock, with a price target of $53 — $1 lower than its previous target, but still 28% above where the stock was trading Friday.

“Still, Jonas worries the company ‘is engaging in a rather risky PR strategy’ by calling out President Donald Trump, who triggered the European tariffs by levying a tax on imported steel and aluminum earlier this summer.

“’Even before the tariff developments, estimates are depressed for company specific reasons that are very well known,’” Jonas said. “We believe that these serious issues (e.g. negative demographic trends) are rather long-lived and overshadowing powerful economic forces that should work in HOG’s favor.”

“Harley is in the midst of a decade-long turnaround plan that’s aimed at finding new, younger riders to convert to the Harley brand, hopefully resulting in higher sales. The company saw a 12 percent slump in U.S. sales in its most recent earnings report.

“Morgan Stanley says that while international sales are an important element of the company’s growth plan — Europe accounted for 38% of the brand’s sales in 2017 — it’s the U.S. fan base that will keep Harley in business.

“’We see the company’s reaction to the tariff underscores a few risks to this strategy beyond potential global trade conflicts. Investors must appreciate that international expansion will likely be driven by lower mix products, hitting incremental margins,’ Jonas said.

“Harley-Davidson is down 18.8% this year.”

Harleys are hefty bikes that come with a hefty price tag.  While they do produce a line of lighter, lower bikes for female riders, Harley-Davidson’s bikes require some muscle to handle.  If a rider goes down, they have to be able to lift it up again.  You have to be young enough and strong enough to handle, but old enough and mature enough to afford and know how to ride it.

Harley may be seeking younger riders, and that’s okay, as long as they’re not too young.  Your average 18 year-old would just love to straddle a hog and roar off into the sunset.  However, teenage riders also have a tendency to lose their heads because they don’t know how to handle a bike as big and powerful as a Harley.

Middle-aged riders face the same dilemma.  Once their kids are grown enough that their wives will let them out the door, they want to feel that big bike under them.  But if they’ve never ridden before, they’ll be in the same situation as the novice teenager.  Taking corners on a motorcycle requires skill and experience.  Here in our North Jersey area, many a novice motorcyclist usually about age 45 – taken his first and last ride on Route 23’s notorious northbound curves.

Today’s would-be riders are also daunted by the traffic congestion on our highways (which are usually not the place to be riding a motorcycle, anyway).  Even if they have the money, snowflake Millennials aren’t exactly Marlon Brando or Evel Knievel.  Heck, they’re not even Harrison Ford or George Clooney.

If Harley-Davidson really wants to appeal to the risk-conscious snowflake set, they’re going to have to market snowflake bikes – smaller, lighter (and less expensive) motorcycles that can be ridden on secondary roads.

The age has long passed when every young kid wanted a minibike and eventually a street motorcycle.  Marriage suspends that yearning until after the kids are in school, and by the time the guy wants a manlier bike, he either doesn’t know how to ride one or can’t afford to buy it.

Motorcycling is a great pastime.  The few times I rode with my guy, before my inner chicken took over and I had to tell him no more (he wasn’t very happy), I did enjoy the freedom and the camaraderie of the bikers.  My happiest memory of riding with him was as we were motoring through a town and he would wave to a passing motorcycle and they’d wave back.

I forget which bike we were on (he had something like seven or eight), but it wasn’t a Harley.  He had one when he was young slip of a guy.  But his mother made him sell it.  He regretted selling it the rest of his days; it was one of those classic year bikes – 1947 or ’48?

Having ridden since he was a teen, he was a responsible rider.  He had rules for riding.  He didn’t take his bikes out until after the Springs rain had washed away the salt and other detritus from the road.  He never rode the ruts or center of a lane (a rule I’d already learned from my brother) which is where the oil spills.  And he knew how to take corners properly, probably the biggest cause of accidents for bikers.

He loved riding the back lanes of northern New Jersey.  Once, I showed him a map of Switzerland, with some of the curviest roads in the world.  I asked him how he’d like to take one of those roads.  His eyes widened in appreciative pleasure.  He’d love to, he said; he just didn’t know how he’d be able to ship his bike over to Europe.

As we rode along once, I noticed that he didn’t wave to the Harley riders and they didn’t wave to him.

“Harley riders only recognize other Harley riders,” he said.




Published in: on June 29, 2018 at 2:53 pm  Leave a Comment  

Anthony Kennedy’s Retirement Opens New SCOTUS Opportunities

Establishment Republicans and their pundits have been tripping over their tongues, after the announcement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, to clarify that they’re not necessarily looking for a “Conservative” justice; just one who abides by the Constitution of the United States.

What’s wrong with having a Conservative justice? We can depend upon a Conservative justice to abide by the Constitution and not write their own laws. What’s more, we can count on them to reverse a number of heinous decisions, including Roe v. Wade.

People don’t understand that reversing the 1973 decision would not automatically make abortion illegal all across the country; it just means that states could once again decide for themselves whether murdering babies in the womb is a crime or not.

A Conservative judge would be inclined to secure America’s borders, as prescribed by the Constitution. Federal laws, in this case, “trump” (if you’ll pardon the expression) state laws about immigration enforcement and sanctuary cities.

A Conservative judge would be inclined to secure our First Amendment rights to free speech, freedom of the press (a law which, under a Conservative judge, would encompass the Internet – and would negate California’s current attempt to create a state censorship board which would edit everything California’s write on the Internet), the right to peaceful assembly, and the right to religious freedom.

A Conservative judge might even rule that the federal legalization of marijuana is unconstitutional, under Amendment X; that such legislation should be decided by the states. Cities and towns unhappy with the legalization of this more-dangerous-than-it-looks drug are already their own criminal laws against its use and sale; it’s a public nuisance. They might even overturn the legalization of same-sex marriage.

The Democrats took the news badly. The general thought is that they will try to use the supposed allegations of collusion with Russia against Trump. They’ll obstruct his SCOTUS nomination by claiming that a president under “investigation” has no authority to nominate Supreme Court justices. Trump was “under investigation” when he nominated Gorsuch. Why this one should be different is that the balance is going to tilt one more justice in the Conservative direction.

Maxine Waters (D), representing California’s 43rd District (Los Angeles), is the Democrats’ current poster child for DDS – Democrat Derangement System. She’s from the right district to represent lunatics. She’s called for the asylum refugees to target all Republican representatives, on all levels (all though she specifically targeted the president’s cabinet members).

They’ll fight us in the streets. They’ll fight us in the stores. They’ll fight us in the bistros. They’ll fight us at the gas station.

They’ll fight us in the courts. They’ve been attacking us in the courts since 1962, when they banned school prayer. They’ll fight us anywhere they can. But they’re going to find that we’re going to fight back. The first clue was the Tea Parties. They figured they’d shamed us out of existence.

But then President Donald Trump was elected in 2016. He wasn’t supposed to win. They thought they had the election in the bag, even if they did have the worst presidential candidate in U.S. history. What’s worse is, his agenda has been succeeding and the American public approves.

Those with the most to lose are the illegal immigrants, the abortion-minded, and gender-bender generation. The illegal immigrants are almost certainly going to be deported. Trump’s executive order on Muslims from terrorist-oriented countries is a big step in that direction. Congress is trying to make a DACA deal; let’s hope Trump is smart enough not to fall for it.

Abortion-loving baby killers are worried. They know the general public does not support this butchery; not when so many forms of contraceptive are available to prevent pregnancy. The baby killers claim that the Moral Right wants to ban contraceptives. But that’s simply not true. With sufficient support on the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade can be overturned.

Same-sex marriage is a harder sell, especially among Millennials brought up on Alternative TV. Any communal group is considered a “family” these days, and they’ve invented so many sexes and genders that they’ll soon run out of characters on Twitter to list all the letters.

Millennials should be reminded that society generally wasn’t opposed to civil unions. But the Gender Bender activists wanted to stick, and stick it good, to the Christian Right. So they agitated for same-sex marriage. There was no lack of Leftist Hollywood role models to campaign for it. Hollywood made buggery (sodomy) “cool.” Handsome men and their boy toys and beautiful women and their, well, ugly “husbands” found support among the snowflake Millennials who hanker for a cause to rebel against Society and Mommy and Daddy (whose basements they’re still living in).

The sodomy laws, in which people could be dragged from their private homes, were struck down in the early Sixties and that was the right thing to do. Making a religious concept legal for people who don’t follow religious laws was wrong. Clergy can now be forced to marry a same-sex couple. The good news is the Supreme Court just struck down the suit against a baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. The ruling was classified as “narrow”; only the truly faithful can make that kind of claim. But at least it’s a step in the right direction.

The true test for a Conservative court will be to find that American flag-burning is unconstitutional. In 1969, the Supreme Court found that burning that flag was protected by the First Amendment as an act of free speech. Without the flag, which is decidedly more than a “symbol,” it would be hard to define America’s boundaries. You wouldn’t know you were in the United States of America and would not be protected by the First Amendment – or anything else.

Yes, Anthony Kennedy’s resignation opens great possibilities for returning America to her high standard of life, liberty and justice for all – all legal citizens, that is, and visitors with valid green cards.



Published in: on June 28, 2018 at 2:17 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Triple Crown for Trump

So many Supreme Court victories for Pres. Trump. Earlier this month, the SCOTUS ruled in favor of a Christian baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding. Then, the Court ruled that pregnancy centers do not have to post signs advertising abortion services. And finally, in a big win for the Right to Work movement, the Court ruled that government workers do not have to join a union.

The Court also ruled that Pres. Trump lawfully exercised the broad discretion granted to him under section 1182(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1182(f), to issue Proclamation No. 9645, suspending the entry of aliens into the United States, and the Proclamation does not violate the Establishment Clause.

The Supreme Court shot down Minnesota’s ban on political apparel inside a polling place.

“Minnesota law prohibits wearing a “political badge, political button, or other political insignia” inside a polling place on Election Day, Minn. Stat. 211B.11(1), including clothing and accessories with political insignia. Election judges are authorized to decide whether a particular item is banned. Days before the 2010 election, plaintiffs challenged the ban. In response, the state distributed guidance with specific examples of prohibited apparel: items displaying the name of a political party or the name of a candidate, items supporting or opposing a ballot question, “[i]ssue oriented material designed to influence or impact voting,” and “[m]aterial promoting a group with recognizable political views.” Cilek allegedly was turned away from the polls for wearing a “Please I.D. Me” button, a “Don’t Tread on Me” T-shirt, and a Tea Party Patriots logo. The Supreme Court reversed the Eighth Circuit’s rejection of the constitutional challenges. Minnesota’s political apparel ban violates the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause.

“Because the ban applies only in a ‘non-public forum,’ its content-based restrictions would be constitutional if ‘reasonable and not an effort to suppress expression merely because public officials oppose the speaker’s view,” The statute makes no distinction based on the speaker’s political persuasion and serves a permissible objective: to set aside polling places as ‘an island of calm.’ The state may reasonably decide that the interior of the polling place should reflect the distinction between voting and campaigning. However, the ‘unmoored use of the term “political” in the Minnesota law, combined with haphazard interpretations’ render the law unconstitutional because it lacks a sensible basis for distinguishing what may come in from what must stay out. Its indeterminate prohibitions present “[t]he opportunity for abuse, especially where [it] has received a virtually open-ended interpretation.” An election judge’s own politics may shape his views on what is ‘political.’”

The Tea Parties are independent organizations that might represent a certain Conservative ideology, but not necessarily a political party. Two of the three items which the plaintiff wore were non-political and non-issue oriented in nature. The third, the button, only addressed an “issue” insofar as polling place workers are not following the law in checking the ID’s of potential voters.

Following the law should not be an issue.

Meanwhile, the Left has gone haywire, with Congresswoman Maxine Waters calling upon Liberal and Marxist voters go all-violent against those public servants with whom they disagree. Interestingly, it was Southern Democrats who supported the Jim Crow laws that segregated public spaces.

Their recent behavior is reminiscent of the union organizers who used to beat and murder workers who crossed their picket lines. One union organizer chased a co-worker through the parking lot trying to “persuade” her to sign-up for unionization at the department store for which we worked. These thugs, with criminal organizations behind them, thought nothing of murder.

Don’t serve them at the restaurant, the gas station, or the department store, Waters urged. Some Republicans are calling for her resignation. The Red Hen story didn’t stop with the departure of Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and her party. Sanders and her immediate family went home. Her in-laws and others went across the street to another restaurant.

Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen, pursued them and staged a noisy, vulgar protest rally at the other restaurant, hectoring all the patrons, but particular the remainder of Sanders’ party.

Where does “protest” end and “harassment” begin? We cannot allow the Left to get away with this sort of behavior. This is not the way a civil society behaves. The Left cannot cite the true Right-Wing extremists (i.e., the KKK) as a reason for intimidating duly-elected public servants in public venues. Stores and restaurants are private property, but unless they adopt private-membership status, they must accommodate all reasonable members of the public. This cannot simply be a private opinion. The owner must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the customer’s behavior, not just their presence, is somehow disruptive to the business.

In the future, if Republican and/or Conservative public servants find themselves being asked to leave, they should call the police – and a lawyer – and demand that the owner provide evidence that their behavior is unacceptable, offensive (except in the case of profanity) or disruptive. Owners do not have an exclusive right to refuse service, as Wilkinson claimed, simply because they don’t like the cut of a customer’s jib.

Imagine if you wore a “Trump Won; Get Over It” tee shirt to Shop-Rite and the owner – or the cashier – didn’t like it. Well, you could always move to another checkout line. How long will it take before Liberal customers complain to the Shop-Rite manager that they don’t like that guy over there wearing the “Don’t Tread on Me” tee shirt?

Some Conservative shop owners have exercised this same customer, service, refusing customers who don’t speak English, for instance. But they posted signs in their windows so the customers had advanced warning. Will shop and restaurant owners be forced to post disclaimers, absolving themselves from the politics of any of their customers? Will Liberal establishments post signs declaring that they won’t serve Republicans, or Republican politicians?

America is being dragged deeper into a rancid mire of political and cultural dystopinanism. Vagina hats have given way to vagina “screaming.” Facebook visitors are treated to a montage of nightmarish figures: men wearing bras, fang-bearing Eurynomes, illegal immigrants rioting in the streets waving rainbow flags, and politicians behaving badly.

One is reminded of the street theater of the Sixties, with flag burnings and self-immolating “priests” protesting war and capitalism. A Marxist candidate just beat out an Irish centrist Democrat candidate for a Congressional seat in a mainly Hispanic district in New York City. Hollywood “stars” regularly threaten and malign the President, the First Lady, and even the First Son.

Still, all this mayhem might just backfire on the Democrats. New York’s 14th Congressional District has always been safely in Democrat hands. Now, even the centrist Democrats have to worry. The incumbent is a 10-term Irish-American. The indoctrinated Millennial Generation is flexing its socialist muscle, especially in an Hispanic neighborhood. Remember: the illegal immigrants hail from socialist and communist countries. They’re here for change, but not the change you think. They are very much the ancestors of the conquistadors, the Spanish who came to plunder the Americas for their gold.

The chaos of the Sixties brought about the election of a Republican president by the end of the decade. Conservative voters have been “schooled” since the beginning of the Tea Parties and the election of Donald Trump. The Liberals may have underestimated the doggedness of Conservatives, confusing silence with meekness.

The betrayal by elite, mainstream Republicans has resulted in a growing backlash against moderate or even liberal Republicans like John McCain. Conservatives are ready for this mid-term. Moderate Republicans have been put on notice. The resignation today of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy means Pres. Trump will have another opportunity to fortify the Court with another Conservative justice.

Look for Liberal hysteria to increase. This refusal of service, the opposite of a boycott, will gain credence with stoned Millennials. But the money is still in the pockets of older, Conservative consumers. We prefer family-oriented diners to chic, avant-garde bistros serving fresh-off-the-commune salads laced with e-coli, battered snails, and roux Poulet chasseur.

More and more of these Red Fist restaurants are making their way into our suburbs as Limousine Liberals spread their wealth – and politics – into the countryside, spending the weekends in their country mini-mansions or commuter condos overlooking the slums-to-be high-density affordable housing complexes down in the valleys.

Our valleys. Our schools. Our stores. Our diners. Our towns, which now are littered with the heroin bags of the illegal immigrants who will either drive us out, just as Maxine Waters promised. Or murder us.

We won’t go without a fight (which is difficult in New Jersey); the Communists have basically overrun the state. In this state, we’re looking without much optimism to the mid-terms, but we are looking forward to a second term for President Trump.

Dum vita est, spes es.

Published in: on June 27, 2018 at 4:05 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Little Red Henhouse: We Don’t Serve Your Kind Here!

The Red Hen, a franchise restaurant in Lexington, Va., (some wags claim its address “666 East Washington Street,” although Google notes the address is 11 East Washington Street) is very particular about the type of clientele it serves. When Sarah Huckabee-Sanders arrived Sunday evening with her husband, about four other couples of similar age and one older couple, the chief chef took notice and called his boss, the owner of The Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson, a cousin of Meryl Streep.

Its online advertisement reads: “Cozy destination serving a daily menu of farm-to-table New American cuisine in rustic-chic quarters.” “New American cuisine” – that must have been the clue that Sanders and her party should have found some other establishment.
“The Red Hen is no bigger than some apartments, and the group table was impossible to miss: Sanders in a black dress, her husband, three or four men and women of roughly similar ages, and an older couple,” Wilkinson said.

According to an interview with the Washington Post, Wilkinson reported, “He [the chef] said, ‘The staff is a little concerned. What should we do?’ I said I’d be down to see if it’s true.”

It seemed unlikely to her that President Trump’s press secretary would be dining at a 26-seat restaurant in rural Virginia. But then, it was unlikely that her entire staff would have misidentified Sanders, who had arrived last to a table of eight booked under her husband’s name.

Lexington voted overwhelmingly against Trump in a county that voted overwhelmingly for him. The community was deeply divided over such issues as Confederate flags. According to Wilkinson her restaurant and its half-dozen servers and cooks stayed in business for 10 years by keeping politics off the menu.

If the county and the community were so anti-Trump, how deeply could they have been “divided”?

As far as Wilkinson was concerned, Sarah Huckabee Sanders worked in the service of an “inhumane and unethical” administration and publicly defended the president’s “cruelest policies,” and that that could not stand

Yet, Wilkinson claims she’s not a huge fan of confrontation, that she’s simply a business woman.

Still, she added, “This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

The Washington Post wrote, “The kitchen was already preparing the party’s main course. Wilkinson interrupted to huddle with her workers, several of whom are homosexuals. Trump’s decision to bar transgender people from the military, which Sanders supported. Then, this month, she “evaded” questions about a Trump policy that caused migrant children to be separated from their parents – a policy set by Pres. Bill Clinton 20 years ago.

“Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave,” Wilkinson told her staff, she said. “They said ‘yes.’”

Wilkinson demurred that Sanders had already been served — absolving staff had from refusing her on sight. Sanders was also a public official, not just a customer with whom she disagreed, many of whom are included in her regular clientele, Wilkinson noted hastily

All the same, she was tense as she walked up to the press secretary’s chair.

“I said, ‘I’m the owner,’” she recalled, ‘I’d like you to come out to the patio with me for a word.’”

“They stepped outside, into another small enclosure, but at least out of the crowded restaurant” – where her less politically-correct guests wouldn’t hear what she was about to do.

“I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion,” Wilkinson said. “I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.

“I said, ‘I’d like to ask you to leave.’”

Wilkinson didn’t know how Sanders would react, or whether Trump’s chief spokeswoman had been called out in a restaurant before — as the president’s homeland security secretary had been days earlier.

Sanders’s response was immediate, Wilkinson said: “‘That’s fine. I’ll go.’”

Sanders went back to the table, picked up her things and walked out. The others at her table had been welcome to stay, Wilkinson said. But they didn’t, so the servers cleared away the cheese plates and glasses.

“They offered to pay,” Wilkinson said. “I said, ‘No. It’s on the house.’”

“At the end of the shift, Wilkinson said, staff members left the usual overnight note in the kitchen for the morning manager: a problem with the credit card machine. Restock vodka and tequila.” And an incident of Code 86, a restaurant term to refuse service, or alternatively to take an item off the menu.

After yesterday’s brouhaha over the incident, Wilkinson declared that she’d do it again. Wilkinson may be oblivious to the ramifications of her political discrimination – against which she says there is no law; no law except the First Amendment – but a franchise restaurant in Swedesboro, N.J., received death threats to its employees and threats to burn the restaurant down.

Red Hen can expect blowback at its other restaurants, especially those located in “Red” states. Disagreement is on the main menu of political discourse in the public forum. A restaurant manager in Morristown was fired from his restaurant when Liberal customers took exception to his support of the Tea Party, which was holding a rally on the Morristown Green across the street. He allowed the Tea Party to use a backroom at his restaurant to organize their event.

The Left’s intolerance of contrary opinions speaks to their long-term agenda – removing all opposition, destroying our freedom of speech and right to protest their policies, and eventually installing a one-party system in the United States, with an “unimpeachable” bureaucratic state accountable to no one but the party leaders.

Unless Sanders was planning to stage a press conference at the restaurant, there was no good reason for the owner to subjectively evict her – and insult her.  The fact that she was recognizable should have carried no weight. The only disturbance she created was in the addled minds of the staff. In yet another Marxist hypocrisy, they’re opposed to personal property ownership – except when it suits their purposes. Wilkinson was making her own political statement, which she knew quite well would make headlines.

If restaurants really wish to practice political discrimination, they should at least have the courtesy to post a sign – some Conservative diners and eateries have done so – that they practice political discrimination of one kind or another. That way, customers don’t have to wait until the dinner is on the table before finding out that the chef is a vagina-hatted woman-wannabe carrying a political hatchet for those who don’t recognize his gender.

We’ll all be happy to find a more appetizing restaurant.


Published in: on June 26, 2018 at 10:19 am  Leave a Comment  

Melania’s Fashion Statement

First Lady Melania Trump has left the Liberal fashion world agog with her fashion statement raincoat, which reads:  “I don’t care.  Do U?”


We’re always supportive of Pres. Trump and his lovely wife, Melania.  She’s the most beautiful lady since Jackie Kennedy, and probably a heck of a lot nicer (Jackie was a notorious snob.).


However, as for the message on her coat, something must have been lost in translation.


She doesn’t care.  About what?  Donald tweeted that she meant she didn’t care about the Media and what they write – and photograph.  The “U” is “U” as in “Us.”  If that’s what she meant, she’s darned right we don’t care.  So, it’s sort of like, “Honk If U Love Trump.”


Let Us hope that she carries her political statements even further.  It’s summertime and that means tee shirts.  There already some great tee shirts out there for her perusal:


“Trump Won.  Deal With It.”  If one were her fashion adviser, this would be the number one recommendation.


“FNN – Fake News Network” can be found on  This has been a very popular tee shirt.  It gets lots of laugh and applause at Tea Party rallies.  A note of caution, though: If you cafepress “politics” you’ll only find anti-Trump, deep blue messages.  You have to type in “Conservative” to find our kind of tee shirts, bumper stickers and so forth.


They are there, though:


“Today’s Illegal:  Tomorrow’s Democrat”




“Conservatives Teach You To Fish.  Liberals Take Your Fish and Give It To Someone Unwilling to Fish”


“If You Can’t Feed ‘Em, Don’t Breed ‘Em”


“Work Harder.  Welfare Depends on You”


“This Is My Gun Permit (The 2nd Amendment)”


And finally, a Tea Party time tee shirt that shows Tea Partiers with signs that read:  “58 Million Did Not Fall for Your Crap.”


Tee shirts are a great way to get the message across without actually having to engage in conversation with people you don’t know.  Schools won’t allow kids to do it, but we adults are still free.  There have been occasional dust-ups over tee shirts.  As long as they don’t contain any foul language or obscene gestures, you should feel free to express yourself.  Liberals will look away, but fellow Conservatives will nod appreciatively.


I tried magnetic bumper stickers, but some enraged Liberal kept stealing them.  I’m hoping someone will invent an inner window sticker that I can attach.  Some companies have gotten upset, especially during elections.  They complain that the employees are parked on their property.  But the car still belongs to you and the company is just hoping you’re not connected to some Conservative organization like Judicial Watch that might take them up on a lawsuit if the company fires or threatens you.


My older brother is the ultimate in Conservative political one-upmanship.  He hasn’t meant the Liberal yet who intimidates him.  Oh, he keeps it quiet at work.  But when he’s on his own time, any Liberal is fair game.  He’s the King of Liberal-Mocking.  He has a store of Liberal jokes and jibes that he keeps at the ready.


Big Brother jabs fast and furiously.  He’s not afraid of laughing at his own jokes, which prevents the Liberal from responding quickly in kind.  The Liberal also expecting a retort.  Conservatives are supposed to bow their heads in humiliation.  Not Big Brother.  He just keeps the jokes coming.


So keep that in mind the next time you’re confronted by an egotistical Liberal.  Look over the best Conservative joke sites.  Memorize them.  Be prepared when they confront you with an anti-Trump jibe.


It works – I promise you.

Melania’s Fashion Statement


First Lady Melania Trump has left the Liberal fashion world ago with her fashion statement raincoat, which reads:  “I don’t care.  Do U?”


We’re always supportive of Pres. Trump and his lovely wife, Melania.  She’s the most beautiful lady since Jackie Kennedy, and probably a heck of a lot nicer (Jackie was a notorious snob.).


However, as for the message on her coat, something must have been lost in translation.


She doesn’t care.  About what?  Donald tweeted that she meant she didn’t care about the Media and what they write – and photograph.  The “U” is “U” as in “Us.”  If that’s what she meant, she’s darned right we don’t care.  So, it’s sort of like, “Honk If U Love Trump.”


Let Us hope that she carries her political statements even further.  It’s summertime and that means tee shirts.  There already some great tee shirts out there for her perusal:


“Trump Won.  Deal With It.”  If one were her fashion adviser, this would be the number one recommendation.


“FNN – Fake News Network” can be found on  This has been a very popular tee shirt.  It gets lots of laugh and applause at Tea Party rallies.  A note of caution, though: If you cafepress “politics” you’ll only find anti-Trump, deep blue messages.  You have to type in “Conservative” to find our kind of tee shirts, bumper stickers and so forth.


They are there, though:


“Today’s Illegal:  Tomorrow’s Democrat”




“Conservatives Teach You To Fish.  Liberals Take Your Fish and Give It To Someone Unwilling to Fish”


“If You Can’t Feed ‘Em, Don’t Breed ‘Em”


“Work Harder.  Welfare Depends on You”


“This Is My Gun Permit (The 2nd Amendment)”


And finally, a Tea Party time tee shirt that shows Tea Partiers with signs that read:  “58 Million Did Not Fall for Your Crap.”


Tee shirts are a great way to get the message across without actually having to engage in conversation with people you don’t know.  Schools won’t allow kids to do it, but we adults are still free.  There have been occasional dust-ups over tee shirts.  As long as they don’t contain any foul language or obscene gestures, you should feel free to express yourself.  Liberals will look away, but fellow Conservatives will nod appreciatively.


I tried magnetic bumper stickers, but some enraged Liberal kept stealing them.  I’m hoping someone will invent an inner window sticker that I can attach.  Some companies have gotten upset, especially during elections.  They complain that the employees are parked on their property.  But the car still belongs to you and the company is just hoping you’re not connected to some Conservative organization like Judicial Watch that might take them up on a lawsuit if the company fires or threatens you.


My older brother is the ultimate in Conservative political one-upmanship.  He hasn’t meant the Liberal yet who intimidates him.  Oh, he keeps it quiet at work.  But when he’s on his own time, any Liberal is fair game.  He’s the King of Liberal-Mocking.  He has a store of Liberal jokes and jibes that he keeps at the ready.


Big Brother jabs fast and furiously.  He’s not afraid of laughing at his own jokes, which prevents the Liberal from responding quickly in kind.  The Liberal also expecting a retort.  Conservatives are supposed to bow their heads in humiliation.  Not Big Brother.  He just keeps the jokes coming.


So keep that in mind the next time you’re confronted by an egotistical Liberal.  Look over the best Conservative joke sites.  Memorize them.  Be prepared when they confront you with an anti-Trump jibe.


It works – I promise you.











Published in: on June 22, 2018 at 1:28 pm  Leave a Comment  

Trump Keeps Families Together in Detention

Even with 100 percent Republican support, 10 Democrats would still need to sign on for the immigration reform our country needs, President Trump tweeted today.

“Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades-old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!

“We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections. Obama and others had the same pictures and did nothing about it!”

President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order to allow children to stay with parents caught crossing the border illegally — moving to stop the family separations that have triggered a national outcry and political crisis for Republicans.

The measure would allow children to stay in detention with parents for an extended period of time. This comes as congressional Republicans scramble to draft legislation to address the same issue, but face challenges mustering the votes.

Trump, previewing the measure earlier in the day during a meeting with lawmakers, said the move would “be matched by legislation.” He also said he’s canceling the upcoming congressional picnic, adding: “It didn’t feel exactly right to me.”

The separations stem from the administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which aims to prosecute all illegal border crossers. But because of a 1997 order and related decisions, children cannot be detained for longer than 20 days with the adults.

Liberals have been using spurious photographs of crying toddlers to convey a sense of “crisis” at the border and at the detention centers on the border. The only real crisis is that there are so many illegal immigrants trying to flood over our border.

Time magazine’s cover this week is a photoshopped image of Pres. Trump looking down at a crying toddler. The toddler was actually with her mother while immigration officials questioned her. The mother was subsequently arrested but was never separated from her child.

The Democrats use a very broad definition of “child.” This “crisis” certainly isn’t the first time. A “child” by definition, is “a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.” Describing hulking, sulking teenagers as “children” is technically correct, but far from the reality.

Rush Limbaugh, in the March 2018 issue of The Limbaugh Letter, always a useful resource for facts and figures, called out the “Five [Biggest] Lib Lies About Dreamers.”

“Lie No. 1: It’s for the children. Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [DACA] program in 2012 to save illegals’ little ones from deportation.

“Fact: The average DADA recipient is 25 years old; 72 percent of DACA “children” are 21 to 36.” Source: Pew Research Statista

“Lie No. 2: DACA recipients are model, law-abiding citizens.”

“Fact: Over 2,000 dreamers have been terminated by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) based on felony convictions, gang affiliations, criminal offenses including ‘alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses, and weapons offenses.” Source: Washington Examiner, USCIS

“Lie No. 3: Dreamers are the best and brightest! They’re better educated and have higher employment rates than those born in America.

“Fact: DACA recipients; education and employment rates are below or on par with Americans.’ And, according to the Center for Immigration Studies [CIS], “most Dreamers have committed multiples felonies in order to get jobs – Social Security fraud, forgery, perjury on I-9 forms, falsification of green cards and drivers licenses, identity theft.” Source: Migration Policy Institute

“Lie No. 4: DACA hasn’t increased illegal immigration.

“Fact: The influx of illegal unaccompanied minors has soared since DACA was introduced.”

Source: U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Pew Research, CIS, U.S. Census

“Lie No. 5: By paying taxes, Dreamers contribute more than they receive. DACA is building a strong economy.

“Fact: DACA recipients and their families are part of the illegal immigrant population that has cost U.S. taxpayers $116 billion – and counting.”

Source: Freedom for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Graphics in the article indicated that:

• The DACA flood reached a peak of 68,631 “Dreamers” in 2014
• Only 4 percent had a bachelor’s degree
• In 2016, 848 “Dreamers” were deported for criminal activity
• Eleven percent of the “children” were in their thirties.
• Dreamers paid taxes – but – the taxes only off-set the costs by $18 billion

The price tag alone should have loyal Americans marching with their signs in the streets [we do our protesting on the sidewalks and sides of the road – we’re law-abiding citizens who don’t believe in hindering traffic]. Liberals’ cries of racism and nativism just don’t hold water.

Liberals have taken to citing Emma Lazarus’ poem, “The New Colossus,” which is inscribed at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty. The problem is, Lazarus was a socialist who believed that, while property owners could derive value from whatever they produced from the land, they shouldn’t own the land.

Her poem had nothing to do with why Bartholdi created the statue. Originally, Bartholdi and his supporters conceived of the statue as a tribute to Abraham Lincoln, who had just recently been assassinated. By the time the project was ready to be built into reality, the nation’s centennial had arrived.

Another eight years passed before Lady Liberty was ready to make her debut in New York Harbor – and she still needed a pedestal, for which schoolchildren all over America donated their pennies.

Lady Liberty’s light was supposed to be an inspiration to those held in the bondage of tyranny across the ocean to declare their own freedom, on their own shores. Instead, they flocked here, fleeing not so much from poverty and hunger – although that was a factor, especially in the case of Irish immigrants – but from Europe’s incessant wars.

Nineteenth Century European immigrants didn’t come to America seeking a free hand-out. Their work ethic was strong. They met much greater discrimination than today’s immigrants do and they came with a job skill. If they didn’t have a job skill, a sponsor, and good health, they were returned to their home country.

Those immigrants didn’t blame America herself because they were discriminated against. “Irish Need Not Apply.” “Italians Need Not Apply.” They took what work they could get – building bridges, working in steel mills and mines, waiting tables. They saved their money and relied on their own resources. They learned to speak English. By the second and third generation, their families were all-American and successful.

Today’s illegal immigrants claim they aren’t fleeing from their government but from the drug lords – whom Millennial Americans in particular, but Baby Boomers, too, have made incredibly powerful. They don’t mind their socialist governments. They don’t mind turning their “new” country into socialist state. If the natives balk, they can count on the Democrat party to silence them with legal threats and social stigmatization.

Residents of California are said to be fed up, one of the states most affected by the illegal immigration wave. But they’re afraid to speak out. Congress is getting ready to kick the ball down the road once again. The final bill they’re prepared to vote on looks nothing like Trump’s agenda.

According to the Heritage Foundation, H.R. 6136 (The “Compromise Bill”) provides:

• Six-year renewable legal status for 1.8 to 2.4 million illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship
• A slightly modified, family-based chain migration that could allow DACA parents to get amnesty
• No mandatory e-verify and no defunding of sanctuary cities
• Reallocation of visas for amnesty recipients and children of certain guest workers
• Funding for border wall and tactical infrastructure
• A reuniting of illegal immigrant families.

The original, Goodlatte Bill – “Securing America’s Future Act of 2018” – H.R. 4760:

• Gave 3-year renewable legal status for 690,00 illegal immigration
• Ended family-based migration (other than spouses and minor children)
• Required mandatory e-verify and defunding of sanctuary cities
• Re-allocated visas to employment-based preference categories
• Provided extreme funding for border wall and tactical infrastructure
• Reunited illegal immigrant families.

Supposedly, the hardline version was defeated today.

Thank goodness for the Heritage Foundation, or we’d never know about the bait-and-switch tactics our Congressional representatives use to pass bad bills that hurt Americans. This is what happens in legislative committees. Sen. Charles “The Weasel” Schumer (D-N.Y.), the minor party committee chairman, instructed his committee members not to sign the original bill and not to cooperate with Pres. Trump on any legislation he proposes.

Thus, the President must resort to Executive Orders, which can be eliminated with the next president. He can’t do it alone. The mid-term elections are approaching and we must do our duty to elect pro-American, anti-illegal immigration candidates to office.

Congress is seriously in need of revamping. That cannot happen until we sweep the House and Senate of politicians cemented to the floors of Congress. Even cement can be demolished. This cement is held together by a porous conglomeration of poorly-educated, easily-led sheeple, former legislators-turned-lobbyists, Big Money interests, and communist agitators. The Media is their voice and face, which intimidates Americans from speaking their minds, mainly for fear of losing their jobs.

Liberals believe (mostly rightly) that Americans fear a fight, that we have “sit-down-your-rocking-the-boat mentality, inculcated since Kindergarten when we were taught to sit quietly and listen to the teacher, raise our hands if, and only if, we have a question, and never talk back.

A long-time social precept cautions us not to discuss sex, religion or politics in mixed company – whatever that mixed company might be. Certainly, that rule applies to the workplace. Co-workers, especially Liberal co-workers, are a fearful collection of Colossuses. They sit astride the cubicle aisles, silencing any water-cooler or breaktime political conversations.

So, we must wait for the weekends when we’re with like-minded friends and family. Younger family members are even more timid than their parents. Don’t even THINK Conservative thoughts. Keep them in your own breast. If you must rage against the Deep State machine, do it in the shower.

Aw, nuts to that! Stay silent and just let ourselves be mowed over? Show your kids the photo of the guy in Tiananmen Square facing off against a tank. He was probably scared out of his wits. Yet he still stood there, defiant. He was killed.

But at least he died with honor.



Published in: on June 22, 2018 at 12:37 pm  Leave a Comment  

Illegal Immigrant Children’s Theater: What’s Behind the Curtain?

Hours after U.S. Rep. Al Green introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Dec. 6, 2017, the U.S. House voted 364-58 on a “motion to table” the resolution, effectively killing it.


He was the first congressman to bring the idea of impeaching Trump to the House of Representatives. On May 17, 2017, during the House’s five-minute speech time, Green again called for the House to impeach Trump, citing his firing of FBI Director James Comey and Trump’s statement in an interview that he did so in consideration of Comey’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


Green, who represents the most Democrat district in Houston, stated,


“I rise today, Mr. Speaker, to call for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America for obstruction of justice. I do not do this for political purposes, Mr. Speaker. I do this because I believe in the great ideals that this country stands for – liberty and justice for all, the notion that we should have government of the people, by the people, for the people. I do it because, Mr. Speaker, there is a belief in this country that no one is above the law, and that includes the President of the United States of America.”


Rumors are flying about social media that Green is at it again and that the hysterics over illegal immigrant children are a smokescreen for what may be going on in Congress.  The illegal children may be the political theater props to hide what Congress is doing.


Or it could be a smokescreen for any number of nefarious hijinks Congress tries to conceal from the American public.  Hollywood hucksters are popping up like whack-o-moles all over social media in order to distract Americans from what’s really happening.
The Russian Collusion scam is quickly running out of track.  Judicial Watch has been on the Liberals’ trail, presenting overwhelming evidence that the colluders were not President Trump and his team, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton & Company.


So now, the whole Mediaverse is shrieking about the separation of illegal alien children from their illegal alien parents.  Conservative pundit after Conservative pundit has pointed out the obvious solution – depart the whole family.


The Liberals are in an echo chamber.  They don’t hear anyone speaking the truth of the matter:  that the law was signed by the Clinton Administration decades ago.  Trump had nothing to do with the law, other than authorizing ICE to enforce it.


The fact that no one is talking about anything else is a warning that something is up.  Or are we in the middle of a last-day-of-Spring doldrums?  Midsummer (today) means that the days will start getting gradually shorter again.  With the shorter days comes the Mid-Term Election.  In California, their primaries are all mixed up so that the first two winners, be they Democrat or Republican, will be put on the ticket, rather than the winner from each party.


How the heck did they manage that?


Anyway, like people suffering from a drought or a deluge, we’re hoping for an end to the deluge of illegal immigrant children – and the endless wails from Hollywood and the Media on their behalf.




Published in: on June 20, 2018 at 3:11 pm  Leave a Comment  

Keeping it in the Illegal Immigrant Family

Democrats are getting crucified today for their accusations that Pres. Trump is trying to split up illegal immigrant families.  In fact, the law was put on that famous family man, Bill Clinton.   He signed the law that said that children of illegal immigrants would be taken into federal custody.

A picture of an alleged illegal alien kid in a cage was being spread around social media by the Democrats as evidence of Trump’s cruel indifference to the plight of illegal minors separated from their illegal alien pictures.  I thought it was a fake and wrote to my Facebook friends to find out the true history of the picture.

It turned out to be a publicity stunt as part of a pro-illegal alien protest.  The kid was in a cage with a bunch of adults, presumably his family.

How do families get “separated”?  Let us count the ways:

Death.  Divorce.  Abortion.  Abandonment.  Military deployment.  Company transfers.  Drug and alcohol abuse.  Imprisonment.  Eviction.  Homelessness.  Natural disasters.

Death and divorce account for most of the family separations, but sometimes it’s a matter of a job transfer to another part of the country.  The nuclear family might be intact, but they’re separated from the larger family network.

Mom’s family was evicted when she was 9.  Grandpa went one way (out to sea as a radioman).  Grandma went the other way.  And Mom went another way.

That the Democrats would cast themselves as the champions of “The Family” is risibly absurd.  They’ve done everything possible in the last century to destroy the nuclear family, especially the white, middle-class version in their leafy suburbs.

New Jersey was once a haven for those middle-class families seeking refuge from the high taxes and high crime of New York City.  Our suburban neighborhood, high on a hill was – and is – particularly beautiful.  But down below, the Obama minions are still actively destroying suburbs long after the Big O left office.

Few jobs are left for middle class workers here in New Jersey.  Mostly, they’ve had to pack up and leave for more family-friendly states.  On this section of my mother’s street, there is only one young family, or at least one couple young enough to have children (they’re still in the puppy stage at this point).

The rest of the neighbors are all in their Sixties or older.  Not a child in sight in a neighborhood once known for its mobs of children.  When the neighborhood was built, the town planners and the citizens were only convinced that the developer was family-friendly when he threw in an elementary school for nothing just for the right to build houses here.

What children there are are likely illegal immigrants.  Not that anyone in authority takes notice around here.  It’s just fine with the town’s Democrat mayor.  They even put up a sign leading up to this development noting that not only is the town sustainable but is inclusive and politically correct.  No discrimination here.

That wasn’t always the case with this town.  Which is why they’ve literally blown up the town’s historic Federal Hill.  They’ve dynamited it with glee as a message to any throwbacks to the days of the Ku Klux Klan (yeah, they were here) and the Neo-Nazis, who took over Federal Hill in the 1930s.  They were finally evicted during World War II. They weren’t only indoctrinated young German-Americans but spying on the war industry here.

Time was when the Left openly mocked the Nuclear Family.  Since the Seventies, with the advent of women in the workplace, daycare, divorce, and contraception, the Nuclear Family barely has enough atoms to constitute a nucleus.  The Left has not only achieved its goal of Zero Population Growth, but driven American families into the negative numbers.

What’s more, today’s college-age children failed to progress beyond the toddler stage.  They whine and cry over the 2016 election loss the way they might have wailed at the age of three when someone took away their dolly or truck.

Now we’re supposed to hang our heads in guilt at the separation of illegal immigrant families.  Families should stick together.  So, Conservative pundits everywhere have been saying to illegal immigrants, “Stay where you are if you want to stick together.”

But the solution is quite simple:  don’t bother warehousing the illegal immigrant adults.  Just turn them right around and send them back with their broods to wherever they came from.  The family that breaks immigration law together should stick together and be deported together.










Published in: on June 19, 2018 at 3:44 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Poor Illegal Pot Babies

If there was anything more ridiculous than a White House press corps member trying to accuse White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee-Sanders of taking cheap shots (presumably by referring to the Bible as a legal reference sources), it’s that the chief Media Violinist was none other than Playboy White House reporter Brian Karem (along with CNN’s Jim Acosta).

Playboy Magazine has a White House press reporter?!  Who knew?

The exchange went like this (transcript from The Washington Free Beacon, although we had been watching it live on television):

Reporter: On these children that are being separated from their families as they come across the border. The attorney general earlier today said that somehow there’s a justification for this in the Bible. Where does it say in the Bible that it’s moral to take children away from their mothers?

Sanders: I’m not aware of the attorney general’s comments or what he would be referencing. I can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law, that is actually repeated a number of times throughout the Bible. However-

Reporter: [cross-talk]

Sanders: Hold on Jim, if you’ll let me finish.  Again, I’m not gonna comment on the attorney [general]’s specific comments that I haven’t seen-

Reporter: You just said it’s in the Bible to follow the law-

Sanders: That’s not what I said, and I know it’s hard for you to understand even short sentences I guess, but please don’t take my words out of context.

Reporter: That’s a cheap shot. That’s a cheap shot, Sarah.Top of Form


Bottom of Form

Sanders: But the separation of illegal families – alien families –  is the product of the same legal -loopholes that Democrats refuse to close, and these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade, and the president is simply enforcing them.


Reporter: You are a parent; don’t you have any empathy? Come on, Sarah, you’re a parent don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through? They have less than you do.

Sanders: Jill [acknowledging another reporter].  Brian. Guys, settle down.

Reporter: Sarah come on, seriously.

Sanders: I’m trying to be serious but I’m not going to have you yell out of turn. Jill, please go ahead.

Reporter: It’s a law, these people have nothing.

Sanders: Hey, seriously, Brian, I know you want to get more TV time but that’s not what this is about, if I want to recognize you.

Reporter: It’s not about that; it’s about you answering the question Sarah. Honestly answer the question.

Sanders: Go ahead, Jill.

According to the Free Beacon, “CNN contributor and Playboy White House reporter Brian Karem erupted on Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over President Donald Trump’s border policies Thursday, asking if she had any empathy for children and accusing the administration of throwing them ‘in cages.’

“The Trump administration has come under fire for separating illegal immigrant children from their parents as part of a “zero tolerance” policy. Sanders took questions about the policy on Thursday, also sparring with CNN’s Jim Acosta over it. She called on Democrats to fix ‘loopholes’ in the law to address the problem.


“Although he wasn’t called on, Karem – whose previous dramatic outbursts in the briefing room won him a role as a CNN political contributor – interrupted and berated Sanders over the Trump administration’s controversial policy.”


“You’re a parent! Don’t you have any empathy? Come on, Sarah, you’re a parent!” he cried. “Don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through? They have less than you do. Sarah, on, seriously. Seriously.”

He went on to cry that the illegal immigrants were victims of drug gangs in their home countries and were seeking refuge.  That’s not, of course, what statistics say; they say that in inner cities, particularly, the crime rate has risen.

Seriously, if you are an “empathetic” parent, you’ll come down hard on your teenagers for doing drugs, whether it’s marijuana, heroin, or ivy leaves.  Americans have created the market for these drug-dealers?

And what are we doing?  We’re opening our doors to them, legalizing the gateway drug of marijuana, which studies have shown is extremely addictive, and leading to worse and worse.  The illegal immigrants are either drug mules or sex slaves, dragging their unfortunate children across the scorching southwestern U.S. desert with them.

But Karem is right; we shouldn’t be separating the children from their parents.  We should be sending them all packing back to where they came from.  If you really pity the children of illegal immigrants, and their captivity to the drug lords, then you should swear off drugs.


No more pot.  No legal weed or otherwise.  No opium.  No heroin.  No cocaine.  No speed.  They’re flocking here because states like Colorado have legalized pot.  They figure on doing their “farming” here.  Methamphetamine is big here in Northern New Jersey.

Put them out of business.  What are you doing, wasting hundreds of thousands, millions, billions of dollars on this garbage?!  Some of us can’t get any work at all, and you idiots are blowing that much money up in smoke?!  Seriously?!  And you want us to feel sorry for the children for your suppliers?

Stomp out the giggle grass and get serious.  Give those kids and those families a one-way ticket back home where they belong.  Don’t legalize any drugs, Mr. President.





Published in: on June 15, 2018 at 1:44 pm  Leave a Comment  

Freedom of Speech Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey forced to publicly apologize for eating at Chick-fil-A on Sunday after tweeting a screenshot from his phone showing the bill of $28.43.

The Liberalverse went into supernova when the learned of his sin.  Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy expressed his personal, Christian views about gay marriage and became an instant target of the Left and a hero of the Right.

Dorsey tweeted a screenshot from his phone that showed a purchase he had made at Chick-fil-A using a mobile application. After a liberal backlash, however, Dorsey apologized for eating at the niche fast-food restaurant.  June is Gay Pride Month and the Gay Pride crowd took umbrage at Dorsey’s fast-food choice.

The Supreme Court recently backed up a Christian baker who was sued for refusing to bake a “gay” wedding cake.  The gay couple passed up over 300 secular bakers before they focused in on this baker in Colorado.

According to an article in the L.A. Times:  “By a 7-2 vote, the court said Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker, was treated with hostility and bias by a state commission that concluded his actions violated a state anti-discrimination law. One commission member had commented that religion was used throughout history to justify slavery, the Holocaust and ‘all kinds of discrimination.’

“But the court’s opinion also emphasized the importance of equal rights for gays and lesbians, and it largely rejected the claim that store owners have broad religious liberty rights to turn away customers because of their sexual orientation.


“’Although some may object to same-sex marriages,’ said Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, ‘it is a general rule that such objections do not allow business owners and other actors in the economy and in society to deny protected persons equal access to goods and services under a neutral and generally applicable public accommodations law.’”


High time the court closed the gate on this herd of wild horses.  But they’re already out of the gate and ravaging our social landscape.  One Target store features an entire section of Gay Pride Month items for children.  Gender identity has run amok.  There’s even a transgender doll, which identifies as female but is actually a male doll, based on a real-life transgender male-to-female.


Progressive Liberals would have us believe that we’re making “progress,” that we’re in a new age of enlightenment about sexuality.  However, sexual deviancy goes all the way back to ancient times, to the Greek gods.  Hyacinth was a homosexual with whom the god Apollo fell in love with as well as the Greek poet Thamyris – said to be the first mortal man to love a member of his own sex.  The West Wind became jealous of Apollo and as Apollo was playing Greek frisbee with Hyacinthus, the West Wind caused the discus to decapitate Hyacinthus.  The youth’s blood is said to have become the flower.


Ye gods.


Rape, incest, orgies, murders.  This is what the typical Liberal liberal college student learns, typically in their first year.  This “education” is furthered by induction into a Greek fraternity.  Greek mythology is quite frightful; no wonder we don’t teach it to school children, although Liberals may insist on a sanitized version in their private schools so their kids will be ahead of the game when they get to college.


These Liberal college students eventually become our media writers.  Ever read Lena Dunham?  She penned one of the most disgusting biographies ever about an incestuous relationship with her sister.  After attending the New School in New York City, Dunham graduated from Oberlin College (of Barack Obama fame) in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing.


“I didn’t go to film school,” Dunham explains. “Instead I went to liberal arts school and self-imposed a curriculum of creating tiny flawed video sketches, brief meditations on comic conundrums, and slapping them on the Internet.”


One early film, entitled The Fountain, which depicted her in a bikini brushing her teeth in the public fountain at Oberlin College, went viral on YouTube. Dunham had a career breakthrough with her semi-autobiographic 2010 feature film Tiny Furniture (her mother was a photographer who specialized in photographing dollhouses). The film won Best Narrative Feature at South by Southwest Music and Media Conference, and subsequently screened at such festivals as the Maryland Film Festival.


Dunham plays the lead role of Aura.  Laurie Simmons (Lena Dunham’s real-life mother) plays Aura’s mother, and Lena’s real-life sister Grace plays Aura’s on-screen sister. For her work on Tiny Furniture, Dunham also won an Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay.


The success of Tiny Furniture earned Dunham a blind script deal at HBO. The network set Dunham up with veteran show runner Jennifer Konner. Konner told Vulture’s Jada Yuan that she got involved with Dunham because she was an obsessive Tiny Furniture fan


“I got a copy of Tiny Furniture from [HBO president] Sue Neagle.  Actually, [New Girl creator] Liz Meriwether told me about it and said, ‘Oh, there’s this great movie. This girl, she’s 23, wrote, directed, and starred in it; she’s in her underwear the whole time.’ And I was like, ‘I really don’t want to see that.’ And then she was like, ‘Oh, trust me, it’s great.’  So Sue gave it to me just because she had it…I used to, like, give out copies of the movie.  But I’d just broken up with my writing partner and couldn’t be less interested in the idea of supervising anybody. I really was like, ‘I’m going to find my voice, and be on my own’ And then they called me and they were like, ‘Oh, the Tiny Furniture girl is doing a show, do you want to supervise her?’ And I was like, ‘Yes! One million percent. Sign me up. Totally on board.’


Dunham’s television series, Girls, about four young women on their own in Manhattan, was greenlit by HBO in early 2011.  In September 2014, Dunham’s essay collection, Not That Kind of Girl:  A Young Woman Tells You What She’s “Learned”, was published in September 2014, and reached number two on The New York Times Best Seller List on October 19.  In this book, she described a sexual assault while at Oberlin College and her incestuous relationship (in great detail) with her younger sister.


This is what passes for “success” today.  These are the people, the gatekeepers who determine what one can and cannot say.


Selecting June as their month was no accident by the LGBBQs.  June is the most popular month for weddings.  As they chose the biblical symbol of God’s rainbow (His vow to never destroy the Earth again by a flood) as their flag, so they chose June as their month.  Ostensibly, June was chosen to commemorate the Stonewall Riots.  Early on the morning of June 28, 1969, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning persons rioted following a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar at 43 Christopher Street, New York City.


That was one day.  Why not Stonewall Day?  Or Gay Pride Day, June 28? Why a whole month?  Actually, the Gay Liberationists of the day did declare June 28 Christopher Street Liberation Day in 1970 two years later, leading to the first Gay Pride March.


In the 1980s there was a major cultural shift in the Stonewall Riot commemorations. The previous loosely organized, grassroots marches and parades were taken over by more organized and less radical elements of the gay community. The marches began dropping “Liberation” (too old-fashioned) and “Freedom” (too patriotic) from their names under pressure from more conservative members of the community, replacing them with the philosophy of “Gay Pride” (in the more liberal San Francisco, the name of the gay parade and celebration was not changed from Gay Freedom Day Parade to Gay Pride Day Parade until 1994).


The Greek lambda symbol, which denotes the empty string (Λ) or the actual Greek symbol (λ) and also the lebesque, the null or empty set theory in mathematics, and the pink triangle, which had been revolutionary symbols of the Gay Liberation Movement, were tidied up and incorporated into the Gay Pride, or Pride, movement, providing some symbolic continuity with its more radical beginnings, linking the movement with another minority movement – the Black Pride movement.


Only an over-educated gay Liberal college student could explain the connection between this complicated piece of calculus and the Gay Pride movement’s pink triangle symbol.  The symbol has gone by the wayside.  I remember seeing it on a rather nasty co-workers cubicle years ago.  Today, they use the rainbow flag, which is about offensive to Christians as you can get.


After God destroyed the world with the Flood, God regretted killing off all the plants and animals.  That’s why He put the rainbow into the sky, to serve as a memo to Himself to take better aim next time.  He wasn’t so sorry about destroying evil people.  Just to make sure we got the message, not too much later, He sent an asteroid into the Alps which in turn rained down its fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah just to make sure people understood they weren’t off the hook. (Sodom and Gomorrah – Genesis 19:1-44; Noah’s Ark – Genesis 6:1-22).


Noah’s great-grandson, Nimrod, was a snowflake who resented what happened to the bad guys.  He rode around ridding the earth of dangerous wild animals, for which he was heralded a hero by men.  But he was also the first Radical who built the legendary Tower of Babel so God couldn’t wipe them out with a flood again.  Some say he also built the Tower to defy God, to one day make an assault on God.  So God cursed them with different languages so they couldn’t understand one another.


The Tower of Babel (Babylon) became the Tower of Babble.  Finally, his great uncle had to dispatch him and left his remains at every temple to evil that he had created.  However, his wife created a fable of his rebirth and the temples became places to make sacrifices to him.


These tales soon became the Greek myths.  And the Egyptian and the Babylon and the Canaanite.  These are the same mythical figures we are battling today.  The same horrible cults, the same terrible rites, the same loathsome figures.  Even the Roman Catholic Church adopted their ceremonies in its early days.  This is why the Paganists (that’s really what they are) resent Christianity so, although they deny that there’s any connection.


We must hold to our faith and not allow ourselves to be coerced into adopting their ways.


The solar system is full of asteroids and they’ve been coming closer and closer of late.






Published in: on June 12, 2018 at 2:37 pm  Leave a Comment